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  • @inhouse


    @shanebp No, that’s not it because the images looked great after uploading and prior to cropping. It was only after the page reloaded after cropping that they looked pixilated. And as I said earlier, I verified that the images after cropping were 650×250. And also, I’d still be having the issue if your guess was correct. I can’t explain why this worked but it did the trick. The server limits would take care of images too large anyways.



    Ok, this is solved as far as I can tell. Line 35 of bp-core-avatars.php has been updated. Specifying the max file size seems to have fixed this.

    `define( ‘BP_AVATAR_ORIGINAL_MAX_FILESIZE’, 5120000 );`

    `define( ‘BP_AVATAR_ORIGINAL_MAX_FILESIZE’, 5120000*5120000 );`

    I don’t really know why this was necessary but it fixed the issue. If anyone who is more knowledgable than me can explain this to me or maybe someone else who finds this thread, that’d be great. If not, maybe they find the answer and that’s enough. I don’t know if this is a bug or not either. Thanks!



    @shanebp, the crop tool produces any aspect ratio you choose. With my bp-custom modifications, the crop tool produces 650x250px images just fine with the exception of the image quality. Something is reducing the quality. I thought @djpaul was on to something and might still be, but his suggestion didn’t fix it.



    Thanks for replying @shanebp and @djpaul. I tried the JPG Image Quality plugin but that made no difference. The image compression is way less than 90% of the original image quality. I set it to 100 and the image looks the same. I’m uploading JPGs at various sizes. As I’ve said, I have pre-cropped to the exact size at 72 and 300 dpi with no success. I’ve also tried using uncropped images that are 3000px wide. Here’s my bp-custom.php code as requested:

    `// Modify Avatar Sizes
    define ( ‘BP_AVATAR_THUMB_WIDTH’, 130 );
    define ( ‘BP_AVATAR_THUMB_HEIGHT’, 50 );
    define ( ‘BP_AVATAR_FULL_WIDTH’, 650 );
    define ( ‘BP_AVATAR_FULL_HEIGHT’, 250 );`

    I’m calling the full size in my profile-loop file. I verified that the images are indeed 650×250 at 72 dpi but the file size is being reduced by the uploading/cropping. Thanks again for any help.



    A little more information:
    Image before upload: 139 KB
    Image after upload: 41KB

    There’s something wrong with a reduction of this magnitude when the image was pre-cropped to the exact size it needed to be before upload. I still can’t find any information on this.



    @modemlooper, it’s a custom BP child theme and the issue is fixed now. I had a guy help me find the issue. I don’t really understand how it was fixed but the important thing is that it’s fixed. I didn’t even know this thread was responded to.

    “A couple of things – first, I found that the trigger was JavaScript driven, so I tracked back the jQuery directions that ran it. I found that they were using jQuery to set a cookie – but there was no jQuery cookie package installed, so I added that. Then, I noted that it *seemed* like that jQuery code was setting a cookie for ‘mobile’ rather than for ‘normal’ when it ran — so it seemed like it was working backwards. I’m not honestly certain which of these changes worked — but as a combination, it worked.”



    @r-a-y thanks for the advice. This works but unfortunately the image size is still in place. I now have a 1 pixel x 1 pixel image stretched to 650px by 250px when a user doesn’t upload an avtar. This is still further than I was but not a very elegant solution.

    Seems like there should be a way to write it so the avatar is only displayed if there was one uploaded. If not, nothing is displayed just like the extended profile field data “if bp_field_has_data”. Again, thanks for the help!



    Ha, I can’t even hack bp-core-avatars.php correctly. I thought I could just remove the default avatar check but that’s not working either. All I can manage to do is break the URL which of course looks ugly and is not ideal. I imagine adding a class to the default mystery man image would be easy for some. Would anyone mind lending a hand? I fail.



    `define ( ‘BP_AVATAR_DEFAULT’, BP_PLUGIN_URL . ” );`

    This doesn’t seem to work in bp-custom.php either. I thought for sure I had a solution. I tried to alter the path of the default avatar to be used in hopes of using a 1px invisible image but this doesn’t seem to work.

    I also tried to set the width of the default avatar to no avail.
    `define ( ‘BP_AVATAR_DEFAULT_WIDTH’, 1 );`

    Could I assign a custom class to the mystery man so I can hide with CSS? Currently there is only a user ID assigned and nothing specific to mystery man. Anyone able to help with that?



    Is there a filter I can add to bp-customs.php that will skip the mystery man?
    `add_filter( ‘bp_core_default_avatar_no_grav’, ‘__return_true’ );`

    I’m already using the one that skips the Gravatar.
    `add_filter( ‘bp_core_fetch_avatar_no_grav’, ‘__return_true’ );`

    Any ideas? My last resort would be to hack bp-core-avatars.php but I don’t want to do anything preventing upgrading of course.



    Can anyone help with this? I can get the fields to display but they aren’t conditional. If a user doesn’t fill out a field, a blank space is displayed rather than the lower fields moving up. I can’t get Website or Email to hyperlink either. Is there another way of going about this all together?



    I still don’t have a good solution to this. I did however add some styling to member-header.php that will only apply to my single member profile pages. This removes the top and bottom margin for the automatically generated paragraph tags for hyperlinks. This to me is a hack but it’s all I can muster without help. If anyone has any other insight, I’d love to hear.

    p, a {
    margin: 0!important;



    Ah, I got it. I realized I was using the default profile field as the Business Name. I also found BuddyPress Real Names plugin. .



    Thanks @boonebgorges I appreciate the help. Going in to BP, I thought it would be a simple function to filter members. You said this won’t scale infinitely so would you foresee an issue with a site having 300 members where I’d want to display 10 filtered lists on a page? For instance, a list broken up into 10 categories? I’ll be diving in to this over the weekend but first wondered if this is a safe path to travel or if this won’t work for me. Thanks again!



    Thanks @mercime that worked perfectly! I’m sure others have the same issue.



    Ok, so I think I am still experiencing the CSS issue on page editing screens because I am developing a child theme of bp-default. I updated the functions.php file as provided on the ticket but am I supposed to alter my child theme functions.php file? I have no idea how that would go. Maybe I’m barking up the wrong tree? Please help! :)

    `if ( !function_exists( ‘bp_dtheme_enqueue_styles’ ) ) :
    function bp_dtheme_enqueue_styles() {
    // Bump this when changes are made to bust cache
    $version = ‘20111102’;
    // Register main stylesheet
    wp_register_style( ‘child-theme’, get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . ‘/style.css’, array(), $version );
    // Enqueue main stylesheet
    wp_enqueue_style( ‘child-theme’ );
    add_action( ‘wp_print_styles’, ‘bp_dtheme_enqueue_styles’ );



    Sorry if this is the wrong place for this. I updated functions.php using the file given in but it hasn’t fixed the issue on page editing screens. I first tried pasting the code in manually, then I tried uploading the provided file found on the ticket. Am I missing something?

    add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘bp_dtheme_enqueue_styles’ );



    I’m experiencing what @Marcus is describing. My background color, image, and website width are coming through to the page edit screen. There is no where else I’ve found that this is carrying over to. Everything else so far is great. Running 3.3 and 1.5.2.



    I found some info in the codex I’m working with now but again, I’m not sure if this is the best way to filter a member list. I am trying now to use the Member Loop with search_terms to filter the list. I am planning on having the search terms be a list of business categories such as restaurants, hotels, parks, etc.

    Can anyone verify if this is the best method? Should I instead be using groups to categorize the members and then filter them into lists? How you making out @4ella ?



    Thanks for the support @4ella . I figured it would be easy to sort the members by a profile field and am really surprised to not find a simple solution. That’s why I’m wondering if I should be using Groups to categorize the members instead of a profile field. I need to figure this out now before I enter in 300+ members. Makes much more sense to figure this out now than after all the data is input and I have to go back in and edit profiles.

    The search function would work but I don’t know how I’d place the search results on a static page without the URL being altered. The URL needs to stay clean such as and no “?s=” displaying after.

    Is this really an undocumented/uncommon request? Thanks again for any help.



    I may be way off from what your issue is, but I’m using the plugin Extended Profile Fields to make my new members fill in more information. Anything you create in the “base” group will appear on the signup page.



    Yes, that was exactly it! I didn’t know it had to be line 1. I also had 2 unused lines after ?> and I had to delete that too. Seems to be working now. I activated a couple plugins to test it out. Thanks guys!



    This is technically lines 3-13 but line 2 is the just <?php

    `if ( !function_exists( ‘bp_dtheme_enqueue_styles’ ) ) :
    function bp_dtheme_enqueue_styles() {
    // Bump this when changes are made to bust cache
    $version = ‘20111102’;
    // Register main stylesheet
    wp_register_style( ‘seneca-county’, get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . ‘/style.css’, array(), $version );
    // Enqueue main stylesheet
    wp_enqueue_style( ‘seneca-county’ );
    add_action( ‘wp_print_styles’, ‘bp_dtheme_enqueue_styles’ );



    @boonebgorges and @mercime I owe all I know (very little) to Codex and forum threads. I have enjoyed learning and greatly appreciate the work of all the volunteers. I was just saying in general, Codex can be hard to follow for a noob but I think that comes with trying to do more than I can before learning more basic WP skills. Thanks again for your help!



    Wow, that is a far cry from what was posted in the Codex and what @boonebgorges posted. I still don’t understand why or how this works, but it works! Again, I wish Codex was written more in depth so new people can actually learn it. Thanks so much for your help @mercime. I appreciate it.

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