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  • @jeffreeeeey


    same here



    To close this thread with a solution, here’s the correct, and working method:



    OK After a lot of messing about with that code mate, I’ve finally got it.

    The link I was trying to add was ‘prizes’, and prizes page had the slug ‘prizes’. Here’s what I had to do-

    In my header.php I added:

    <li<?php if ( is_page( BP_prizes_SLUG ) ) : ?> class="selected"<?php endif; ?>><a href="<?php echo BP_prizes_SLUG ?>" title="<?php _e( 'prizes', 'buddypress' ) ?>"><?php _e( 'prizes', 'buddypress' ) ?></a></li>

    And in wp-config.php I added:

    // Page slug naming for top nav
    define ( "BP_prizes_SLUG", 'prizes' );

    Working fine now. Thanks for the guidance :-)



    Thanks for this my friend.. exactly what I am looking for. However can you please re-post the code in code tags so it displays correctly?

    Also.. the parts you have made in bold- do I replace those parts with the slug of my WPMU page slug?



    Jesus not as simple as I thought lol.

    Many thanks Boone for your time, once again. :@)



    Yup- just as I thought.. in members-loop.php find-

    <?php bp_the_site_member_last_active() ?>

    and change to-

    <?php echo bp_custom_get_member_list_xprofile_data('Gender') ?>

    Where “Gender” is the name of the profile field you wish to display.



    Threads been quite helpful for me so far..

    I’m using Jet random members widget on the ‘members’ page and I’ve managed to get one of my profile fields to display there now, rather than a random field.

    Here’s what I done…

    In /directories/members/index.php find-

    <?php bp_the_site_member_random_profile_data() ?>

    and replace with-

    <?php echo bp_custom_get_member_list_xprofile_data('Gender') ?>

    where “Gender” is the name of the field you wish to display.

    Then in bp-custom.php (in your plugins folder), add this:

    //To add custom profile fiels to random members widget //
    function custom_xprofile( $field ) {
    echo bp_custom_get_member_list_xprofile_data( $field );
    function bp_custom_get_member_list_xprofile_data( $field ) {
    global $site_members_template;
    return xprofile_get_field_data( $field, $site_members_template->member->id );

    I’m working on a few other tweaks now to try adding this custom field to the actual member listing part of the page now and I imagine it will work in the same sort of way. I’ll keep you posted.



    and to be more clear.. I only need to worry about the display on member profiles as I don’t have the activity feed turned on across the site.



    thanks.. that worked a treat. :)



    thanks but doesn’t that need an “if” tag added to it? If is page? Otherwise it’ll always stay highlighted.



    Thanks for that mate.

    After about 5hrs of messing around with css and those .php files, here’s what I’ve ended up with:

    The only problem now is the 2nd column in the details section.. it’s very narrow. Note where it says “Green/ Brown” .. The “Green” is being pushed down onto the next line, and I have no idea how to fix this.

    Got any ideas?



    Sorry I don’t think that’s what I’m looking for tbh…

    Those 2 grey columns have styling, as you’ve suggested, so Im assuming they are inside a div?

    Basically I want to take that 2 column div, and turn it into 1 column, and then add the “about me” (etc) details into it.

    I’ve edited the avatar size and that will display on the right hand side of the profile.

    Here’s a screenshot/ photoshop of what I’m trying to achieve (the blue parts are just to hide data I cannot show at this time):

    So.. what I need to locate is this div, so I can change it from 2 columns to 1 column. If I’m correct? However I can’t find it anywhere.. I just need pointing in the right direction.



    Is it even possible to make the activation emails get sent to the site admin, rather than to the actual member? That way I can just forward the activation email to the member IF I approve their account.

    Would this work, and how would I go about it?



    Yeh correct. And thanks… I just removed the userbar.php and optionsbar.php files from the site, and sure enough, those 2 columns in a member profile no longer have any content.

    However; the columns are still displaying (2 different shades of grey). Are these divs? And if so, I’m assuming they are somewhere in the index.php file, but Im unable to locate them. Can you point me in the right direction… please?



    I agree very much- this would be a fantastic add-on!



    I’ve not tested the new version of sidebar login posted earlier in this thread, but I am using the original version for WP. To overcome those bulletpoints overlapping, I simply removed the avatar altogether.

    A question, related to sidebar login- The name of this widget shows in a grey colour (Login), but all other widgets have the title in white. I’ve searched the CSS files and studied the sidebar login php file also, looking for a solution but can’t for the life of me find how to change the title to white. Can anyone point me in the right direction?



    final installment- I just approved that new user via the admin panel, and it threw up this error (backend):

    Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home2/puezq/public_html/ on line 82

    Line 82 is

    if (mysql_num_rows($rs2) > 0) {

    However the users account HAS been activated, and is now able to view every part of the site (Public profiles etc).



    Seems that only fixed the admin panel problem.

    However it’s throwing up errors on the front end now.

    To be honest I think this plugin is maybe outdated.

    I’ll list here my site’s configuration, and what errors I’m getting in-case anyone fancies making this plugin work as it should.

    OK.. Groups and Blogs are disabled site-wide (Except for the main site blog).

    The setting “Allow new registrations” is set to “Only user account can be created.”

    And “Registration notification” set to “Yes”

    1st problem (As previously mentioned in this thread)… When I go to the admin panel and try to edit the options for the plugin, and hit save, it throws up the errors that I posted here:

    I managed to get rid of those errors by doing as mentioned here:

    However… it turns out that was not a fix for the plugin, so I reverted the file back to original state.

    OK, I couldn’t edit the emails that would be sent out due to those errors, but I could of worked around that (editing within the file itself)… so I continued to the next step, which was to try and create a new account, to see if the plugin actually done what it’s supposed to.

    After entering all my required fields, and hitting the submit button, I was taken to the upload avatar page. I was also shown the “Check your email address for your activation email” notice. Also, at the top of the page these errors appeared:

    Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed in /home2/puezq/public_html/ on line 639

    Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed in /home2/puezq/public_html/ on line 642

    Since I know only very little php, I had a look to see what those lines were in the plugin php file, but done nothing with them. Here are those lines:

    639 $bp_groups_str = implode(",", $bp_groups);

    642 $bp_blogs_str = implode(",", $bp_blogs);

    So I’m guessing these errors are showing because I have blogs and groups disabled on the site?

    However the plugin php file is full of terms relating to blogs and groups, so I saw no point just removing those lines from the file as other errors would appear from somewhere… surely?

    Anyway, to see what happened next- I then uploaded an avatar, successfully. The errors at the top of the page disappeared when it was uploaded.

    I then clicked on the activation link in the email I received, and logged into the site. I was able to EDIT my profile and browse the site pages normally, but not able to view member profiles, my own public profile, or even view the members search page.

    I then received an email saying there was a new member registration (to my admin email)… and the notice also appears in the admin panel saying there’s a user awaiting moderation.

    And that’s where Im at.

    Come to think of it, and after having read through this post several times now- It seems that the plugin’s actually working… with the exception of those errors that are flagging up in the admin panel (when editing the emails that will be sent out), and at the top of the front end page. Hopefully one of you guys can tell me how to get rid of those errors… or at least the ones on the front end. :-)

    This truly does sound like a fantastic plugin, but with non-existent support at the forum link in the README.txt file, I think it can only carry on living if one of you geniuses are willing to fix the bugs.

    Unless anyone knows of another plugin that will allow new member moderation? (I have searched, but couldnt find anything).



    Seems I’ve fixed the problem myself..

    Basically- because I have disabled the blog features of the site, and groups- I had to remove this part from the plugin php file:

    ` $bp_groups=$_POST[‘bp_groups’];

    $bp_groups_str = implode(“,”, $bp_groups);

    update_option(‘bprwg_groups’, $bp_groups_str);


    $bp_blogs_str = implode(“,”, $bp_blogs);

    update_option(‘bprwg_blogs’, $bp_blogs_str);`

    All working as it should now (so far) :)



    Thanks MrMaz. Fingers crossed for you recovering everything.

    My site shall be going live at the end of the week, but I can just deactivate the links plugin until I can resolve this problem :)



    Hmm seems I was wrong.

    Just edited the emails that get sent out by the plugin, hit save, and my page is filled with errors.


    And the support forum for the plugin is pretty much non-existant by the looks of things:



    Choufi- that stops registrations completely- doesnt let you moderate members.

    I want to let them register, but not access their account until it’s been moderated (its a competition).

    @Social.. thanks mate. For some reason when I first installed that plugin it never worked, but tried again this evening and the admin menu is there, so all that’s left is to try it out. I have faith in it. Many thanks :)



    Hmm just noticed that if I go to someone else’s profile and click the “links” section, I see this error:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function friends_check_friendship() in /home2/puetq/public_html/ on line 656

    What would cause this error?



    Fantastic plugin which I came across in error :)

    However I see a problem:

    1) I’ve posted my first link and set it to private, so only I can see it… But after posting the link, there’s no way of deleting it via the admin panel as it doesnt appear.

    Yes you can delete it from the front end, but thought Id report this anyway in case you wasn’t aware.

    I’m using BP 1.1.3 and WP 2.8.6

    Other than the above- Fantastic plugin. Probably the best 3rd party one ive come across yet :)

    **EDIT** I see the problem now- If you made the link public, it will then display in the admin panel. However don’t you think admins should be able to see ALL links, private or not?



    His site is in Russian (I think).. I can’t understand it so not able to contact him.

    I was hoping maybe someone here has a previous version with the image file.

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