Forum Replies Created
If you’re not comfortable using command line to do EVERYTHING I highly suggest mediaTemple. I’ve done an install for my friend and it works GREAT. An actual human being picks up the phone at all times of the night and they’re really friendly. Plesk is installed. They are a little on the expensive side but for consistency and reliable uptime, nightly backups, 1 click applications, etc, they can’t be beat. Getting shell access with them for some of the more meticulous sides of BuddyPress is recommended.
I own my own machine, and it works very well for BP (CentOS, latest stable PHP, SQL, etc). I have all the control I need, and its nice that my server is literally down the street from me! I am also my own tech support, which is pretty awesome.
What’s worked with me is a combination of Peter’s Login Redirect, and using .htaccess + .htpassword to limit access to wp-admin, which means people won’t have access to the dashboard AT ALL without your login and password.
Here is a simple tutorial to get you started.
I also don’t use the default login link that is located on the top admin bar of buddy press, as that throws a person to the dashboard automatically.
This may have been discussed elsewhere in the forum, I apologize in advance if it was.
Plugin: Auto Delete Messages/Inactive Blogs after X Number of Days.
I’m sure messages take up space in the database – why not delete when after X number of days, where X is a number that the admin defines. The same thing could be done with inactive blogs as well. Of course it would automatically send a warning out to the user warning them that an update is recommended or the blog will be deleted.
Flag Profile!: I think BP really could use profile moderation.
How Flag Profile could work:
1. The flag profile button could be displayed on the top of each user’s profile, on the bottom or on the side.
2. A user can click on this to “flag” the profile which sends a message (With a link to the profile in question) for moderators or admins. User can enter the reason for flagging or choose from a checkbox.
2a) In later versions, this could be put on a moderation menu kind of like a ticket system where more than 1 admin can go look and solve the issue.
3. Admins and moderators get message in their Inbox, and can go check out the profile in question. They can choose the option of “Warn” or “Delete”
3a) Moderation can be more automated to make less messages for admins. A threshold could be set (# of votes for a flag) before a problem profile makes the attention of admins/mods. A profile could be “hidden from view” until an admin makes a decision about it.
I mentioned this in the other forum as well: Photobucket plugin and/or photo uploads would be cool too.
Hey, I’m running It’s a community for people affected but HIV and AIDS. I’m an activist
I just finished ironing out the basics, and its a very limited BP install – no groups, no blogs, no access to the dashboard for non admins. They do have member profiles, and flickr for more photos. I’ve also integrated my wpmu DB with BB press for seamless logins.
I’m going to add more stuff when people request it, but for now I think I can start to invite people to use it!
I’m really thankful for all the help I’m receiving via the forums! Keep up the good work.
I read that post. They’re very involved with their own prerogatives if you know what I mean.
But you’re totally right. I know *I* would pay $$ for a working vBulletin WPMU bridge.
Good luck!
Hey! Thanks for your speedy response. I’ve looked further into this and here’s what I have for you.
Deleting Wire Posts- Users:
1. Going from My Account -> Wire -> All Posts
Yields Error, post disappears from page
2. Me -> Wire -> All Posts Yields Error, Posts Disappears
3. Clicking on own profile, and deleting wire posts from profile index page
Wire post could not be deleted, please try again.
Same thing happens when the user is or is not a friend of the user, or writing on their own wire.
Deleting Wire Posts – Groups
1. Yields error group index page, in every combination possible.
2. Same errors for users attempting to delete their own wires.
Looking at the database table entry for wp_bp_xprofile_wire, the deleted posts are actually gone. I think the issue with the “sometimes not disappearing” was with the last trunk install (revision 796).
If I reinstall my current trunk, same errors all around. (Just thought I should cover all my bases)Anything else I should try?
Oh! Even with the latest trunk of BP as of today (revision 809) it still does the same thing.