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  • @nirgalo


    Hi, got the same problem, cannot upload picture on profile, crop doesn’t work and displays an error. I have imageMagick enabled. I read the above disabling plugins/changing theme but really… what is that? Profile photo upload used to work and now it is broken, the problem must be in BuddyPress no? I am using BuddyPress 3.1.0.
    Also why do I have to crop the image? I upload a square picture, I would expect the backend to get this and do what it has to do with it, why asking me to crop??



    @danbp – awesome! the original problem was that search engine indexing was disabled on my site. Then I added your code in functions.php, tested with one comment on a blog post and saw the comment at the top of the activity stream, as I originally expected. Thanks so much for the fast and super efficient response!



    @danbp – thanks for taking the time to reply. So I should be looking for the activity at the time the original post was posted. Well even there, I don’t see the comment activity. Has the “enable comments on the activity stream for blogs and forums” flag an impact on this feature?

    Even if this was working the way you are saying (which I guess should on your side, but not on my site apparently), I don’t find this logical. Users watch the activity stream to see what happened since the last time they connected. They won’t be looking 3 pages further for a comment that has just been posted a minute ago. If this is required, then better get to the blog post directly, it is faster.



    Hi, I wanted to also hide admin from the “last activity” widget. I did an override of bp-core/bp-core-widget.php in my theme but it was not taken into account. However if I directly modify bp-core-widget.php in the BP plugin directory, then in works. Too bad the override doesn’t work, I guess I need to create my own widget…



    a nice article on how to modify the member’s loop display here. Just need to check in the loop for presence of an admin and not display it.



    I found out the code displaying content of the Members page is buddypress/bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/members/index.php. Since I am using BP 2.0.1, is this normal code from bp-legacy is executed?



    Thanks mercime. However what I’d like is to hide the admin from the Members page only but not disable its activity, as sometimes it needs to post a few notes.



    For reference this bug has been confirmed and is being tracked here :



    please note the problem occurs on the Members page (where the note is displayed), not the Activity page (where the note is entered).



    I have tried that but that does not fix the problem. In fact, if I replace
    "%s " with " %s " (just added a space in between the first quote and %s) it fixes the problem: when " and %s are together as in "%s, it makes the regular double quote (straight) to be changed into a fancy double quote (sort of curly), and this is what is creating the problem. When adding a space, this transformation doesn’t occur and there is no problem.



    well this is function bp_get_member_latest_update() (bp-members-template.php) that is formatting this and inserting the quotes:

    $update_content = apply_filters( 'bp_get_activity_latest_update_excerpt', sprintf( _x( '- "%s "', 'member latest update in member directory', 'buddypress' ), trim( strip_tags( bp_create_excerpt( $update['content'], $length ) ) ) ) );

    if I remove the " in code above it fixes the problem. Looks very much like a bug in BuddyPress and not the theme, probably caused by the usage of trim().



    I am using this theme. I doubt it comes from the theme though, this is the not the theme which is formatting the link I guess.



    ahhh found the solution through bbPress forums: search engine indexing must be enabled in the WordPress settings for this to work! This is quite problematic for private sites (well that not much as those use authentication to get into content). Any plan to address this?



    Ah ok thanks modemlooper.



    Howdy! So, as there is no reply to this post for days, I would assume either my question is so stupid it does not deserve any answer, or that the option to disable the creation of private/hidden groups is not yet present in BuddyPress. In such a case, can this feature be planned for a future release? Thanks.



    Actually regarding the admin, I can see the Group and Activity entries in the admin menu, so this should be fine for most usages. However I still don’t see a way to prevent users from creating private groups, any idea?



    @Henry: ok, thanks for your reply.



    I am using Simple Local Avatars plugin, not Gravatar as mentioned in original post.

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