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  • @shmk


    Thanks for the link @tenaciousblindgirl but in this case more than shortcodes, we should need some specific hooks to attach our functions via add_filter or add_action.



    Thanks for the link 🙂

    By the way, really are there no official documentation about it? Someone have to search all the BuddyPress code (ora a third party plugin code) trying to understand how to do it? 😐



    Thanks a lot, the final code is:

    $values = xprofile_get_field(xprofile_get_field_id_from_name('MY_CUSTOM_FIELD_NAME'))->get_children();



    I’ve found a solutin using:

    $values = xprofile_get_field(MY_CUSTOM_FIELD_ID)->get_children();

    But using a field “name” instead of an ID would be easier… are there any function for it?



    I know that there are @mentions but I got a specific request to have a custom Activity tab dedicated only to manage particular user-to-user communications, something like “let’s talk with A about argument X”.

    I’m looking to add this subtab beside “Personal”, “Mentions”, “Favorites”… inside Activity.



    I retry… simplifying the question: “How can I create a new activity tab?”



    Yes, it’s like @youmin is saying.

    If role equal A show in profile B and C
    If role equal X show in profile Y and Z.



    With user_can() I can check for user capabilities but what BuddyPress template files or hooks I have to use to edit the user profile page? (I’m talking about the ‘website.tld/users/NAME_OF_THE_USER/profile/’ page)



    I’ve found a solution directly adding the HTML using the ‘bp_member_options_nav’ hook.



    A new question strictly related with my previous one:
    using the above methods I’ve been able to add a tab/subtab to the user profile that display the content inside the profile, under the tabs.
    But is it possible to insert in the tabs a “direct link” to an external page?
    Something not like “http://mywebsite.tld/user/username/slug” but “http://anyurlhere.tld”?



    Thanks @mercime for the link, I’ll follow the progress of the issue.

    In the meantime do you know if there are any plugins that permit to edit the BuddyPress registration page?

    Thanks again.



    I know that Base group are shown in the Registration Form, but I have to add over 30 fields during registration so if they could be logically separated from the base group during registration and inside the user profile would be of great help for the customer.



    Thanks for the links,
    I’ve already modified the design/template of the registration page but I don’t know how to edit the messages shown and the redirect after the registration form is sent.



    I had to change the way ‘screen_function’ and ‘add_action’ are linked to their functions because I’m working in a Class, then all is working as expected 🙂



    Thanks a lot!

    In the example the tabs content is hardcoded, is it possible to retrieve the “currently shown user profile id” inside the XYZ_screen_content() function?



    I don’t know if it works for every service, but at least in my case for Facebook, Google and Twitter it’s working 😉



    Nice one! 🙂



    Just a note: in BuddyPress bp_core_signup_send_validation_email function wp_mail is called only with the required parameters wp_mail( $to, $subject, $message ), but the function could accept also two optional parameters wp_mail( $to, $subject, $message, $headers, $attachments ).

    So if you want to edit also the headers and/or attachments you have to edit the BP core file adding the parameters and the corresponding filters.



    If anyone needs an advice, at the end I’ve chosen this one:
    because it works as needed and doesn’t to connect to a third party website to be managed.



    Thanks for the reply,
    I’ve found these 2 plugins that are BuddyPress compatible and looks regularly updated:
    I’ll give both a try and I hope that at least one will fit my website needs 🙂



    Thanks @henrywright,
    I’ve added the filter just before sending the mail and I immediatly remove it on bp_core_sent_user_validation_email to avoid problem on other WordPress mail that needs text/plain.

    I’ve also found in the code inside bp_core_signup_send_validation_email( $user_id, $user_email, $key ) function these three hooks that I used to change the message as needed by my website:

    $to      = apply_filters( 'bp_core_signup_send_validation_email_to',     $user_email, $user_id                );
    $subject = apply_filters( 'bp_core_signup_send_validation_email_subject', $subject,    $user_id                );
    $message = apply_filters( 'bp_core_signup_send_validation_email_message', $message,    $user_id, $activate_url );



    Thanks for the info,
    it addressed me to the code I was looking for 🙂

    I decided to use the bp_signup_pre_validate hook instead and directly modify the $_POST because on the bp_signup_usermeta BP has already made some edits and some data are missing in $usermeta.

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