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Forum Replies Created

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  • @intimez


    If you want to create, edit or link doc to group:

    If you want to upload to buddypress group forum:



    @gordonre @wrowlands

    You’re not alone. The current version and the way to combine buddypress with forum is difficult as I found out with several people new to wordpress+buddypress.

    In my testing, the next version of buddypress and bbpress is much easier.



    For anyone that bump into the same issue when creating a new group:

    It appears that this issue is fixed in the next release so if you can wait, you can avoid the problem.

    Since the current release (1.6.4) still have this problem, the only way around it is to go back into the group, click on admin and then enable the forum again.

    Tested with buddypress and bbpress plugin




    Can you also list the plugins you have installed?



    Issue fixed in trunk. Please mark as resolved. Thanks you @mercime



    Good to hear the styling can be passed over from the current groups forum into the new bbpress plugin. Thought it would be stuck with the site wide forums style. Thanks @mercime



    Can someone point me to the plugin used for the @ mention on shown below the person’s avatar?



    Had three new users of wordpress/buddypress and each of them ran through the docs with confusion. I attempted it myself and noticed the same confusion which is the reason I posted this topic here for assistance:

    We were able to go through the installation of groups forum with no problem since the doc is clear on that part. Any help from your end is appreciated. Thanks for your reply @karmatosed




    I noticed this is the second time it being mentioned so would like to clarify.

    Are all support questions now going to wp plugin page and not on bp support forum?



    Hi @mercime

    We went through the steps again and same confusion. My suggestion to them was to skip the instructions here on buddypress for the time being until I can clear it up in this post.

    Please correct me if I’m wrong but from what you are saying it should be something like this:

    -Follow the steps here: and make sure “Discussion Forums” component is not selected

    -Once the installation is completed, go to Plugins > Add New > and type in bbpress and then click on Install Now

    After that, where is the choice to select site wide or group forum since the buddypress component is marked as inactive?



    No one using this plugin?



    Drat! Another plugin that may not work for group forums. I guess it’s time to plan on converting off group forum. For future reference, is there a list of which plugin topic should be posted on and which should remain in the forums here on

    Thanks @djpaul



    It just seems many functions can be somewhat duplicated without buddypress so eventually it’ll be a decision if full social features from buddypress is actually needed or not. Thanks for each of your response.




    Disappointed to find out that this has not happened yet since it connects the blog side with the community so it become seemless.




    bbpress plugin that can be used for buddypress groups or just forums would be great. As it is right now, very confusing since each version don’t have the same support for plugins.










    So with 1.7, does that mean buddypress will be down to sitewide forums and bbpress plugin instead of three choices?




    I believe it allows anyone to browse any group without joining but after their first post, they will auto join the group. Seems to work that way with the latest version for both wordpress + buddypress.



    Any suggestions?




    I’m testing it in a LAN environment with activity and members link so that anyone that is not logged in, they are unable to see those section and it redirects to registration page. Just one suggestion but maybe other suggestions easier.



    Since I bumped into it, I thought it was better to post it as per Andrew Nacin so that @boonebgorges can review it.

    … you may be exposing your users to a possible SQL injection vulnerability … Just be sure to send a link to this post to the developer of the theme or plugin referenced in the error. …

    Sounds like it is safe to use

    Sorry for any confusion @johnjamesjacoby



    @imath I tried the link that @chouf1 posted and the site displays this:

    On dirait bien que vous avez été banni de ce site !




    I believe this plugin will help you with restrictions



    I’ve been testing and decided to go with buddypress group forums for now. Although it doesn’t have all the functionality of the bbpress plugin, it seems more natural and part of the buddypress site.

    Thanks @chouf1

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