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  • @jhob


    Apparently a 12.6.1 bugfix release is out now that fixes the issue so you should be safe upgrading to the latest now.

    Also I meant reporting to Yoast, not BuddyPress, above!



    This issue is caused by Yoast SEO update. Either disable Yoast SEO or downgrade it to v12.5.1 and the site should work again.

    I have reported this issue to buddypress on the Yoast WordPress support forum.



    Thanks for the reply, I actually found that the following worked, very similar solution to yours:

    remove_filter( 'bbp_make_clickable', 'bbp_make_mentions_clickable', 8 );






    I’m still trying to find a solution for this, can anyone help?

    Now running buddypress 4.4.0.



    Ah yes, messaging is not active on the site. That fixed it anyway – looks to work perfectly at the back end. Pretty much all of the front-end BP functionality is disabled so I can’t test that. Thank you!



    Still get the same error I’m afraid. Can see that it points to /wp-admin/options-general.php?page=bp-devolved-authority-settings now. I couldn’t see any link directly from the settings menu.



    Single site, although it is a heavily customised BP install with some legacy code that I’m yet to fully un-pick. That said there’s nothing that I’ve seen that should affect permissions.

    I just checked the administrator role, which does have every cap granted.

    Settings pages for all other plugins on the site work fine.

    I could only find the settings link on the plugins page, it doesn’t appear elsewhere does it?



    @venutius, wow – you really have been busy!

    I get a ‘not allowed to access this page’ error when I try to visit the plugin settings at


    Logged in as administrator.



    Thanks, that’s super helpful – some very useful stuff in that article.



    Thanks for your help anyway. Sounds like the ‘edit_users’ fix is straight-forward enough so hopefully that will mean it appears a not-too-distant release.



    Any finer-grained control over capabilities that avoids having to grant manage_options is a plus in my book. Helps a lot in locking down site security.



    Thanks, will keep an eye on the tickets and hope the changes come in a future release.

    Just trying to lock the site down a bit more so that we have fewer users with the more powerful priviledges.



    Great, many thanks!



    Thanks for you help with this @venutius, appreciated 🙂

    I’m guessing there’s not much more that can be done for now.



    I tried both of those (editing the typo in core file & add_cap) but neither worked unfortunately.

    On checking through Members I can see that the Editor role has been granted bp_moderate, which leads me to think that this role alone is not sufficient to grant access to the extended profile page.

    Do you think I should raise this as a ticket? I’m not sure if it would be considered a bug or ‘feature’.



    That didn’t work either I’m afraid. Opening the extended profile returns “You cannot edit the requested user.”



    Is there a way of granting just bp_moderate, without manage_options? I couldn’t see that listed as a cap (as viewed through the ‘Members’ plugin).



    Yeah, that doesn’t give access to the extended profile unfortunately, only the ‘standard’ profile, or whatever you call it.



    Hi Prashant,

    That didn’t quite work but it did get me thinking along the right lines and I’ve come up with a solution:

    add_action( 'wp_before_admin_bar_render', 'add_edit_member_menu' );
    function add_edit_member_menu() {
    	global $wp_admin_bar;
    	$user_id = bp_displayed_user_id();
    	if ( ! empty( $user_id ) ) {
    		$wp_admin_bar->remove_menu( 'user-admin' );
    		$wp_admin_bar->add_menu( array(
    			'id'    => 'edit-member',
    			'title' => 'Edit Member',
    			'href'  => admin_url( 'user-edit.php?user_id=' . $user_id ),
    			'meta'  => array(
    				'title' => __( 'Edit Member' ),
    		) );



    Ah, I had it in functions.php just moved it into bp-custom.php and it worked!

    Still getting used to remembering to put buddypress stuff in bp-custom.php rather than functions.php.

    Thanks 🙂




    Thanks for the reply Brajesh.

    Unfortunately that didn’t work. It’s pretty much what I had already tried, except with a differing priority.

    Seems that CSS does not want to dequeue!



    ok, will do. Just thought it might be a common issue experienced in the wider BP community.



    Yes, the site I’m working on has loads of legacy code and is on 2.9.4. I have the fear over upgrading to 3.2.0!

    Thanks for the answer, worked perfectly. Starting to get to grips with the BP template structure now. 🙂




    It is possible that a 3rd party plugin is doing that – there’s certainly a lot on the site!

    Now if only I could work out which one and make proper use of it that would be great…

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