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  • maganiza



    Thanks my guy you just saved my ass. And @sharmavishal thank you too.

    So I went to tools, buddypress, selected – Reinstall emails (delete and restore from defaults) and clicked repair. Problem solved.



    I am a learner like you but this is what I did last week and it worked for me. I just used two major things. The buddypress plugin and the boss theme. All the settings your’e looking for are preloaded and you just need to check and uncheck what is necessary.

    Give it a try.



    Thank you for your response. I guess there should be another way to work around this.

    Okay, so the site is a small social education community. Learners will signup to be members. After they have joined the community, users will share knowledge and advice amongst each other. So the administrator will give a score/badge to each user as time goes on due to participation. The user score/badge should show on the profile of every user profile and is public.

    As the admin I will need users to view the score/badge without editing/increasing/lowering their scores within their profile edit page.

    Any other suggestions to have something similar are greatly appreciated.



    thank you for the speedy response. If I am not mistaken the article is more related to signed in/loggen in user IDs.

    I am looking at a solution whereby I will even view the member ID numbers on the list with the backend buddypress/wordpress system. Also I would like for these numbers to be static. For example if I run a search I want the numbers to be populated. Is this possible?



    yes that would do for now, so were do i activate the numbering?

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