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I am with Opera mini now so my help could be not 100% accurate. Probably is a sidebar width problem. Try to narrow it in the css.
Thanks, but my goal is to leave the Bp Default template files untouched, so that at every new Bp release I’m not gonna edit every file. I’ll use just a Child css and a functions.php file.
add this on your css child :
#forums-search-form A
color: #F42E2E;
#forums-search-form A:hover
color: #9D0505;
}So it’s all ok now? If so switch topic to resolved.
Nice trick. Do you think you can include it in child theme functions file via a hook? Kind of
remove action - add action
.Use Firebug.
Just look if there’s a class on the css for them and if so set
display: none;
Sorry I can’t help you more but I’m with a Symbian Phone.
Great Plugin. Should be included in the core!
If you can wait till this late evening (GMT+1) when I come back home I’d be glad to help you.
Try this if it works. Just Copy/Paste in your child theme style.css
BODY#bp-default #wp-admin-bar .padder
width: auto !important;
}Sorry Tadziz but that’s a simple WordPress question. There’s a lot of tutorial around on “how to add widgetized areas” on sidebar. Just google it.
It’s better lower the header, set in header css top: ##px; ## are the height of the buddybar.
Nice trick philipwalter, it takes it one step further.
Here’s what I’ve done:
1. create a new page template (don’t call it home.php!) with all the html/php you need for your front page. Upload it on your theme folder via ftp.
2. create a new page in the dashboard using your template. Set it as home page on the Reading section.
3. I used the Login With Ajax plugin to redirect logged in user to the activity page. But any method of redirection could work.
I have to investigate further but I’d really want to style it so odd and even activities lines look lightly different. To improve readibility.
I have the same question. If I upload a .png with transparent background it turns to black bg.
Great tips Andy, even though I’m currently developing my beta buddypress site on a free web space, cuz the provider where I’m gonna publish it don’t allow betas for security issues, these are great tips for my planned VPS. Lot of time saved!
ok, first of all, in Revolution style.css:
#header: padding 25px 20px
(so the topnavbar will show under admin bar).
then You gotta to add to style.css this:
#content: width 610px
(or in #postarea)Sorry if I tell You, but your css is not well integrated between Revolution css and Buddypress css. That’s the main problem if the site looks not so good.
If you need more help you’re free to ask.
That is because javascript is called in the header.php.
You can duplicate header.php, name the new file as u like, es. nojheader.php, open and delete the strings that call the javascript for the gallery,
Then you should replace in the beginning of the other templates pages the string get header.php to get nojheader.php. Hope is clear…
Hey vskylabv, wait before leavin Revolution!
I’m currently adapting a Streamline theme to buddypress so I can help you!
I’ll hire you, better talk via mail and in italian I think
I’write you what I need. A presto.
You gotta modify the settings (api number etc…) via notepad…
and then upload it.
You gotta modify the settings via notepad…
Ok. But I’d like to have on the admin dashboard the ability to add groups as is possible in the “add new member” section. Is it possible or it’s necessary to hack the core ( I don’t want to do that cuz I’m a newbie.)?