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  • @gsmith6673


    Thank you for the links and advice…



    Suzanne, I have another WP blog and use:

    I’ve been over chatting on their forum and it looks like no one has formed a workable solution yet for a versatile design that effectively integrates BP.

    I’ll keep looking as I’m not a coder but think I represent a typical user that wants to incorporate a flexible format. The Atahualpa is a good example…very versatile.

    The BP plug-in has a lot of offer when thinking of the community theme.

    see me here as well:




    didn’t mean to ruffle the feathers in your cap there…

    sometimes the coders don’t have a particularly keen sense of design and the designers have a bit of a challenge understanding why they can’t have it their way…

    If you’ve noticed, the really slick designs are also very functional and do a good job of combining both elements, code and scale/design.

    If you visit my site: and peek into a profile page (or the image i posted above) you’ll notice that you’ll have to scroll up and down the page just to see the profile options. IMHO they should be placed within easy sight of the profile…without having to do a ton of scrolling or searching all over the screen for profile function icons. Too much wasted space…





    nice job, by the way…



    That did it! works now.

    To report one more small item? I am getting this layout error. Are you?




    This path: /public_html/wp-content/plugins/invite-anyone/

    Contains this:





    then here is the content of the “Folder: invite-anyone” (from above)






    I am running the latest BP and WPMU. I used the typical install through the WPMU admin. I also tried loading manually, both got error?

    Thank you for the assist…



    Boone, I downloaded and got this error when trying to activate:

    Warning: require(/home/garysmit/public_html/wp-content/plugins/bp-invite-anyone/invite-anyone/invite-anyone-cssjs.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/garysmit/public_html/wp-content/plugins/invite-anyone/invite-anyone.php on line 322







    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare bp_activity_install() (previously declared in /home/garysmit/public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-activity.php:19) in /home/garysmit/public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-activity.php on line 52

    same here…but I took the time to deactivate BP first and all (I don’t have many) plugins too. I deactivated them all. Then I hit upgrade automatically. Got the above error.




    good discussion…nothing resolved, but sometimes it’s best to just throw it around…




    I think it’s a perspective issue…what you see as easy, the typical client downloading and using the wordress blog software most likely won’t see. WP has evovled into a very simple blog software. No code editing required…

    The average user does not know CSS. If you want to create a super successful bit of code think about how it will affect the novice. I know CSS is easy. But you’ll loose the majority of users if you force them into a steep learning curve. That’s all I’m saying…

    If it’s an easy fix to add an image through CSS maybe create an admin function that allows the user to add an image link to CSS with an admin widget…




    Whether it’s a theme design problem or not (calling it another name does not lessen the need), creating a simple solution to a basic function of the software would be a great move.

    It’s true that personal design is open to interpretation and the point could be made that you shouldn’t try and read everyone’s mind. But…to keep things simple, allowing a user to upload an image (whatever the design…) would be a tremendous benefit to the BP plug-in.

    One of the keys to the plug-in’s proliferation will be its simplicity (mixed with good design) and topped off with an innovative function supported by reliable results.

    I think you guys are well on your way…good job to everyone here that supports this project!



    maybe in BP 1.1.3 the core software will include an option to place a logo/image in the header?

    (is not knocking the BP design at all here)…but I’m thinking that the more exposure BP gets the more novice the users will become and with that thought in mind, the design of BP will need to tilt towards a novice user. In other words…coders, it would be a good idea to create a “novice proof” layout.

    including the option to place an image in the header is so unbelievably basic (with respect to site design) I can’t imagine why it’s even an issue being discussed in the forum?



    Has anyone taken on the idea of allowing “Member Blog” avatars? I’m trying to start a business styled WPMU/BP community. Branding through logo exposure is smart advertising.

    It would be appropriate (not to mention very natural) to give the member blog owner the ability to upload a logo/avatar of choice (could be done from the admin area of each member blog as a file upload)???



    I’m wondering why my profile, member list, group list and blog list won’t show when clicked in the menu? Anyone? Ideas? What files should I look for in my control panel?

    Ideas anyone?




    Anyone have any ideas what to trouble shoot?

    thank you !!



    Does not just occur with that theme…is not working with bp standard theme. I can see members from the admin. I see my group from the admin. I can’t get to them from the front end.

    ideas? it’s like the links are completely dead?



    Problem solved:

    Missing closing tag on my end!

    (right in front of my eyes)



    Mark, what’s your site address. Let me take a peek on my end?



    Yes. Looks identical. I have an error somewhere on my site?? Is there a specific file that handles the index page? Maybe I should re-install bp? Ideas…??




    I want to say that’s the latest version? Could a plug in have somehow changed or corrupted the CSS? or?

    I’m baffled…and am beginning to be rather embarrassed of the look of the site! Yikes!



    socialpreneur, this went away when i decided to allow users/members to choose their own skins/theme (different from home page theme).

    unrelated and if i need to start another thread i will, how/where to add an image to the header area of the (maybe change the font type and size?) …might be in the css? default bp theme?

    for those who are beginners, a small sample bit of code would work wonders…or shoot me in the right direction for a simple tutorial already formed by the great bp staff here at!



    theme is the standard bp theme, located : for a look-see just choose a member blog and see the footer take the member blog name and the header name does not change??

    thank you guys for all the help!!



    So if the blogs are from WPMU what does BP bring to the table? I’m on both forums learning and having a good time, but on occasion I get lost trying to keep the two straight and separated.

    thank you so much for the lesson – by the way…




    DJ, thnx…will look that way…


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