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  • @jschires


    mine is holding on to the full address of the user and keep int the wp-content/ in the address:



    Hey r-a-y,

    its actually a shoutbox that I modified a little. Wordspew i believe



    I dont have an android, but I am told by someone I know that it does…and it should. I do have the settings in the script for android among other devices. I know it works on the iphone, LG Vu, and Blackberry’s for sure… If anyone has some cool ajax knowledge I could use a pointer on a conflict that I have with div refreshes and commenting. They seem to not like each other much at all.

    The commenting uses its own ajax (written by the plugin author)



    A few new screen shots of my mobile theme…

    Added notifications in a hidden divide using ajax.

    Added automatic updating of friends status updates/posts using ajax as well as a button to pull updates if you want to. Once I get all/or any bugs worked out I plan to release this as a mobile theme.

    I also added the auto updating of friends status updates/posts to my regular (pc) theme as well.



    probably too old and not needed now, but I did something like this and added it to the userbar.php

    <td colspan=”2″ align=”center” valign=”middle” class=”freindsbox”> <?php if ( bp_has_friendships(‘type=active&per_page=6&max=50&user_id=’ . bp_loggedin_user_id() ) ) : ?>

    <ul id=”friend-list” class=”item-list”>

    <?php while ( bp_user_friendships() ) : bp_the_friendship(); ?>

    ” title=”<?php bp_friend_name() ?>” target=”_blank”><?php bp_friend_avatar_thumb() ?>

    <?php endwhile; ?>

    <?php else: ?>

    <div id=”message” class=”info”>

    <p>No friend connections found.</p>


    <?php endif;?></td>



    <td height=”110″ colspan=”2″ align=”center” valign=”middle”>






    Double posting is fixed (Thanks John!). Have a nice little “Status” update for the logged in user even when viewing friends profiles (similar to facebook).



    Is there a way currently to fix this issue? I noticed that the code above is the same as what I have currently and it is still posting twice?



    anyone have an idea on why the status is posting twice?



    ok…here is the next attempt with recommendations from Gp01! I do think this is a cleaner layout. Let me know what you think. from a browser (for screen shots) or from your Iphone/Android device



    That is a clean layout! I will check that out closer. I do have mine setup to detect android as well although I do not have one to check it on ;-)



    Here is a little view of what I have going so far. Any input would be great!!



    Ok, I was not thinking right. What is missing is the “clear” link on the new status. It is showing “Status Display” when it should be showing “editable display” in the class code. Anyone wanna give a crack at why that would be?

    I was thinking that it would be because it is not seeing the user as logged in, but of course it is…it posts to the correct users wire…



    Thanks! I figured out that the issue is that it is showing it as status-display instead of editible-status…kinda like it is not seeing that you are logged in, but yet does post the update?



    are you using the ajax status update like buddypress? I am working on a iphone web app for buddypress but have an issue with it returning the status “clear” and dropping back down. It does slide up and post the update, just doesnt come down with the status, clear, and would like it to also return the post box…any ideas?



    bp-sn-parent/profile/profile-menu.php may be a place to start



    I just tried signing up on and everything went fine until it sent me the email. I click the link to activate and it brings up a blank screen. Then trying to log in it basically says I do not exist?



    I use

    require( dirname(__FILE__) . ‘/wp-load.php’ );?>

    in the header



    It looks to me like it is looking in wp-inlcude and it shouldnt be there



    Thats a little beyond my ability :-) any idea why it would be posting them twice?



    the only real issue I am having now besides the size which is minor, is that it is posting the video twice…any ideas?



    Thanks Travel-junkie! I was able to make that work in the status! One more questions if I could…is there a way for instance, if someone embeds a youtube video that I can force the size?



    I would have to think that there is an actually way to allow the tags for video embeding, even if its modifying the core (which I know is not suggested) but would be very helpful.



    Hi stwc,

    I did look at that previously, but it really doesn’t do what Im wanting to do. There have been many posts on here about allowing things like youtube and such, with people saying that it can be done. There is a lot of interest in this feature. Most social sites allow this and it is one of the biggest draws to get users, life doesn’t live in just text to most.

    I have tried what some say works with no luck. In those posts everyone else trying the same thing has no luck. I know that the limitation is due to the tags being stripped and the allowed tags. But even when define custom allowed tags in the kses, it still doesnt allow objects, or embedding of any type. I do know that some would not want this feature, but I also know that many many do…



    21cdb! Thank you sooo much, that is exactly what I was trying to do but I was going about it the wrong way. I truly appreciate it! Thanks to all of you that commented and helped!



    still having a hard time getting it to move, if anyone is interested in giving a few more pointers :-)

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