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  • @panoravu


    @chouf1 thank you for being so explanatory!

    Let me explain what I need/want. I do mind for the looks of the community I’m building. That means that I want my site to be eye appealing and easy to use. In my opinion designing a beautiful UI is one thing and there are many more. How users/members see each other inside this community and how easily they can search and find one another is important to me.

    There are three main reasons that I prefer real names over usernames:
    1. They are more easy on the eye. It’s better to see “John Smith” than “john_23” or “johnny_s_12”.
    2. It is easier to find “friends” searching with real names. When I meet someone they introduce themselves with their names, not with usernames. So, later I can search for them with ease.
    3. When registering using usernames, there are many chances that your first 3 or 4 choices to be already taken and you would have to select a username that even you couldn’t easily remember or like. But if the only parameter for uniqueness was the email address, you could use the same name as someone else without any problems.

    I know that users might not want to use their real names, but I want them to have the choice…

    As for the FB autoconnect, it’s not something I “absolutely want”. In fact it wasn’t even in my original plans. It came to me as idea while I was searching for ways to work around the usernames.



    @chouf1 thank you for your response!

    I tried the WP-FB-AutoConnect plugin and now I’ve got a better idea of how things work. If someone registers with their FB account (lets say John Smith), it will automatically generate the username John_Smith. And if another person registers with the same name, the username will be John_Smith2.

    I didn’t have time to test it thoroughly, so I have 2 more questions:
    1. I saw that in most occasions it shows the Name along with the username. That’s acceptable. Are there any occasions that shows only the username? That would be ugly!

    2. Would the users be able to search for one another with their regular names (like FB) and not with their usernames?



    I found a few plugins that let users log in with their facebook, google etc accounts. Since facebook and google don’t use usernames, how is it possible for BuddyPress to accept those accounts?

    I mean if those plugins can work around usernames, isn’t there a way to disable them completely?



    Not even one response?? :/

    Come on guys… There must be something… 🙂



    Thank you @chouf1 for your response! But I found this plugin

    So no need for coding! 🙂



    Ok, so I’ll put the CSS in the style.css.

    Where should I put the HTML code?

    PS: I read somewhere that I can include HTML in a PHP file. I guess I did it wrong.. :/



    Hey @chouf1. I need to ask you something (again). Or anyone who knows… 😉

    As I said before, I need to add another bar behind the admin bar. I thought to use the link you mentioned above. The HTML and the CSS code are pretty clear, but where in the child theme should I put this code?

    I tried to put it in the functions.php (see image below) but it didn’t work… :/




    Thank you @chouf1! Really helpful link!!

    I finally did it! 🙂

    It was a bit more complicated in my case due to the fluid design (I used margin: 0 0 0 -620px and left: 50%;), but it’s ok now…

    Thanks again. Cheers!



    I solved the first question! 🙂

    Now, for the second one, I’m thinking a different approach…

    I will decrease the width of the admin bar to match my site’s width and I’ll create a second bar as a background. The second bar won’t have any functions, it will just have the same color as the admin bar and its width will be 100%, so it’s gonna look seamless. I haven’t done that yet, but I’m thinking to use the first linked @chouf1 posted as a guide.

    What I want from you guys is to help me in the first step. I managed to decrease the admin bar’s width, but it’s aligned to the left. How can I align the whole bar to the center??



    Thank you @chouf1! 🙂

    I’ll check the links and I’ll come back if I need anything more…



    Yes, I’ve tried it… It’s nice, but it doesn’t do what I described above. Thank you though.
    Custom coding is what I meant. That’s why I need help. Some guidance. I searched online, but couldn’t find anything useful. If someone can point me the right direction, I would appreciate it! Maybe a website I haven’t found or some bits of code to get me started…



    Thank you @mercime, but it is not what I had in my mind. I tried it though… 🙂

    Any other ideas?

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