Forum Replies Created
Hmmm…unfortunately I mostly could not replicate many of the errors people encounter. I can only think it has to do with subdomain installs versus subdirectories. As is, I can’t support subdomain installs. If someone can find a fix so that it would work properly I’ll include the fix.
Please try 1.4.5 and see if you find any problems. I have not tested it on a live site, but as far as I can tell it works fine. I would appreciate some extensive testing.
Is this now replacing two-way friend connections?
WPMU is really gone in a few months or less…afaik WP3.0 is pretty much on track.
Best just wait and spend energy researching new functionality for you to enable Multi Sites in WP 3.0.
Nope…it is not dead, but definitely on halt as I am involved with other projects as well. Unfortunately my development for BuddyPress runs in sync with the requirements of our local development for our organization. We are anticipating wordpress 3.0 release and content post types. P2 is category based. At the same time we have other issues that take priority, one of them being integrating outside networks such Facebook and External blogs.
I wish it was as easy as being able to develop full time, but it just isn’t the case. The project is still on track, but delayed.
It depends which page. You’ve got three instances or so, the directory activity page, the profile page and single group page.
To always show your slider above all instance you could stick it inside the post-form.php with the following do_action:
<?php do_action( 'bp_before_activity_post_form' ) ?>
Otherwise, for the directory activity you’ve got the following do_action:
<?php do_action( 'bp_before_directory_activity_content' ) ?>
Or for profile views and single group views you have:
<?php do_action( 'bp_before_member_activity_post_form' ) ?>
<?php do_action( 'bp_before_group_activity_post_form' ) ?>
That should give you all possible instances. Just code your slider in your bp-customs.php and use an add_action for your area of choice. Hope this helps.
Yellow notice at top in admin to “activate a BuddyPress compatible theme” remains present, even after child theme activation. Notice disappears when default BuddyPress theme is used.
@Ron R, @webfadds – Just add this to the style.css included in buddymatic, just below the other comments:
Tags: buddypress
You right 21cdb…I do think a dropdown would be helpful at the profile uploading screen to at it to a certain group pool. But yes, within the group it should also be possible to add straight to the pool.
Yes…one more vote among the core features to include group albums as a core feature as well.
Yes jozik, it would be great to have a “default language” setting in the user profile settings page. Could you not stor a language id in the usermeta of that user? When logging in it would read out the language id and set the redirect accordingly? Just brainstorming here.
How do social network sites like Facebook do this? They have their language selector at the bottom of the page, is that cookie based you think? It is important to us, so we could sponsor this, at least some of it.
+1 21cdb, I think it is key what Andy mentioned indeed. Impressive development guys!
I think there must be some additional problems in your install as I’m not able to replicate those errors. I hope for you that when we iron out the WP_Error other things will fall into place as well as it is our only lead with this issue.
Please post errors in this thread related to 1.4.4 as the other thread is for review of the dev version of the plugin. Thanks.
@Mark Schafer Are you using subdomains as well?
The work around for now is as follows, please test this and let me know if that works for you as well. Create the group as usual, but do not create a groupblog. Then visit the group admin and click “Group Blog”. Enable the groupblog and let it create a new blog. Don’t worry about the address we mention (we just show that as information anyway), we just never took subdomains into account, sorry about that. Check your wp-admin and notice the blog is now created successfully as a subdomain blog and the group will work accordingly.
This worked for me, if that works for you I’m pretty sure where it is going wrong and we will fix this in the next release.
Permalinks are also still an issue…if people can share code fixes releases will come quicker, just tight up a bit at the moment. However bugs have major priority and we will try to get it resolved asap.
Sorry for the trouble anointed. I’m pretty sure this only applies to subdomain installs on the group step create blog function.
The work around for now is as follows, please test this and let me know if that works for you as well. Create the group as usual, but do not create a groupblog. Then visit the group admin and click “Group Blog”. Enable the groupblog and let it create a new blog. Don’t worry about the address we mention (we just show that as information anyway), we just never took subdomains into account, sorry about that. Check your wp-admin and notice the blog is now created successfully as a subdomain blog and the group will work accordingly.
This worked for me, if that works for you I’m pretty sure where it is going wrong and we will fix this in the next release.
Permalinks are also still an issue…if people can share code fixes releases will come quicker, just tight up a bit at the moment. However bugs have major priority and we will try to get it resolved asap.
Thanks for sharing.
Update friendly: BP GroupBlog – Tested on WPMU / BP 1.2.1
No upgrade path is needed. We don’t use tables and the metakeys we use are still still the same. There is one but hanging around we are still figuring out causing a WP_Error on some groups. I’m a bit busy juggling a few things at the moment so unfortunately development has slowed down a bit.
The current tagged version 1.4.4 is definitely not Beta and should be fine to install on your client site.
Hi jozik,
If there’s one MAJOR thing all my users struggle with is that WPML doesn’t remember the preferred language for the logged in BuddyPress user. I think that when the user logs in, he/she should be redirected to his preferred language. This should not be browser dependent as far as language sniffing goes, because many communities are filled with internationals living in other countries.
Rather it would be essential for the user to set their preferred language in their bp user settings. This is also better than cookies in case the user logs in from a different computer.
Is this an option that could possible included?
Agree with Andrea_r. Note that the oneclick install forum doesn’t have as much community support as far as plugins go as the standalone bbpress does.
At the end for forums I think nobody beats phpbb. So whatever your focus is as a site/communicty/group go with the best extensible available solution. If forums is your core look at forum software that gives you what you need. I would hold back for investing in a swissarmyknife, but fail at the one thing that is important for your audience.
It activated fine for me
However, as far as I can tell you currently run cron every 5 minutes, but no updates from Facebook are coming in. I could update fine from BP to FB instantly, but not the other way around. I also tried calling the function manually, but no go. Can anyone else confirm that.
Great set of options though and love the filtering. A few minor English spelling errors and poor grammar, that’s it. This plugin is a goldmine, since my community even though niche still uses FB 80% while our niche community 20%. This bridges a gap.
ps. don’t look at my grammar either!
How often does it synchronize from Facebook? Just wondering for testing purposes. Maybe you could create a site admin settings button to “Sync Now”. I haven’t looked at the code, just asking…
I had previously (bp1.1.3) created something like the following function in my bp-custom.php to spit out the group status. Not sure how useful this is before the loop though. Maybe create a feature request in trac.
function the_group_type() {
echo get_group_type();
function get_group_type( $group = false ) {
global $groups_template;
if ( !$group )
$group =& $groups_template->group;
$type = $group->status;
return apply_filters( 'get_group_type', $type );
}Thanks for giving it a look guys…it is so helpful to get another set of eyes on there as I was looking at completely different things. Here goes:
will the tags show up on the main page tags widget?
On the blog pages they show in relation to the blogs’ tags. For the main page you would need a sitewide tags widget. Look here:
The magazine theme layout looks cool, but I feel it’s bit overwhelming for certain users. especially on lower resolutions I feels a bit crammed
I agree, it needs some testing and wiggling. I noticed the colums are not behaving how I want them to as well. I like your comp, it is in between a Microblog and Magazine layout. I might just include that unless there are other suggestions.
To avoid confusion I would probably rename Status Update in the groupblog to something like News Update or Blog Update, so that it does not get mixed up with a status/activity update in BuddyPress.
Yes, it seems posting updates is not needed and we should encourage users to post media from this point. I think Ideally the update form from buddypress would exist in a top screen dropdown (not sure how you call those web 2.0 things). So you could post updates at any time and doesn’t take away real estate.
Maybe allow the user to switch to a full markup mode or tiny editor to have more control over longer posts.
This functionality would have to be born at the P2 theme. We just use there functionality. Whatever they develop, we inherit. I already hacked the main P2 a tiny bit to include the allowed categories and ajax feedback. Since it is a theme created by Automattic I think it is a safe horse to bet on.
preview blog post before posting it
Yes, I was surprissed to by this when using P2 the first time. I didn’t expect img code in the post form, but it makes sense. A preview screen would be very nice. Again, this is something that would needed to be developed by the P2 theme. Unless anybody can supply some code we code integrate.
ability to edit the post after it’s posted.
There are actually a bunch of P2 features I omissed. Like keyboard shortcuts and inline editing. I’m going through the P2 theme and comb through what is still missing, inline editing is one of them. Thanks for mentioning that.
preview and edit functions are musts
As mentioned previous
Basicly inline editing is a core feature so no problem. The preview of posts I’m not sure. I wonder if there’s a feature request section for the P2 developer crew.
clicking any category tag displays the archive for that tag on a page that has no group header.
You are absolutely right. I’m only including the group header in single, but this is something I can add in with a few lines. Just didn’t get to it yet, but was already to excited to share what the development was.
if you have â€Disable activity stream commenting on blog and forum posts?†set to â€Yes†in the BP admin area, I’m guessing this wouldn’t work
Ha, yes you are right. I want prioritize buddypress activity comments since they are more sitewide than individual blog comments. This helps prevent forking of discussions and the discussion can take place at multiple stages. We could do an easy conditional to check if activity comments are disabled and then include the regular comment form instead.
I guess for backward compatibility for old blog comments we should show those on the blog posts as well.
Agree with Bowe about blog status updates.
I must be daft, but I couldn’t find the alternate layout options screen
Currently this is controlled by the site-admin. So one layout rules them all. We quickly realized that it would be much better for the site-admin to allow group creators to choose a layout. This way you can have diverse groupblog expressions. We just did not get around coding that yet.
There is still a bunch of stuff we need to add and fix. Pitfalls also include group admins to change the theme of their blog (I just of that) as well as we need to see if we can omit the featured category from the backend for group members who are not admin or mod. An many other stuff.
So it is a bold task to include P2 support and does add some dependency, but at the end I do think it adds to the overall value. We just need to smooth out what and who the plugin is used. Your feedback help us with that.
Come WP3.0 I hope P2 changes to post-types rather than categories, but we will see.
Make sure to join the group so you can see the P2 post form in action on the group!
The updated version is currently ironing out bugs
You can see and track the development here:
This site is using our new under development P2 BuddyPress theme. The plugin now uses a template page system which allows site admins to choose a blog layout for their group. Currently the Magazine style is set as default.
We also added a lot of new option in the backend. In this group we share some more info and screenshots on that:
Feel free to tinker around. I cleaned up some old groups and blogs, but don’t be afraid to break anything. I’d appreciate some testing as there are plenty bugs out there with this new development.
@Anointed, I can actually honestly say I have no idea why the the_title would not show up, or the log errors. Can anyone confirm these errors in their logs as well? That would help localize. Hopefully upgrading in the future could help fix those issues.