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  • @jimmmy


    Do you have a child theme? If so, go to members > single and open up the files ‘member-header.php’ and ‘home.php’ most of the modifications you need to will be in these two files.

    If you don’t have a child theme, google how to make one.

    You can add social media buttons somewhere in here. you need to add profile fields via the dashboard Users > profile fields, then you can pull the urls that a member fills in into the profile page. You will have to do some googling to figure out how to insert the profile fields into the profile. It is all out there somewhere.



    I have this question, too. Any luck figuring it out?



    In case anyone is having the same problem, the solution i came up with was to make a plugin using the buddypress members widget core code, as @danbpfr suggested. That widget was not breaking things, so once i had a plugin version i was able to add some of the extra things that were in my original loop.



    @aaclayton Thanks for responding! I will give that a go, but i think it’s beyond my skill level. I was hoping i could pop in something like bp_reset and everything would be cool…




    @aaclayton any luck figuring this out?



    Hi, I found this thread on my travels and it worked a treat, so i thought i’d share. Just stop discouraging search engines under settings>reading, then post a new reply or topic n the forum and it will now show. Don’t ask me why.



    Hi, I found this thread on my travels and it worked a treat, so i thought i’d share. Just stop discouraging search engines under settings>reading, then post a new reply or topic n the forum and it will now show. Don’t ask me why.



    @danbp Thank you man, this is amazing!

    It didn’t do exactly what i wanted, so i made a couple of tweaks. I changed the filter so the messages were added to the profile only, not the member header meta. I also made the statement into elseif, with an array, so it would do what i needed it to, ie show up only if both fields were empty. Here’s my code. It is probably a bit messy, but it does the trick:

    function bpfr_my_message_on_profile () {	
            if ( bp_is_my_profile()) :
    	if ( !$data = bp_get_profile_field_data( 'field=About' ) ) : 
    	echo '<p class="enter-info">Please tell the community a little bit about yourself by filling out the form on the edit tab above.</p>';	
    	elseif ( !$data = bp_get_profile_field_data(array( field=>'vimeo',field=>'youtube') ) ) : 
    	echo '<p class="enter-info">There is nothing here! Spruce up your profile by adding content via the edit tab above.</p>';
    add_filter( 'bp_before_profile_content', 'bpfr_my_message_on_profile' );

    Thanks for all your help. You rock!



    I was having the same problem, and it wouldn’t work for me with any of the suggested hacks in bp-custom.php

    I found a thread in the WordPress forum on the same topic which worked. Just put:

    remove_filter( 'bp_get_the_profile_field_value', 'xprofile_filter_link_profile_data', 9);

    in your theme functions.php

    Hope that helps.



    @brimfulof thank you! your instructions worked. Piece of cake.



    @jordashtalon did it work for you?



    Hi guys,

    Did you manage to figure things out? I just lost my wordpress admin bar and my BuddyPress Sliding Login Panel ( a plugin) after rebooting my computer.




    Thanks a lot, Rich.

    Not sure I’m quite up to filters yet, but I’ll have a look. So there’s no easy way to determine an amount of words or something?






    Can anyone point me in the right direction? I’m stumped.




    Thanks Modemlooper,

    I don’t think I’ve repeated any, but i will go through it with a fine tooth comb and a fresh head tomorrow. Thanks for your help.




    Thanks Modemlooper,

    I just tried that, and I still get the screen of death. Does that confirm it’s a badly written function?

    It’s weird coz I remove a function, then it sporadically fixes, then breaks again.

    Would I be able to figure it out by running an htaccess error report?



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