Forum Replies Created
I don’t know how to integrate the others into wordpress/buddypress, but you could still disable the forum component in buddypress and use the other features.
we need something like is_page() but just for buddypress specific pages so I can check. and send it over to the buddypress title function otherwise use my normal titles from wordpress.
The problem is that if you don’t let buddypress use its own function for the title tag, all the buddypress specific pages will show the most recent post’s title for all buddypress specific pages…
what a huge bug.
title tag
I hope you weren’t replying to me because that was the article I first read and it doesn’t say.
I tried adding object cache and super-cache and I don’t see any errors, but with object cache on I see my page creation time is higher. Is that normal?
perhaps instead of giving everyone that big error, the message could be changed to tell them to place themes in the theme folder and to activate a buddypress theme.
I’m wondering the same thing. I guess we just have to try it.
That’s a relief. I was worried something was messed up.
I also just noticed that buddypress profiles don’t import from wordpress profiles or vice versa. It takes enough tooth pulling to get people to complete one profile. Adding those fields to sign up would be good because required fields would also have some anti-spam benefits.
If anyone already has found a working hack please let me know what you changed.
Thank you all for the ideas. I guess it is time to hack qTranslate
That was it! The conflict is with the qtranslate plugin.
I started a new thread in the qtranslate plugin forum to let the author know.
It would be great if someone here could confirm it. This worries me since it was the only multilingual plugin that I could find that would work with MU.
It puts language content in html language tags including titles. With that plugin off everything appears twice wherever I had added a translation.
Are there extra lines for the .htaccess to make buddypress specific pages work?
when I changed the permalink back to default, instead of getting “page not found” the buddypress pages didn’t load anything new just the same page refreshed without any error message. in other words, that didn’t work either.
yes, by default theme I mean the buddypress one..
to remove the possibility of some undefined file not uploading correctly, I made a zip file with everything, uploaded that and extracted it with the control panel file managerbefore activating (again) buddy press and the default theme.
no change.
I’m deleting my buddypress directory again and uploading the newest trunk.
Is the CSS being loaded?
yes I see style when using the theme, but as I mentioned all the buddypress specific pages are “page not found” in otherwords the widgets and the regular MU stuff loads like blog posts and blog pages.
Have you changed the permalink settings in WPMU?
not recently. Currently:
custom /%postname%/
Do you have a htaccess file in your WPMU install?
Since you say you have uploaded manually, you may have missed a file or put something in the wrong place. Or perhaps the file/directory permissions need setting correctly? (I’m not sure what to, try 777 for a test)
well, I’ve reuploded everything at least once. Which files should be changed to 777? I didn’t see anything in the readme about making everything publicly editable.
Can’t you post url to your test site? is it local? or screenshots maybe?
no, because it is a real site, after I finish making sure Buddypress still doesn’t work, I deactivate the Buddypress plugin and reactivate my normal theme.
local? not sure what you mean by that.
everything LOOKs good except for the “page not found” where the normal content should be on buddypress pages. I see the style and widgets load.
not sure what would be useful. It is on a Hostgator shared account on a linux server. MU works fine. Here are the program versions according to the control panel.
ionCube Loader:
Zend Optimizer:
what more details should I post?
finished re-uploading no change.
My latest tests are with r1964. I’m re-uploading it right now.
I only tried the parent as a TEST after the fact that the member theme didn’t work.
I don’t see why buddypress wouldn’t work with blogs in subdirectories since that would be the most logical install (since it doesn’t require extra server setup) That is how MU works.
It is installed at the webroot.
If buddypress is now exclusively subdomains, I’ll have to look for another solution (or start coding my own friends,groups, and internal messaging hacks *sigh* which wouldn’t be good enough to share.
I did another search this morning of the forum and I see that several others are having the same exact problem, but no one has replied with any fixes. I saw a few threads saying not to have mu installed in a subdirectory, but that is not my case. It is so disappointing.
just as a test I tried using the parent theme instead of default. No, those pages still didn’t work.
Where in the code are those pages set to direct to the right template pages? ( because it isn’t working) perhaps there is a hack to get it working.