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  • Same thing i just found out. Comments on comments are cool, but 100 nested lists in another 100 nested lists are not.
    Moving everything from comment to comment more to the right? I mean we have with screens but not entless pixels *lol

    I thing about how to make comments on comments visible in another way. Colours? Some ideas?

    Sure, without that i had no test-member with links like “” and showing the buddypress default theme :-)

    My jQuery and Ajax is ok, but my PHP is not so good (most time trial and error and wasting time). Thats the reason why the ajax.php is a nightmare to me.
    If i would unterstand how and where the new update gets injected in the loop, i would fire up jQuery after that to grap the content of bp_activity_content_body() from entry.php and put it in.


    just in the momend i was writing the above i had the lightening. I was looking around in ajax.php and didn’t see how it works. You know why – cause the action is in global.js.
    And here it is:
    jq(“span#put-latest”).each(function() {
    jq(this).text($(“ul#activity-stream .activity-inner”).eq(0).text());

    Sometimes you can’t see the wood becaus of all the trees….

    Sorry for spelling errors, i’m german.

    i thought they have support at

    This plugin sounds great, but 75$ a month? Other template sites take this for a year…




    where is this part of my post? Around the entrys in the bp_the_profile_field_value



    Ok after cleaning the dishes and spinning my head arround the problem had a enlightenment. Maybee it is the PHP Opcode Cache.

    And it was the Opcode Cache. After clearing it everything works. 2 houres for such a simple thing :-(. First time i need to clear the Opcode Cache because off such a error.

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