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  • @georgio-1


    Hi @ravals
    Same problem here.
    I found two workarounds so far.
    1. if you use mediapress or rtmedia as media component, they have a feature for uploading from activity stream.
    2. replace “what’s new” by tinymce. I have chosen the second option but I am struggling with the editor resizing. See the thread



    This is a very interesting subject. I am using buddypress for different projects since 2014. I would like to express my point of view, not as a developer (my development skills are limited) but as business coach.
    If I see buddypress as a project, I think that there is a problem with the goal. Buddypress provides a networking solution and its orientation is supposed to be user experience enhancement.
    It seems that the team is oriented towards the technical side of the project. So they make technical improvements that may be important but the final user will never see and doesn’t care about. For ex. with the latest version, I saw a modification of the password verification system while at the same time members cannot block annoying users with this messaging system, they cannot upload a photo using the “whats-new” form and there is no reporting system to keep your network clean.
    There is no media component which is important for a social network. No likes, no sharing, no global searchtool etc
    You have to install a lot of plugins and frequently fight with conflicts. Plugins should exist for special features not for basic ones.

    If I had to manage buddypress as a project I would invite buddypress users on this site to give feedback on what features they consider important to be implemented. Then I would make an agenda to implement them using code from existing plugins.

    Since 2014 I saw only two things that enhance user experience: autolinks and a better theme.

    I hope that my point of view helps to define a project orientation that, in my opinion, is not very clear now.



    The problem is completely resolved with your solution. Thank you again!



    Here is a screenshot (using Chromium browser) to illustrate the situation. Screenshot



    Thank you @imath for your response.
    Yes, I am injecting wp_login_form() from functions.php as a menu item.

    Meanwhile I found a workaround by renaming the /wp-includes/js/zxcvbn.min.js file. This stops the auto-generation of passwords. I noticed though that if someone uses a weak password to login the the signup form shows a warning: “Confirm use of weak password” and if they don’t confirm, they cannot login.This is shown with Chromium, the linuxian version of Google Chrome.
    I finally think that it depends on how browsers manage passwords.

    Thanks for the gist. I will insert it today. Have a nice day! 🙂



    Hi @dcavins

    The button Chat is a shortcode of the plugin Frontend PM. I meanwhile contacted its developer and he gave me a code like yours and that resolved the problem.

    The Email link is from code I found on the internet and displays info from a profile field. I did not test your code with it, because I thought that it may be finally a good idea for the members to send email to themselves as reminders or for keeping notes for the groups they are members of.

    Thank you for your help

    Hi @petervandoorn

    This code helps if the selector .is-current-user is displayed. I find it in the sitewide members directory but not in the groups members directory and I dont know the reason since I use BP Legacy templates.

    Thanks for your help



    Excellent! Now it works like a charm. Thank you very much!



    Thanks for your response, @shanebp
    But it doesnt’t work. All I get is the @ symbol…



    Sorry, after resolving the problem as I mentionned above, I completely forgot this thread.
    Thank you very much for your code. I saved it in case it is useful in the future.
    Have a nice day!



    Finally I could resolve the problem after reading this article

    This developer suggests creating a plugin. The result is a link with a dashicon but it is not responsive. To make it responsive (show on mobile), I added in the css file of the plugin a snippet I fould elsewhere:

    @media screen and (max-width: 782px) {
    		  #wpadminbar li#wp-admin-bar-XXX {
    					display: block;

    Replace XXX with your id



    The new code adds indeed a Home. Screenshot

    But this Home still doesn’t show on smaller screns. Screenshot

    I have added the css, but it has no effect. As I see only icons are shown on small screens. Unfortunately…



    Thanks @mrjarbenne for your response.

    Unfortunately your code doesn’t work for me; it makes my dashboard a blank page. I already tested the concept “remove the original Home in order to add my own customized Home” with snippets I found on the internet, but this solution is not compatible with responsiveness. All the links you add on the adminbar, will disappear when you see the site on a small screen, for example on a smartphone.

    So the problem remains and I think the only solution is to change the URL of the original Home



    Is BuddyPress the right tool for this simple approach to begin with?

    It depends on the image you want for your network. For example, you can rename the groups to clubs, but this will not affect second level slugs. Look at my problem I am googling since two days and don’t find solution. I found threads of people that ask for slug customization since 5 years, but the problem is half-resolved, because the developers work at their free time for this and maybe they see other priorities I don’t see.

    So if you want a very professional image, buddypress is not yet ready. If you don’t care about urls that mix clubs with groups, go for it. You can also look at Ultimate Member, another networking plugin, to see if it fits your needs.



    added more tags



    Hi @mcuk
    The bubble works well, thank you very much!
    Here is a screenshot

    As you see, I put the notification link (Appearance>Menus) on the menubar and I added the bubble with negative left margin (-5 px) for the two elements to be near each other. So if a user has a notification, they can click the notification link (notif) directly to see it.

    Thanks again!



    Thanks! 🙂



    I made some small changes with your code (width, height, margin-right)

    #bp-login-widget-submit {
    	width: 80px;
    	height: auto;
    	padding: 4px 10px;
    	margin-right: 10px;

    and the result is really very nice: My site

    Is it OK that I have put the “height” to “auto” ?

    Thank you again for your help !



    I used:

    #bp-login-widget-submit {
    border: 1px solid #78B8CE;
    border-radius: 4px;
    background: #84D0EF;
    color: #fff;

    and here is the result

    It is much better than before, but the size of the button is always large. I can make the button smaller, but the link ‘Connexion’ will not be centered any more.
    If I don’t have more chance with the bbpress widget, I will leave it with the code above.

    Thank you very much for your help. 🙂



    Yes, I use a child theme everytime it is possible! Thanks 🙂



    Well I found the file and removed the part that was creating this. Then I modified some css in the plugin and I am happy with the result

    Your help was great and I thank you very much!



    Wow, it works like a charm! Thank you very much and have a nice day!



    Sorry, I didn’t explain it well: I want to keep the admin bar for non-admins (it is usefull for the notifications etc) but make disappear the word “Pretitude” (that gives access to dashboard).
    Well, after using your code, non-admins don’t have access to dashboard any more, but the word Pretitude stays visible and points to the home page. This word been now useless, I want to hide it for esthetical reasons, because it is near the logo and the whole thing is ungly. Is that possible?

    Thanks again for the code!



    With your code and the use of the plugin Better Admin Bar I have made a nice unobtrusive admin bar.
    Any idea how to hide/remove the dashboard link for NON-admins? Thanks.




    It works fine! Thank you very much!

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