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  • @mastershas


    You can try a plugin BuddyPress Simple Terms And Conditions. It may fit your requirement



    Hi David,
    This is very common problem that we all are facing with the Buddypress websites. The combination of registration process that I am using to stop it
    1. I have enabled social login as it is very easy for users to login with almost no spam users. Every users is having a google or facebook account. It increases the engagement of users also.
    2. Restrict sign up with only a few legit and popular email domains like GMAIL, YAHOO, MSN aor anything u want. You can use BP Restrict Signup By Email Domain plugin.




    1. To hide admin bar to non-logged in user, you can use a plugin name Remove Dashboard Access.

    2. There is no direct method to make BuddyPress profile page full-width. You can achieve this by editing Buddypress templates. To do this
    Create a child theme
    Put Buddypress folder in your child theme and edit the profile template. To do we should understand the templating system of Buddypress. Here is a tutorial for that.

    3. You can use a plugin by Buddydev which lets you write posts from front end and add blog tab under user’s profile menu.

    Hope this help you.



    Hi @ottiya
    I am sorry to hear the same. I saw the test site and just wanted to recheck a few questions.
    1. In the directory path buddypress > members > single > cover cover-image-header.php, did you created cover-imgae-header.php in the cover directory or under single directory. It should be under single directory.
    2. I think you have not enabled allowing user to upload cover image. Could you please check and confirm ?
    If the same is not enabled you can edit member-header.php under buddypress > members > single.



    Hi @bdwright
    Congratulations! for your website. When it comes to reporting a post there is a nifty plugin called WP Report Post. I think It should solve your problem of post reporting. When it comes to moving back end to front end it is quite complex. But a premium plugin from Buddyboss Buddypress user blog is what you want. Kindly check the demo before purchasing



    Hi @hdcms
    I am happy that I could help you.



    Hi @ hdcms
    I did not see the picture before suggesting the code and misunderstood. You can use the actions like bp_before_profile_edit_content and bp_before_profile_avatar_upload_content in place of bp_before _member_header. The better way to edit the appearance of a website is by the adding the buddypress template files in your theme. Here is a beautiful article on this.



    Hi @hdcms
    You can achieve the following by following code

    add_action( 'bp_before_member_header', 'afficheMsg' );
    function afficheMsg() {
    if ( bp_is_user_profile_edit())
    echo "Hello";

    If you have any further question kindly ask.



    Hi @ngoegan
    Above code is working fine on my install. I am not facing a redirection issue on forum page. If you closely watch the code there is an if statement which checks if we are on register page.
    You can do a few things
    1. Clear your cache if using a caching plugin.
    2. Clear your browser cookies and check
    3. Go to settings > permalink and re save
    4. Change to default theme and deactivate all plugins except bbpress and buddypress and place the code in theme’s functions.php file and check
    Happy Debugging 🙂



    Hi @ottiya
    Adding an author box after post which displays author bio need a different approach. I can not explain in this forum as it involves certain difficulties. But, I have written a tutorial on how to add author box below post with author bio. Kindly check and if you need help kindly ask.



    Hi @ottiya
    If you want to play with the HTML of the Buddypress members, you will have to look at the Buddypress directory located in your child theme. As I can see from your source code, you are using child theme of weta (weta-child).

    1. Login to your web server (web host) and browse the files
    2. Go to your website directory and navigate to wp-content > themes > weta-child
    3. If you find a directory named buddypress. You can go inside and start editing the templates. As @djpaul suggested the article, you can start editing the files accordingly.

    Your questions are related to editing the member profile cover section. You can go to directory buddypress > members > single > cover-image-header.php of your child theme and edit.



    @ngoegan I am glad you solved it by yourself.



    Hi eliasgetguineapig
    I think you are using theme from Buddyboss. It is a premium product and customization will be supported in their forum. Coming to your question, you can add and remove menu items from Appearance > Menus in the WordPress dashboard.



    @ngoegan I think there is something wrong with your bp-custom file. My suggestion
    1. Try to place the code in your theme’s functions.php file
    2. Clean up your bp-custom php all codes and put the code only and recheck. This error usually comes due to wrong placement of codes or some plugin confliction.



    @proszwi It seems it is an issue related with WPLMS theme. I can see a similar thread going over there. Kindly check the thread



    @ngoegan the logic in the Buddypress is correct why an user would like to go to register page when he is already registered and logged in. According to your stated problem your can make register page as static homepage and add the above code in your child’s theme function file or bp-custom.php. It will redirect all your logged in user to activity page.
    To know about how to add bp-custom file read this beautiful post



    @richard2001 Could you please elaborate your situation.
    To my understanding
    1. If you are not receiving email, the probable cause could be with the server hosting. Kindly create an email account with your server hosting and use the same email account in the WordPress. Go to Settings > General to change default email address.
    2. Go to Buddypress setting and check if the Notification option is checked.



    @ngoegan add the following code in your child theme’s function file. It modifies default behavior and redirect user to activity page. Link to the source of code

    function bbg_bp_loggedin_register_page_redirect_to( $redirect_to ) {
        if ( bp_is_component_front_page( 'register' ) )
            $redirect_to = bp_get_root_domain() . '/activity';
        return $redirect_to;
    add_filter( 'bp_loggedin_register_page_redirect_to', 'bbg_bp_loggedin_register_page_redirect_to' );



    Hi @bttmrc,

    You can add the profile avatar in wordpress menu by simply filtering the wp_nav_menu_items function. A nice article is here. Add a custom menu item. You should know a little bit of coding to achieve it.



    @ftg17 Did you check the Profile Settings Option? If not Login to WordPress dashboard using admin account and navigate to Setting >> Buddypress >> Options >> Profile Settings . Mark tick on allow user to upload profile photo. If you did this kindly change to the WordPress default theme and check if now you can update your profile pic.



    @nagarjunsarathy I think a similar kind of plugin is developed by imath. BP- Reshare. You can give a try in your development env..



    @whiteeagle1985, I checked the generatepress theme, You can put below code in you child theme’s function.php

    // Change Post's Author URL to Buddypress Profile URL
    function generate_post_author_output_buddyprss_url( $post_author_profile_link ){
    $post_author_profile_link = sprintf( ' <span class="byline">%1$s</span>',
    			sprintf( '<span class="author vcard" itemtype="" itemscope="itemscope" itemprop="author">%1$s <a class="url fn n" href="%2$s" title="%3$s" rel="author" itemprop="url"><span class="author-name" itemprop="name">%4$s</span></a></span>',
    				__( 'by','generatepress'),
    				esc_url( bp_core_get_user_domain( get_the_author_meta( 'ID' ) ) ),
    				esc_attr( sprintf( __( 'Know more about %s', 'generatepress' ), get_the_author() ) ),
    				esc_html( get_the_author() )
    		) ;
    return  $post_author_profile_link;

    It should work.



    @romashah62 You can read the following thread Tinymce For Activity Post. You can use mediapress plugin to enable adding images in the group.



    @whiteeagle1985 The author links that are shown in the post comes from the the function which is defined in the wordpress theme. Every theme has a redefine function to print the author link. The solution can be creating a child theme and redefine the function according to your need. I am not sure which theme you are using.

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