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  • @podictionary


    Have upgraded to BP 1.2.3 with no resolution to this problem.



    Have upgraded WPMU 2.9.2 and PB 1.2.2 but problem persists.

    I feel this is a backward compatibility plugin problem but there is no sign in the bug trac list that it is even recognized as a bug.






    Correct, WPMU (not WPML)

    only plugins I have are BuddyPress itself & backwards compatability

    to restate the problem:

    the classic theme creates buttons “home” “blog” “members” etc.

    the “blog” button points to

    clicking it gives “…not found”

    As BP 1.2 moved toward RC then release, I remember two things happening that might relate to this problem.

    1) Early on the classic theme was bundled with BP before it was moved to the backwards compatibility plugin

    2) For the new default theme, somewhere around the release candidate time the means of having the blog vs activity stream appear as the front page moved from a setting in the new default theme, to WP settings>reading

    I wonder if the second of these might relate to BP 1.2 not finding even though the classic theme creates a button pointing to that URL



    @itoube I’m not sure what you mean. The install is unilingual English.and shows up fine in the “default” theme.



    I have now tried this in 3 different ways, all with the same result:

    (a) a clean WPMU and clean PB 1.2.1 install with backward compatibility plugin. No other plugins or data were entered. I see “hello world” in the new 1.2 default theme, I see “The page you were looking for was not found.” in the 1.2 classic theme.

    (b) ditto results in an install that had gone in as clean 1.2 then updated to 1.2.1 and also had experimented with a range of plugins and data.

    (c) ditto results in a longstanding BP install that had progressively upgraded from 1.1 and had various plugins

    Could a BuddyPress-developer-type-person please tell me if your similar clean install is successfully showing the blog in classic theme?



    Scratch that.

    I seem to have found the /blog problem is more broad than w WPML



    I’ve installed Cimy User Extra Fields plugin. Pluses and minuses.



    Index and search are important related issues. A few points:

    1) Database content search throughout needs serious thinking. How to include (and how to distinguish in results) blogposts, comments, activity updates, forums…

    2) Indexing for search engines needs thought. What serious website doesn’t want to show up in Google?

    3) A Google custom search is an option but shows up the problems of appearing in Google results; namely that scrolling activity lists result in indexes pointing to pages that no longer hold that content.

    @nexia I see that at there is “search blogs” so MU can and does somehow allow for this.






    I used brute force to resolve this. Since it worked for me using WPMU in test I (a) exported the blog content, (b) threw the entire thing away, (c) did a completely clean install using MU, and (d) re-imported everything. So, resolved but not resolved.



    Peterverkooijen answered me at

    my question remains open there though, because (at this time) I haven’t solved the problem.

    (but thanks anyway Peter)



    Hmmm. Do you think so? I have my test blog sending notifications fine using either the BuddyPress Default 1.2 theme or the ultra simple child theme I tried that depends on BuddyPress Default (only removed page tabs and search field top right).

    Yet using either of these supposedly identical themes on the older blog that used to have intensedebate do not send notifications.



    I am currently suffering from this problem (a) had intensedebate on a non-MU blog, (b) have removed it, (c) have installed buddypress, (d) neither wordpress admin notifications nor buddypress member notifications are being sent.

    what exactly did you do when you say “Copying an earlier version of an entire template folder solved the problem”?



    @Andrea_r No joy. Tried the # BEGIN ANTISPAMBLOG… code and just got another bot registration “terrancecline1973” a moment ago.



    Thanks to both of you. Tried again as you suggested NO JOY though.

    Wondering about workaround.

    Will I need to build again from scratch or can I poach the database?



    I’ve at least dug back through the fiddles I’ve done and I suspect the “force member login” but haven’t tried to fix it yet.

    Here are the candidates for my woes

    BP Events 0.59 was formerly manually added to the MU Plugins folder, not with BP1.1x and events 1.1

    I see in mu plugins also force member login which I think I added for security purposes it’s from here

    The facebook connect needed a twiddle as at

    BUT I think that isn’t a problem for the revised FB connect



    Well, I have managed to step back to BP 1.0.3 at least and all is working as it was a 2 hours ago. (I populated a 2nd mysql table with the backup and pointed back there)

    I think that’s enough excitement for today.

    I did note Michael Berra’s comment here

    saying he had some special file added in. This reminded me that I’ve made little mods too. When I return to this I’ll document them and see if I can uncover the problem (and report it here)



    Thanks Brajesh

    I used FTP, uploaded BP 1.1.2 zipped, deleted the BP folder in plugins, unzipped the new BP refreshed the page and it showed up as installed but inactive (as it should).

    I attempted to activate and:

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare bp_activity_install() (previously declared in …/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-activity.php:19) in …/wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-activity.php on line 52

    I see the PB dashboard elements in the left column now up under “site admin” which is marginally better I guess but the public facing page is now blank



    andrea_r in a similar situation over at MU forum recommended deleting the plugin and reinstalling it. This I tried. I used the Plugin control panel and clicked “delete” and got this error:

    Warning: require_once(…wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-loader.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in …/wp-content/mu-plugins/bp-events.php on line 36

    in all cases above I’ve replaced my actual root file names with “…”



    I also note that while the list of plugins says it is inactive, the left hand column of the dashboard still has BuddyPress listed at the bottom. I think this was what was supposed to show for 1.0.3 but my development sandbox version of 1.1.3 that does work fine, has that near the top under site admin



    Based on Andy’s comment I looked again and my bbpress is nested in a second bbpress folder. I confirmed that was my problem. A second problem appeared after that but was cured by re-attempting the one click forum install (which went flawlessly once the files were in place).



    My problem identical to diegorodrigues

    in BP 1.1 beta tried one click new install of bbpress

    Told to create bb-config file so did that

    looked okay but upon clicking “forums” button on upgraded site, get identical “Warning: require_once…” message

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