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  • @gen-superman




    $bb->bb_xmlrpc_allow_user_switching = true;


    Oh, thank god you exist in this world :)

    You were right…

    I actually made several mistakes, that I wanted to point out, and then my final post on this topic will lead to the url to where I found out how to fix my issues.

    But, thanks to TheEasyButton and John James Jacoby for their help. As it truly helped.

    Also a big thanks to Trent Adams for writing up that helpful tutorial found sticky on these buddypress forums.

    I had forgotten several steps

    – Add the code to the bottom of the bb-config file, that TheEasyButton mentioned above.

    – Disable forum discussions on new or existing group forums, and then re-enable them after they are created or working.

    – Needed to be signed in to both WPMU and BBPRESS as the administrator and not the key master. I had forgotten to set up my new admin account to have admin priviledges on the bbpress side. Woops… like big woops. :(

    There are two MAJOR things I wanted to point out.

    – If you tried to intall bbpress 1.0.1 by itself as fresh install, then I kept getting a major error that said, “Could not create new forum” during installing. I had to install bbpress 1.0 first to a new SQL database, then I removed all the files from the BBPRESS folder, and then uploaded the new bbpress 1.0.1 files. Which once I installed this new version, the SQL database was already set up for bbpress, so it just treated it as updating. Someone at BBPRESS really needs to fix that, as I’m sure many people are running into that problem.

    – The last thing I would like to mention, is that I didn’t really see on the tutorial article about helpful forum integration on the buddypress forums, about the cookies. I probably just missed that part, but it is very important that even when you overwrite your bbpress files, that when you over write your bb_config file, that you make sure the cookies are set and match wp_config cookies, of course with the bb_ prefix within the cookie parameters. Such as:








    define( ‘WP_AUTH_COOKIE_VERSION’, 1 );

    If you forget that last line, then it will definitely mess up everything too. But, the plugins placed into the right directories are the most important. This also doesn’t include that some buddy press plugins require that you move certain files from those plugins into your default buddy press theme. You also have to have a default buddy press theme in order to see everything properly too.

    One more thing,

    Hopefully, one day, someone will create an easier way to do all of this. Everything is so scattered all over the place, and right now, it can take a newbie several hours to get everything set up the way it is suppose to be. So, hopefully, somebody might create a program or something that will just automatically do everything for you or done through a central area at least.

    Thanks again for the help,

    my problem is solved.



    Well, now I am on a shared hosting service. I honestly have no idea how to check the cookies from the website directly even from the cpanel.

    I really do like WordPressMU and buddypress, and my main goal was to use buddy press’s group forum discussions, which utilize bbpress.

    I had this working before, and now it just keeps giving some error when I try to post a forum topic in the group discussions:

    “There was an error posting that topic.”

    Is there any error logs that buddypress, wordpress mu or bbpress produces that can at least show me what in the world is causing the error?

    I went into my CPANEL and there are no errors being shown in its error logs.

    I thought it was BBPRESS 1.0.1, so I downgraded to BBPRESS 1.0, and keep in mind I created a whole new sql database and username during this, and of course that didnt work.

    Then I downgraded to BBPRESS 1.0-RC3, and that didn’t work either. Nothing really has changed, except for bbpress. I have double checked the wp_config and bb_config keys and they all match up perfectly.

    However, the cookie hash key has remained the same throughout the entire situation, even after creating new databases and such.

    I honestly can’t think of anything else to really do here. I guess, I’m stuck.

    For now, I will keep trying, but I’m also just going to look for something else in the mean time to see if anything else is out there. I doubt it, but couldn’t hurt to look.

    I truly hope somebody has something else to add regarding my issues, because I honestly have no idea what to do next.



    Your right, I tried this again and it worked fine… See, what I thought was that with this code, that the display name would be grayed out completely, which I don’t think it is for Admins, but regular users might see the box empty. Currently, users can still edit their display name from the bppress profile with this code, BUT when they go to save it, the changes won’t actually take place, which is a very good thing. I understand the purpose of having a login username and a display name, which I guess is fine for security purposes. But, for old school people like me, I prefer one username and one login name combo in one.

    Now, the user can still change their display name by going to the wp-profile area, and then choose which display name they want to go by. Which I guess is not that bad. But, I guess, I would still prefer to find a way to shut that off in the near future.

    But, then again, WP is so picky about using duplicate e-mails. I have not found a way to allow for users to register a new account with the same e-mail address. That can be a real pain in the rear, especially if you are testing the user registration process yourself. So, that leaves users that want to change their display name in the future with the option to change it in the WP-Profile area. Although, I prefer to find a way to shut that off entirely. But, I can’t just get rid of the WP-Profile link, because it has the ability for users to change their password and so far I don’t see a way for BP to allow users to change their password in the BP areas? Unless someone knows a way to add that option in the users BP-profiles or knows a link that leads directly to the option for a user to change just their passwords?

    I want to say that I am impressed that by adding this code to either its own blank .php file and placing it into the mu-plugins, that it worked so nicely. I did try it in the regular plugins directory and it did not take effect. I also had embedded it as you ‘Jeff Sayre’ had stated in the bp-themes template functions.php and that worked fine too.

    I then did one more test with this. I registered a new user through the registration process, and of course the Username field comes up due to WP requesting it and the BP-Display Name field comes up due to BP requesting it. Luckily, because of the code, it didn’t matter what the user entered in the BP Display Name, it would only recognize the username from the WP Username field in the registration. Which, yes I know, they are two totally different things, but I feel more at ease that this actually worked.

    Although, now users that register will be confronted with both of these questions, and I guess if they think their entering a display name for the BP-Field they will be very disappointed to find that their username will take default.

    So, for now, I guess the only remedy is by changing the label ‘display name’ that BP profile uses to ‘username’. Because, although a person enters a display name in the registration part of the BP display name field, it doesn’t show up in the WP-profile area as a nickname option. Either because of the code conflicts or BP wasn’t made to do that. Not sure. OR I guess you could just relabel to inform that display names can only be changed or created in your WP-Profile area… Oh… So confusing…

    My hats off to ‘Jeff Sayre’ and ‘Andy Peatling’. I truly hope that this might become an actual option in the newer bp press versions.



    I tried very hard to get this to work, and I can not get that code to work, even in the default template or even by creating a blank .php with pasting in the code listed above to upload to the mu-plugins directory.

    I am very surprised that this worked for you, as I really needed this bad. Because, for some odd reason, in the WP-Profiles section, users are NOT allowed to edit their main username, but they can edit their display name, which is fine… But, in the BP Profiles section, the users can simply change their login username to anything they want. This will obviously lead to database errors and people changing their usernames to cause conflicts.

    So, this I consider is a major security risk, and there is no way to stop regular non admins from changing their usernames in the BP Profiles. Hey, at least WP got it right, by not allowing it…

    I’m not sure why the code listed above didn’t work for me. I have a totally different theme called, “Darkpress theme 1.1.”. But, I edited the functions.php file in both the themes directory and in the bp-themes where the themes are located. Because, there are actually two of the same themes located in two totally different directorys on the site. As there should be.

    But, I’m not sure if this code was suppose to go into an existing plugin or create it is as a plugin, as I tried an empty .txt file and copied the code listed above then uploaded it as a .php mu-plugin. But, that didn’t work, it honestly didn’t even recognize the code. Nor, did it change anything.

    So, does anyone have any ideas of how to STOP people from being able to change their “LOGIN Username” from being edited within the BP-PRESS profiles edit areas.

    One more thing, the WP-Registration profiles that request for new username and e-mail address, show up above the BP-PRESS profile questions and it also asks for the username. So, on the same registration page, you have two questions requesting for what their username is going to be. This is quite ridiculous, and so far their is no way to shut that part off. Does anyone have any ideas? This is quite frusterating… As, the regisration page should only ask one time for a username, but it seems that the BP-PRESS profiles is also asking for it.

    And yes if you fill out a different username for the WP-Registration username field versus the BP-Registration username field, the BP-Username field that was filled out will out win the WP-Registred username field.

    I am so confused, how do I fix this???



    Since nobody has figured this out yet, I was wondering, maybe there might be a different way. Such as when people signup, it automatically logs them in upon signup. Then while it automatically logs them in, it leads them to the change the password/profile page.

    Although, it would be great to see buddypress profile section to actually have the option to change passwords, as right now we have no other choice but to edit the passwords in the wp profile area.

    Hopefully, somebody will get this figured out, as it is a horrible idea to send out e-mails in this manner, because most of the time the e-mail could get lost or placed into the spam areas or the e-mails can become delayed and users never check for it, or they just don’t bother to login because they are concerned that they may not have the option to change their passwords so readily.

    Time will tell. But, there needs to be a way to automatically log people in upon them creating their own account, then they can change their passwords as they like. Otherwise, if they don’t change their password right there upon auto login, they will still be e-mailed the password that the website created for them by default.



    Thanks for that information R-A-Y.

    Does anyone have any ideas how to take a BP-PRESS created profile field, and have the information placed within that BP-PRESS field automatically show up in the a posted wire or group forum post/message?

    I think the real issue is that I am looking for something that will not just allow text, but html embedded images too. I mean alot of people that use signatures like to have their signature show their name, then a banner image under it. So, even using a profile field would be limited, because, it probably couldn’t allow embedding of images. I don’t think the BD-DEV’s tinymce works with profile fields in bppress at this time.

    I have posted on BD-DEV’s website to see if Nicola Greco has any thoughts about this. I also posted on _CK_’s area on the bbpress showcase website to see if the plugin author of “BBPRESS Signatures” has any thoughts about converting their plugin to BP-PRESS.

    I consider that the BP-PRESS Signature a very important plugin, and if this plugin ever gets created by someone, then I am positive that many of you will find it very useful for wires or group forum discussions. I mean look at PHPBB or Invision Pro Board, etc. Those forums thrive on signatures in their posts.

    You can follow the current posts that I made:

    On BD-DEV:

    and on _CK_’s area in the bbpress showcase website:

    I truly hope that we will be able to see something like this type of plugin in the near future.

    Thanks for everyones replys and thoughts.



    Well, I realized that bppress included a way to use moderators for group forums, which is through admin settings for that specific group.

    However, all that a moderator can do is in buddypress 1.0.2 is :

    – Change group name (Bad idea to give to moderator)

    – Change group news (semi ok, but still a possible security risk)

    – Change group description (Bad idea)

    – limited ability to delete only wired non-admin posts. (Very limited).

    Also, it seems that all members can invite their own buddies into the group? Are you serious??? Only the admin or the moderator should be able to have that access.


    Anyways, I hope that in future settings that we see admins and moderators have:

    – ability to edit, move or remove group or wire posts

    – ability to edit topics.

    – Get rid of ability to rename group name for moderator

    – Only admin and moderators should have access to invite members? This is a security risk for it to work otherwise!

    An admin of a group’s purpose is the entire control over that group.

    The moderators of that groups purpose is to maintain the integrity of the posts in the group/group forum area.

    I would like to see the ability to ban, but then again, maybe the best idea is a “REPORT” button. Where if someone has posted something bad then they can simply just click “REPORT” and a MAIN Site Administrator will look it over and decide the appropriate measures of either deleting that post or punishing the member within that group themselves.

    So, maybe Group Admins shouldn’t have the ability of punishment, but Main Site Admin’s should.



    I got the discussion forums for bp press working fine after updating to bbpress v1.0:

    Instead of fully installing fresh the bbpress v1.0, I decided to take a different route and just updated the bbpress directory from bbpress v-1.0-rc-3 to v1.0.

    That went very smoothly. I followed the update instructions that are listed on the bbpress website for the old Those update instructions still work, but the bbpress v1.0 seems to update much more smoothly then that.

    The Steps I followed for upgrading(Keep in mind I have WPMU):

    – Make sure WordPress is updated to fullest version, mine is currently WPMU 2.7.1

    – Make sure you already have the following plugins installed, updated and configured:

    a) BuddyPress 1.0.2

    b) bbPress Integration 1.0

    – Now follow the directions listed on the bbpress website, which is the old upgrade/update procedures for bbpress

    (Although my current version was bbpress v-1.0-rc-3)

    – Make sure that you have the following:

    a) I had to create a separate bbpress keymaster account for it to work, so I have the admin account for my wordpress mu and a separate keymaster account for my bbpress. That was the only realistically way of getting this to work for me, it kept erroring on me if I didn’t.

    b) While in your keymaster bbpress account make sure that you have the plugin BuddyPress Support Plugin installed (You might check for an update version.)

    c) Now begin the documentation upgrade/update stuff. You don’t have to turn off the plugins as I didn’t and it worked fine.

    d) You will want to follow the instructions and remove the directories through FTP in your bbpress that need removed.

    Here is it word for word from the bbpress website:

    To upgrade bbPress from a previous version takes just a few minutes.

    These instructions cover upgrading to version

    First, you should always back up your files and your database in case something goes wrong.

    Second, deactivate all plugins.

    Third, keep the following files and directories.

    1. Rename your existing config.php file to config.old.php (and keep it)

    2. my-plugins/ (if you have it)

    3. my-templates/ (if you have it)

    and delete everything else.

    Fourth, upload the newest version of bbPress to your server.

    Fifth, visit your bbPress site and run the installer which appears. On step one of the installer, enter the database details for the same database you had been using for the previous version. The installer will either create a new config file or show you the contents to paste into a file manually. Then complete the rest of the installation process.

    Sixth, log in and visit your bbPress admin panels. If you see an upgrade link instead of the normal screens, click it. If you don’t see an upgrade link (it would have been really obvious), continue to the next step.

    Seventh, visit the new “Settings” area of the admin and edit any details or settings in the “General” section. Also reactivate your plugins one by one (some may need to be upgraded as well).

    Eighth, sit back and relax; you’re done!

    e) Now, just upload your new bbpress v1.0 files to the directory. Go, to the url of your installed bbpress and insert the bbpress sql database information that you created.

    f) At this point it will politely yell at you once you click next, informing you that the database is already created and that a bbpress is already installed.

    g) Now, keep in mind that your bb-config.php file is brand new now. So, you will need to copy your old “KEYS” from the bb-config.old.php back to the new bb-config.php. Otherwise the discussion group forums check box won’t appear in the buddypress group creations.

    * @since 1.0
    define( 'BB_AUTH_KEY', '###########################' );
    define( 'BB_SECURE_AUTH_KEY', '##################################' );
    define( 'BB_LOGGED_IN_KEY', '#####################################' );
    define( 'BB_NONCE_KEY', '###########################################' );
    define( 'WP_AUTH_COOKIE_VERSION', 1 ); // Because it is wordpress mu v2.7.1

    h) Make sure that you in your new bbpress v1.0 on your website, that you login with the keymaster account that you created, as the bbpress keymaster has the access to the bbpres plugins sections. In the settings section, check the wordpress integration settings. Make sure all the keys are correct, next you will want to click on the box at the bottom that reads :

    Show advanced database settings

    If your bbPress and WordPress site do not share the same database, then you will need to add advanced settings.

    Make sure you input your wordpress mu 2.7.1 sql database configuration settings into those fields. Otherwise, all of this will be for nothing and it would integrate and the users wont show up correctly. BTW, user database host is typically ‘localhost’.

    Now click Save changes at the bottom of that page.

    i) Back at the wordpress mu portion of your site, you will want to login back in with your admin account. Then go to your buddypress settings and click on forums Setup. You will want your bbpress username and passwords field to match your wordpress admin account only in this section. I couldn’t get the keymaster account to work with this part.

    j) Now go to the groups section of the buddy press, you should see the “Group Forums discussion enable” box now there.

    k) Lastly, don’t forget to check your wp-config.php settings, to make sure that the keys are properly set up there too.

    For example:

    * @since 2.6.0
    define('AUTH_KEY', '###################################');
    define('SECURE_AUTH_KEY', '######################################');
    define('LOGGED_IN_KEY', '#######################################');
    define('NONCE_KEY', '##########################################');
    define('AUTH_SALT', '##########################################');
    define('LOGGED_IN_SALT', '############################################');
    define('SECURE_AUTH_SALT', '#######################################');
    define( 'COOKIE_DOMAIN', '' );
    define( 'SITECOOKIEPATH', '/' );
    define( 'COOKIEPATH', '/' );
    define( 'COOKIEHASH', '##############################' );

    Hope that helps.

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