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  • @imjscn


    There is a meta, “is_limited”, BP does not use it at all, it set to 0 by default. Maybe we can make good use of this meta, set it to other numbers to represent different types?



    Thanks for the answer! I will submit a voice in the trac.



    Thanks for the mention call.
    The “Add to Favorite” is not working on my forum. Is this a bug or just me? If bug, I can wait next release.



    @etivite , thanks!
    so, 2 database requiests will be done, once on groups page, another on another page. Is this ok for performence, or I’m creating extra burden for database?



    you can create a custom BP component “project”, then, add functions and load templates according to what the project needs. As for the “join” part, if you require some special process for join, you need to code the registering process(for example, eventpress require registeration), otherwise, you can just count people in when they get involved in a project(for example, Achievements no need register)



    I want to know the answer too, deseprately!



    wow, super!



    Thanks for the tip! I will see what I can work out :-)



    I’m excited knowing this idea is on your mind. Perhaps someday in the future we’ll get a master peice of code from you :-)



    Posted :-)



    if nothing else avialable, I would replace bp search with Google Custom Search.
    But I can’t manage the load the google result page.
    If replace bp header search form with the code from google control pannel, there’s no space to show search result.
    If replace bp header search form with google search form code, and paste google search result code in search-2.php, then, the search-2 php can’t be loaded. bp redirects url to “Page Not Found”.
    I tried remove_action( 'bp_init', 'bp_core_action_search_site', 5 );
    then, all search action goes to Members Directory search result page.
    Can anyone share some tips?



    no I didn’t find a solution. but I see BP1.5 provide an easier way to manage those buttons in functions.php, I don’t have time to try it out though.



    I found the secret– need to read the commented out text in default functions.php
    This is great!



    Now I added 2 more remove functions, still not working:
    function my_dtheme_setup() {
    global $bp;
    define( 'BP_DTHEME_DISABLE_CUSTOM_HEADER' , false );
    remove_action('wp_head', 'bp_dtheme_admin_header_style');
    remove_action('wp_head', 'bp_dtheme_custom_background_style');

    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'my_dtheme_setup' );



    Since 1.5 top level is page, I’m curious– a single group is a page or something else?



    @djpaul , I deactive and deleted the whole buddypres folder, then, ftp up the bp 1.5. I thought this is an install? but the wizard steps are not presented.
    How to do a new install?



    Interesting discussion here. @embergermedia , did you consider a vote up and vote down system ? It can be more powerful when we want to use the total votes to do something else.



    updated, fixed, thanks!



    just figured out– can use svn checkout software to download and check changes. But, when find changes, how to update ?



    @boonebgorges , following your above advice, I created my BP avatar plugin for all post types and saved data in post meta. But I don’t know if the object is cached or not, could you please take a look at following codes? I also have doubt on the efficiency of the global $obj. — Since it’s not in a loop, so, everytime when call an item, it means to make a new instance of the calss. Please give advice when you have a little time, thanks!

    Class My_Obj{
    function populate(){
    $obj = get_post_custom( $post->ID);

    if( !empty( $obj[0] ) ){
    $this->obj_id = $obj[0];
    $this->height= $obj[0];
    $this->width = $obj[0];
    // other stuffs...

    function obj(){
    global $post, $obj;
    $id = get_the_ID();
    $obj= new My_Obj( $id );



    Nowadays it’s popular to answer a question with a question? :-)



    That’s great!
    like/rate/vote ? Sounds gonna be another beast like GD? Hope not :-)



    what’s the posibility for this— a custom post type has its own activity stream, rate its activity comments and calculate the statics within this type’s scope?



    How about save this custom post’s contents as an array so that it will be just one colum in parent post’s meta?


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