Forum Replies Created
Mines on MS! But my problems are probably my own causing
My users can’t post to each other and you cant change avatars its endless login loop If you know what I’m doing wrong would love to know! lol they can update their own page which is good. but alot of functionality not there right now having hard time getting it to work!
Bumping this incase it gets lost lol
Or if anyone knows a developer or something or like wants to have my soul haha
Also not working lol
Also having problem can’t replace avatars and can’t crop Also no new emails on registering are being sent out and password reset not being sent out
Same problem here. :< will post fix if I can get one hahaha
@psyber yeah I put back in my old edited version of the upload path which fixed the images not uploading but then the crop tools were missing after disabling a bunch of stuff it looks like headspace2 seo plugin was conflicting with the crop tooltip so I disabled it and using all in one seo instead
Hi Warut! Also I notice the “featured casinos” I have on top sidebar doesn’t work on gifts area I think it having some kind of css name conflict? Thanks for info on image & link I’ll try this
Oh ok it looks like if the profile name is different to the user name it doesnt show up
see here pan profile name same as user name
here henry has his name in profile and username is different
@warut I am having some issues myself, I installed buddypress gift plugin
It works in activity feed see here admin gives reddog a gift “” here is gift area for him “”
Can you join and help see what problem is perhaps? 😮
Also How can I edit it so that I can specify a url to the image? For instance I want to make a series of casino chips with codes on them and give them as presents which will be free $25 casino chip etc so would need to have the url with the image so when they click on gift it goes to landingpage for that gift
Hey Guys, I’m running MU and I use this edit I’m about to try another update so I haven’t tested if this still works with the newest update but I’ll let you know after I do a backup first
bumping this for myself. Might need it after update lol
Or anyone know who sells buddypress editor services??
Anyone know how to fix this?
I dunno Erich
but all i want is ability to stop scammers making lots of groups with their affiliate ids!
my industry is cut-throat competition so i expect alot of shonky behavior
I want a way of moderating my site to protect it from being overrun by dodgy competitors! I spend months researching and writing materials only to have spammers devalue my site so I am hoping there is a solution to provide me more control over whats published across the site!
Also where can I go to remove the yellow notice for forum posting? As i want to disable users from creating groups themselves I only want admin to be able to do this – So far I have gotten rid of create button for normal users but if normal user tries to post in forum the yellow notice comes up and says “why not create a group” which then enables members to make a group – I want to remove this option from the notice for members?
I’m having problems with uploading avatars! I checked admin area in wordpress to see if upload works properly and it does. My problem is here
Also This is another silly question but is there a way I can only allow links to be links within my site? So if someone is talking about a game they can only link to a page in my site that has the game they are talking about?
This is using own theme template with Bpress.
When I upload it tries getting image from this path:
If i get rid of “home/pdks/public_html/” the avatar is there! =
How can I remove “home/pdks/public_html”