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  • @maelga


    Thanks @henrywright

    What’s the difference with calling global $bp?
    I guess if you’re advising the above, this might be performance related.



    Thanks @henrywright. No luck with the above.

    I got it working with this:

    global $bp;
    echo $bp->bp_nav['foo']['link'];

    from the $bp doc

    I am now wondering whether there is already a function defined for this.
    Just like bp_loggedin_user_domain() works instead of global $bp; echo $bp->loggedin_user->domain;



    Thanks @henrywright
    Defining the slug with bp_core_new_nav_item() is not an issue.

    How can i get the slug to be echoed dynamically?
    I’m currently using echo bp_loggedin_user_domain(). '/mynavslug/'; to show the hyperlink in my theme files but i don’ t want the slug to be hardcoded.
    Maybe something like this echo $bp->bp_nav[]['link']?



    Thanks @shanebp



    I was unable to post the functions in my above post.
    They can be found here:



    What is the 'my-custom-js' in your script?

    From WP codex it’s the $handle var <?php wp_enqueue_script( $handle, $src, $deps, $ver, $in_footer ); ?>

    Not sure what it is supposed to be.
    It does not seem to relate to anything in your above js.



    Thanks @henrywright

    Where is the best place to put this script?



    Thanks @henrywright.

    The order of the variables should read $ud->user_login, $sender_name, $subject, $content, $message_link



    How can I add “Dear username” at the beginning of the email message?

    I have tried adding $user_id to the function with ` $user = get_userdata( $user_id );
    ‘Dear ‘ . $user->user_login . ‘,`
    but it does not return any value.

    Any idea?



    Yep, I mean your Community Stats plugin because I only need backend stats.

    Different site, different needs I guess.
    I do neither use the Friends component nor the Activity Streams one.
    Posting of multiple custom post types and messaging are the 2 main activities, so this data is critical to me.

    There are indeed plenty of plugins to report author/CPT stats but I yet have to come across one that tracks BP Messages.
    If you are aware of one, please let me know. 😉



    Thanks @danbp.

    Could you add messages stats in a future release?
    Messaging is the heart of my BP install and I currently have no idea how much activity is ongoing.

    Not yet available on WP repo and already a feature request 😉





    I’ll be curious to hear from developers who successfully set up Object Cache with Buddypress, especially using W3 Total Cache.




    bump 🙂



    Thanks @shanebp for these clarifications.

    So I understand Site Tracking is some kind of “sub-component” of Activity Stream.
    If Activity Stream is disabled, enabling Site Tracking is useless.




    I only found this old thread but with broken links unfortunately:

    So any input would be appreciated.



    That’s clever. Thanks @shanebp



    Hi @shanebp, would you have any input for this?



    Yes, a few other profile groups should be visible and editable.

    So I guess hiding the whole group 1 requires a redirect to another group id.
    I have seen (very) old topics on this and tried some code but it does not seem to work with newer BP versions.

    Appreciate your help 🙂



    Do you guys have any snippet to display the xprofile fields ID in admin?
    The lesser I go to my db, the happier I am! 🙂



    Thanks @shanebp.
    bp_core_activated_user does a better job than user_register
    It works with some additional {} as follows:

    function set_default_group( $user_id ) {
            if ( empty( $user_id ) ) {
    	$accounttype  = xprofile_get_field_data( 'I am a', $user_id );
    	if ($accounttype  == 'Student') {
    		groups_join_group( 1, $user_id );
    	elseif ($accounttype  == 'Teacher') {
    		groups_join_group( 2, $user_id );
    add_action( 'bp_core_activated_user', 'set_default_group', 11, 1 ); 

    May I ask what’s the purpose of

         if ( empty( $user_id ) ) {




    I have tested the groups_join_group function and it works now. Thanks @shanebp

    However, the IF loop does not.

    function set_default_group( $user_id ) {
    	$accounttype  = get_user_meta( $user_id, 'I am a', true );
    	if ($accounttype  == 'Student'){
    		groups_join_group( 1, $user_id );
    	elseif ($accounttype  == 'Teacher'){
    		groups_join_group( 2, $user_id );
    add_action( 'user_register', 'set_default_group', 10, 1 ); 

    I have also tried @imath’s gist… It works well as-is for all new registered members to auto join selected groups.
    But I need new members to join only specific groups based on the ‘I am a’ field (Student/Teacher).
    So unfortunately the gist doesn’t help if I can’t even get my IF loop to work 🙁

    It seems to be an issue with get_user_meta.
    I have tried $accounttype = xprofile_get_field_data( 'I am a', $user_id ); instead of $accounttype = get_user_meta( $user_id, 'I am a', true ); but none of them work.

    My field ‘I am a’ is part of the Primary Field Group (also shown on the registration form) and has only ‘Student’ and ‘Teacher’ as options.

    Any idea what goes wrong?



    If I were to create 2 or more tabs, what would be the best way to achieve this?
    I’ve been playing with the above code for some time without much success…



    From function.php

    Thanks again @shanebp



    Thanks @shanebp.
    It only works if I remove the function triggered at bp_loaded, as follows:

    	if ( class_exists( 'BP_Group_Extension' ) ) :
    		class members_nav_tab_in_group extends BP_Group_Extension {
    			function __construct() {
    				if( bp_is_group_single() ) {
    					$bp = buddypress();
    					$group_id = $bp->groups->current_group->id;
    					if( $group_id == '1' ) {
    						$args = array(
    						'slug'              => '../../members',
    						'name'              => 'Members Directory',
    						'nav_item_position' => 105,
    						parent::init( $args );
    	bp_register_group_extension( 'members_nav_tab_in_group' );

    What is the rationale/advantage for adding this function add_group_tab()?

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