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  • @smueller


    Sorry for jumping in here as this thread seems to have taking so many twists and turns that it appears to have a bit of a different purpose than originally. However, this is the only thread that comes close to answering my, seemingly easy, question but I’m still having issues. Specifically, all I’m trying to do is to change the word ‘Friends’ to ‘Contacts’ throughout the entire WPMU/BP install and not truly translate anything. Per suggestions from a few posts earlier in this thread I’ve done the following:

    1. changed the references to ‘Friend’ to contacts in the buddypress.po file using poedit

    2. saved the file changed in #1 as en_US.po and generated the corresponding file upon saving

    3. uploaded both the .po/.mo file into both the /wp-content/languages and /wp-content/mu-plugins/bp-languages folders

    4. verified that ‘American English’ was now available/set in the ‘Site Admin – Option’ and ‘Settings – General’ sections of the site.

    5. change the ‘WPLANG’ setting in the wp-config.php file to en_US

    and ….

    nothing has changed. What am I missing here? I know it must be me but this seems to be an awful lot of hoops to go through to make a seemingly easy and I would think common change. I’ve been at this for some time now so any clues anyone can provide would ease my frustration a bit. Thank in advance.



    Anybody have any suggestions on this? I’m just looking to change the term ‘Friends’ to ‘Contacts’ throughout the install. I’m not really in need of a ‘translation’ per se – just an update to the existing default terms. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



    ok – I’ve decided to leave this bar on for all users but what I’d like to do is to remove some of the options for logged in users. Specifically, there is a ‘BuddyPress’ link in the far left that I want to remove, the ‘My Blogs’ and the ‘Visit’ in the far right are the options I want to remove. Anyone know how to do so without hacking the code? If hacking is the only option, where do I find the relevant code? Thanks in advance for any insights.



    The only option I’ve found is to turn it off for non-logged in users but I couldn’t find a way to turn it off for all users.

    Regardless, I did comment out the necessary code in the footer.php but I was hoping there was a ‘non-hacky’ way to go about it.



    Thanks for the reply but I probably wasn’t very clear on my question. Specifically, can the ability to create groups by standard members be turned off where only the site admins could create groups and assign group admins?



    Is this – site admins can only create Group and add Group admins to those groups – now possible in BP? I grabbed the latest download – not the trunk – and I don’t see this being possible. If it is, any help pointing me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.



    no – I was on 431 which I had grabbed from the Trac site last night – just grabbed 435 from the svn and all seems fine now. Thanks for the follow-up.



    ok – I’m a moron – I figured it out – what I did was renamed(despite the big, bold warning in the theme install.txt) the buddypress-home folder to ‘home’ rather than leaving it as buddypress-home and completely removing the home directory. Now all looks good and I can start to ‘play’. Thanks to all that responded and I promise to read the instructions more carefully before future posts.



    ok – I have the ‘BuddyPress Home Theme 0.1’ activated and I’ve added all of the available widgets to ‘Sidebar 1′(which is the only option available in the dropdown and I also do not see any plugins available but I believe that is by design as, per a prior post, all plugins are automatically on and won’t show under plugins and all I’m still seeing on the home page is the standard bp header, the bp logo and a ‘This is a WordPress MU + BuddyPress powered site’ at at the top and a ‘This is just a placeholder theme, eventually you will be able to make this an aggregation of site content, or a site blog’ message in the footer. Is there a newer version or am I still missing something? Again, any help would be appreciated – I really want to be able to fully eval this app but it’s starting to get a bit frustrating.



    Thanks for the response. I do see that there is a ‘home’ theme and I have now changed to that theme but, beyond the buddypress look in the header, it looks nothing like the testbp home page – i.e. no recent blogs, who’s online, newest members, groups – widgets(hopefully that is the correct term). Sorry if I sound so ignorant on this – I assume I’m just missing something pretty obvious so any – patient – help would be appreciated.

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