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  • @micasuh


    Perfect! That solved it!

    It’s funny how close I was but just didn’t write out the function or add_action.

    Thank you so much for your support.



    i don’t know what’s wrong but this didn’t work for me either. I put it right into my functions.php file.



    @r-a-y Sure I understand what you’re saying.

    According to the end of your previous post, I am forced to load one of three files: buddypress.css in either child or parent, or buddypress.min.css in BP plugin directory.

    What I’m saying is I don’t want any extra file loading. I will use my theme’s built in stylesheet to load these styles, not an external file like buddypress.css or buddypress.min.css.

    It would be nice if there is a way to deregister or dequeue the stylesheet from loading, something like this:
    wp_dequeue_style( 'bp-legacy-css' );
    wp_deregister_style( 'bp-legacy-css' );



    @r-a-y thank you for the explanation, that does make it more clear what you’re talking about. And while it’s nice that this is included by default for convenience, I’m hoping there’s a way to deregister this file from loading at all so that I can include all of these styles in my preprocesser files instead.



    @r-a-y Does this mean that BP will ship with an unminified version of buddypress.css? I like that it’s minified by default, this is less file size to load. Is there not an option within BP to load the minified version if specified?



    @danbp I guess there’s a misunderstanding so let me try to clear myself up. 🙂

    I understand that buddypress.min.css has baseline styles for BP and I do plan to reuse some of the code. However, it is not necessary for this code to be loaded in an external file when I can incorporate it into my compressed CSS file generated by the preprocessor.

    Secondly, disabling buddypress.min.css, I remove one HTTP request that doesn’t need to be there. In order to optimize the site’s load time, I need to get rid of any extra HTTP requests that are not necessary.

    Third, buddypress.min.css is a stylesheet that contains styles. There should not be anything within that affects the functionality or interactivity of BP, right? I can’t see how getting rid of this file will cause BP not to work correctly, as you first stated. What do I not understand?



    @danbp I understand that it might need some of those styles. However, I shouldn’t be forced to use them if I can style BP in my own way using LESS or Sass and save on that extra HTTP request.

    The styles provided in this file are also conflicting with theme styles that are very apparent such as font sizes. I’d rather everything be consistent with the theme’s core theme styles and not to have to fight specificity issues by overwriting a bunch of IDs set by this legacy CSS file.



    Figured it out. There’s a function in bp-custom.php trying to filter gettext and the domain is incorrect so it was causing all these problems. What a headache!



    @henrywright Okay, I can verify that this problem is happening for both _e( $text ) and __( $text ). I can’t verify that it’s every single instance of this (are the Dashboard menu dropdowns also using these functions, such as Add New, Categories, etc.?)

    What does it mean that these functions render properly when I deactivate BP plugin?



    @henrywright I think I found a pattern in that text that doesn’t render always has <?php _e( at the beginning, which is in relation to the translation file, right?



    @henrywright i already did this and same problem persists. :/



    @henrywright the only plugin activated is BP. We have switched out to different themes, including Twenty Fourteen which has no reference to BP, and the problem persists. I understand what you’re saying but this can’t be a problem with every theme we’ve tried.

    I said corrupt database because I can’t find any other explanation but I know that there’s often some rogue file that’s causing these types of problems. I just wish I knew how to locate it.




    We have previously edited the .po file with poEdit but I was just pasting the contents of the .mo file for @henrywright.

    As for front-end users interaction, I think we solved that problem. The way in which it is affecting the front-end is that button text is not appearing in some places. It doesn’t make sense.



    We do have one in /wp-content/languages/ and it looks like this:

    fiï4L 'aâê°
    2>%1$s posted an update in the group %2$sMembers <span>%s</span>Project-Id-Version: BuddyPress
    POT-Creation-Date: 2013-12-17 18:35:37+00:00
    MIME-Version: 1.0
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
    PO-Revision-Date: 2014-02-26 17:12-0800
    Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>
    X-Generator: Poedit 1.6.4
    Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);
    Language: en_US
    %1$s postedFriends <span>%s</span>




    1. CSS isn’t hiding this missing text. It’s simply not loading. I inspected it to see if it was hidden. It is not.
    2. This is only happening when with the BP plugin. I’ve tested it with every other plugin and nothing else is doing this

    I can’t explain it otherwise. If it’s not any other plugin, it’s not a theme, then either it’s a virus/trojan that’s made its way onto the server or it’s DB corruption.



    @henrywright, yes we have activated multiple themes including the parent and twenty fourteen and the problem persists.

    I’ve checked the wp-config.php to see if something looks screwy in there but everything seems to check out. Could this be some corruption in the database or is it more likely something on the front-end?



    @henrywright-1 This isn’t just a problem with the theme. It’s also a problem with the Dashboard, too. Everything about the site is loading slow when BP is active.

    The strange thing is that I have another plain instance of WP running with BP installed on another entirely different shared hosting server and it’s just fine. No speed issues.

    EDIT: We got it switched to the default BP theme and it dramatically sped up rendering time from 20 down to 5. Crazy. The source code looks very similar, strangely.



    @henrywright-1 The site is not released to the public yet and is behind a Maintenance Mode plugin until we decide to release it. I have done a Network measurement using dev tools previously and it hangs on the initial load for about 20 seconds. Once it finally connects, everything else is relatively quick.

    If you want, I can post a pic of the waterfall as a screenshot on here.



    @henrywright-1 I have deactivated all plugins on the site and as you said it’s zippy. When I activated just one plugin, BP, it went from zippy to slow. What should take only three or four seconds to load suddenly took 10 or more.



    @bphelp I looked through the BP improving performance page and did not see any mention of what you said. Why aren’t VPS/Dedicated servers more highly mentioned on this page?

    Do sites which use BP almost always have a dedicated server or VPS? I’m new to the BP world so all this information is good to learn.



    @bphelp What if this site is still in development and not released to the public? Should BP be causing slowness of the site without any users? I have been helping investigate why this install is so slow and the only thing that I can figure out is that BP is resource intensive.

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