Forum Replies Created
One minor point.
If you every reinstall & have implemented the Groups Forums you need to clean up the bp-groups-meta table otherwise you cannot turn the forums on for groups that have previously had forums. It took me about a day to figure that little “feature” out.
@Imgoel in my bp-custom.php I put:
function js_restrict_access(){
global $bp, $bp_unfiltered_uri;
if (!is_user_logged_in() && (MEMBERS_SLUG == $bp_unfiltered_uri[0]
|| BP_GROUPS_SLUG == $bp->current_component || BP_BLOGS_SLUG == $bp->current_component)){
bp_core_redirect( get_option(\\\'home\\\') . \\\"/register?s=1\\\");
add_action( \\\'wp\\\', \\\'js_restrict_access\\\', 3 );Then in my theme I put the following in register.php:
<script type=\\\"text/javascript\\\">
jQuery(document).ready(function () {
setTimeout(function(){ jQuery(\\\"#error\\\").fadeOut(\\\"slow\\\"); }, 3000);
<div id=\\\"error\\\" class=\\\"error\\\">
<p>You can only view this information if you are a registered user. Either login or register to continue.</p>
<?php } ?>
<?php bp_core_signup_do_signup() ?>other than just dropping the bb_ tables and removing the files? What are you looking for?
I took a slightly different approach:
* redirected them to the register page adding a flag to the query string
* then in my theme added a some code to catch if the flag was set and if so
added this to my register page just before the bp_core_signup_do_signup() call.
jQuery(document).ready(function () {
setTimeout(function(){ jQuery(“#error”).fadeOut(“slow”); }, 3000);
You can only view this information if you are a registered user.
Either login or register to continue.
Hi Kelly,
Each blog uses it’s own theme so you will need to write your own actions to do this similar to and would be my guess.
On my install it defaulted to domain.tld/blog and looking at line 72 of bp-core.php the slug should be blog:-
/* Define the slug for the blog page */
define( ‘HOME_BLOG_SLUG’, apply_filters( ‘bp_home_blog_slug’, ‘blog’ ) );
What theme are you using??
Avatars are created by the xprofile component as part of the ‘signup_extra_fields’ action, specifically bp-xprofile-signup.php.
My guess is you could create your own action and add it to ‘signup_extra_fields’ and remove the ‘xprofile_add_signup_fields’. I say guess as I have not tried it
Just an update it works nicely. Now to integrate it into a ThickBox popup.
You could always roll your own,
Great! I dreamt about something like the last night but your implementation is nice a simple. I was going to look at adding a much more complex option.
I will implement when I get back from my run & let you know.
ok it seems the comments around bp_create_extract are wrong it does 55 words it defines a word based on spaces. I tried changing the default $excerpt_length from 55 to 10 and my site wide activity only had 10 words.
ok thanks at least I was not missing anything.
I have been thinking about how to do this myself but without a major hack to the core bp I do not see any way to implement something like that.
This sounds good, but I would want to be able to control what aspects get a favourites button. Maybe only blogs or events.
Could this be done initially via a custom translation?
The excerpt is create in bp-blogs.php on line 284 (RC1) calling function bp_create_excerpt in bp-core.php line 807. bp_create_excerpt takes a limit parameter which defaults to 55 characters. It doesn’t look like you can easily adjust this without hacking the core, although I am no expert so you might be able to also hack an action together that will adjust the excerpt.
That would be great if there was one