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  • @somethingelse


    hi. this did not fix the issue for me… it might not be exactly related…
    if i’m in admin dashboard, on Activity… trying to click through to view activity results in 404.

    my first thought was permalinks, so i reset those, but no fix.
    so i tried adding the Options +FollowSymLinks as noted above… still no fix.

    my server uses LiteSpeed, so i don’t know if the AllowOverride as above is valid for me?
    just would like it to work, so any suggestions are appreciated.



    i’ve installed your plugin – looks great, except… there is a colon missing in the main url for the “edit profile” shortcode (so i get a “site can’t be reached” error) …. where do i find that to fix it??



    Thanks… I figured it out. The problem was that I had made the groups page a child page. Which is a bit weird and I’d say a bug..

    But once I set it back to a top level page the problem disappeared.

    Coincidentally, the cover image function also has a bug in that it displays the HTML in the cover area but doesn’t display an image πŸ™‚



    ^+1 wow, i totally need this too… DESPERATELY.

    if i had realized just how difficult this was going to be to accomplish,i never would have started this project with buddypress. what is the point of xprofile fields if they are not easily searchable?

    there are so many GREAT things about buddypress, it’s super frustrating that this thing which seems to straightforward is so challenging.

    i have been searching … the “buddypress profile search” plugin is not the answer… it isn’t user friendly enough. I just want one search box – “find a teacher in your city” that will search 4 xprofile fields of all our teachers… ONLY THOSE FOUR FIELDS… and return the results.

    i’ve tried a google site-search tool, too…
    the trouble is that our teachers have bios, and in those bios they often include cities where they have trained, or toured, and we do NOT want those included in the “Find a teacher” results.

    i have Base City, and 3 “additional teaching locations” fields… those, and NAME, are the ONLY fields i want searchable.

    i can pay for help.
    but i figured this would be something simple i could do myself!



    ahh… thank you. helps increase my education πŸ™‚ so i understand why NOT to do something.



    thank you for the assistance…
    curious – what would be the point of checking for is_super_admin? i do want it to display on the public-facing side of things, not just for me.

    i admit to NOT being a programmer… so particularly appreciate the details of nuances. Does ” doing things like last_profile_update( $_GET[‘user_id’] ) ” put my site at risk somehow?

    i haven’t quite got it working yet, but this really helped get me on the right track.



    last login date isn’t sufficient… btw. they have to log in to access files and other info, which doesn’t always mean they updated their profile or payments



    i am still a bit confused as to why this idea is so difficult to achieve.

    is it not common to want to flatten the hierarchy of members and just display the list at random, period? i don’t want visitors to have to use a dropdown list to choose what order members are displayed in. I want members displayed in random order, 12 to a page, period, with the search box at the top. So every time a new visitor comes by there’s a random group of 12 on the first directory page. That way, in theory, we are not showing any kind of favoritism and the folks who start with “a” don’t get an unfair amount of visibility.

    i can get the 12 to a page, and the search box… but for the life of me i can’t get RANDOM.
    it insists on using ONLY the active members at random, not ALL members, and frankly, our members aren’t that active – this is a directory, not a community – the members come in once, update their profile, and go away – then joe public comes by and looks for them… to find one in their neighbourhood.

    why is it so hard? πŸ™‚ or am i just that dense?
    i’ve tried using $query_string .= '&per_page=12&type=random'; in my function and all i get are the 6 who look at themselves the most πŸ™‚ if use type=alphabetical, i get everyone, but then…. wait for it… they are alphabetical…
    i’ve tried combining types, and there seems to be a hierarchy still…

    please help.



    THAT makes sense… perfect, thanks!



    this worked great…
    now, is it reasonably simple to add a THIRD size?? eg. i’d like one size for listings, one size for featuring, and one size for the individual profile pages…

    there isn’t a list somewhere of which size is used in which file, i suppose… πŸ™‚



    don’t care so much what’s in the URL… the clients/members for this particular site are teachers from all over the world, many of whom wouldn’t know what i was talking about if i used the term “url” … at this point i just want the TEXT wherever they see it to be “photo” instead of “avatar”…

    thanks @nat0n, i’ll check those files… we are using a translation plugin, so hopefully if i change the english, the rest will follow suit… is there even a non-english translation for “avatar”?? ;P



    btw – got THAT little suggestion from this thread which seemed to be exactly what i wanted to do…



    hi again… hoping for a tiny bit of direction…

    i have an editor working… sort of… it doesn’t save… and i know it’s one little tiny bit i’m missing here… just not sure what.

    here’s what i’ve got in my theme file in theme>buddypress>members>single>profile>edit.php

    <?php if ( 'textarea' == bp_get_the_profile_field_type() ) : ?>
    					<label for="<?php bp_the_profile_field_input_name(); ?>"><?php bp_the_profile_field_name(); ?> <?php if ( bp_get_the_profile_field_is_required() ) : ?><?php _e( '(required)', 'buddypress' ); ?><?php endif; ?></label>
    					<?php wp_editor( $listing->bp_the_profile_field_input_name, 'listingeditor', $settings = array('textarea_name' => post_content) ); ?>
                        <textarea rows="5" cols="40" name="<?php bp_the_profile_field_input_name(); ?>" id="<?php bp_the_profile_field_input_name(); ?>" <?php if ( bp_get_the_profile_field_is_required() ) : ?>aria-required="true"<?php endif; ?>><?php bp_the_profile_field_edit_value(); ?></textarea>
    				<?php endif; ?>

    i realize it’s duplicating… that’s fine… what i need to know is…
    what do i need to fix in
    <?php wp_editor( $listing->bp_the_profile_field_input_name, 'listingeditor', $settings = array('textarea_name' => post_content) ); ?>

    to make it SAVE that data into my xprofile field which by default is this
    <textarea rows="5" cols="40" name="<?php bp_the_profile_field_input_name(); ?>" id="<?php bp_the_profile_field_input_name(); ?>" <?php if ( bp_get_the_profile_field_is_required() ) : ?>aria-required="true"<?php endif; ?>><?php bp_the_profile_field_edit_value(); ?></textarea>

    i will comment out the latter (or delete it entirely once i have it all working)

    it has all stopped making sense…

    many thanks in advance…



    ahhh! that’s just the answer i was hoping for. much appreciated.
    something new to learn!



    Any chance this has been addressed some how? i need basic options for bios – so members can make them look nice – not just one big block of text….

    p, strong/b, em/i, link, ol/li, maybe h2/3/4, blockquote
    that would suffice.

    essentially the same options we have here in the forum… sans the code one.



    three cheers for both of you!!
    thanks for sharing this. Means now i don’t need yet another plugin!

    Much appreciated.



    well thanks for rallying the troops. we got ‘er done!
    would love to know precisely where in the codex that little gem is hiding … would have saved me HOURS of screwing about thinking i was crazy.

    a little css and i’m all fixed up… at least, for the members directory page…
    but now the sidebar is GONE from the individual profile pages, which i didn’t mind so much.

    so, is it reasonable to assume i can make additional buddypress template files as i would any other template files – buddypress-member-single.php for example – and get my sidebar back on select pages?

    as for the index-directory.php @henrywright mentioned above, i do not have anything like that in the buddypress templates… where else would/should i find that? and what does it do?



    i must be searching on the wrong things in the codex, then, because i cannot find what i want.

    no, i don’t have a buddypress.php file… yet… but i’m guessin’ i will soon!
    thanks for the direction… i’ll report back if i find a solution.



    yep i want to sort by last name too…
    ANY suggestions would be appreciated.



    ok – so, after much head-beating-on-keyboard…. a simple revision has given me the results desired:

     <?php if ($data=bp_get_member_profile_data( 'field=Website' ) ) : ?>
             	<span class="activity"><a href="<?php bp_member_profile_data( 'field=Website' ); ?>" target="_blank">Website</a></span><?php endif ?>

    see the difference?
    Original attempt didn’t work: <?php if ( $data = bp_get_profile_field_data( 'field=Website' ) ) : ?>

    Revised line that now works:($data=bp_get_member_profile_data( 'field=Website' ) )

    now it works just as i wanted!
    old vs new bp maybe? not sure. i’m a hack… i just keep tryin’ till i get what i need.
    but i tried for HOURS with multiple configurations and variations on the theme with zero success… today with fresh eyes and brain, noticed that one little discrepancy and voila!




    @henrywright – that’s a brilliant idea.
    i will try it… operative word being “try” … cuz i am far from being a programmer. i’m just a lucky guesser most of the time, and good at recognizing patterns.

    thanks for the tip!



    @Henry – thanks for that link…
    but it, again, seems to just exclude members by ID… our membership changes regularly… i don’t want to have to re-code my members-loop every time a member leaves or joins… we’re gonna be into id’s in the 1000’s soon!

    so… i backed up and tried @megainfo’s approach.
    that seems to EXCLUDE just fine… so far…
    not sure why i didn’t try that in the first place.

    now if i could just get rid of the darn “active users” issue…



    would this also work in members-loop?
    i was to display a specific summary, including a link to the member’s own website (which is theoretically in a profile field if they fill it in) on the main member’s listing page.

    not quite having success with the conditional display.


    <?php if ( $data = bp_get_profile_field_data( 'field=Website' ) ) : ?>
             	<span class="activity"><a href="<?php echo $data ?>" target="_blank">Website</a></span>
    <?php endif ?>

    and it won’t display anything, even if there is data in the Website field…
    but if i remove the if statement and just use
    <span class="activity"><a href="<?php bp_member_profile_data( 'field=Website' ); ?>" target="_blank">Website</a></span>
    i get a nice linked “Website” – except that EVERY one is linked, even if there isn’t an actual URL in the field. Empty profile fields just link it back to the member listing page.

    any suggestions?



    excluding specific ids isn’t necessarily helpful if you have a regularly changing membership…

    FWIW – i am not a programmer… i am good at patching together workarounds tho πŸ™‚
    somewhere along the way i found this approach to ONLY displaying my level3 members:

    <?php while ( bp_members() ) : bp_the_member(); ?>
           $wp_user = new WP_User( bp_get_member_user_id() );
          if( $wp_user->roles[0] == 's2member_level3' ): ?>

    which seems to do the trick – this is in members-loop.php

    at the top of that file i have
    <?php if ( bp_has_members( 'type=alphabetical' ) ) : ?>

    it used to be bp_ajax_querystring() which seemed to continually thwart my efforts.

    Now it nicely displays my teachers in alpha order with no headache… granted, it’s by first name, which i will eventually figure out how to fix.

    Obviously i’m using s2member with buddypress, but i tried it using basic wordpress roles and it worked as well.

    so far so good, at least…



    @pewit you are a gentleman & a scholar. that was brilliant. excellent instructions, many thanks!

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