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  • @songdove


    At least I thought they were. Removing the caching did reveal the private activity for a couple hours and now it seems to be gone again. . . not sure what’s causing view of private group activity to disappear from the main feed for members of the private group, but it’s happening.



    Ok, it turns out that my caching plugins were doing the blocking. I was using two for two different purposes, deactivated both and suddenly private group info is showing for members of private groups, in the newsfeed.



    I’m back 2yrs later, trying with another build using buddypress. I thought I solved this question away from the support forums here, but don’t remember what I did at the moment. I want the members of private groups, to see private group activity in their main newsfeed. Non members should not see this activity, but members should. I don’t know if I found a code snippet or what, I need to fix this. I want an FB-like experience where you see any activity from any of your groups in your main newsfeed. If you aren’t a member of a private group, you won’t see it’s activity, but if you are a member of a private group, you will.



    On the sitewide activity, I see “load newest”, but on the profile activity, or on whatever the page is that loads when you click to see a full conversation, or view a notification of someone’s comment, “undefined(1)” not only shows, but starts incrementing endlessly till you click it or leave the page. And don’t tell me to change the theme, I’ve tried a dozen themes now at least to get every piece working I need for my buddypress puzzle, this should work no matter what the theme is. If there IS a particular css call being messed up, what is it so I can add it to the customizer Additional CSS area?



    This would work off and on with no real rhyme or reason. Finally took the site to it’s own subdomain and avatars work again. I don’t know what the interference was in the multisite. It affects the community I built last summer too.



    Ended up taking the concept site out of the multisite and into it’s own subdomain.



    that failed. The group creator can still invite the entire wp userbase!



    Found this: add_filter( ‘bp_nouveau_groups_disallow_all_members_invites’, ‘__return_true’ ); will put it into my bp_custom.php file and see if it works.



    Darn it. Looking for the same thing. My profile page right now is ugly! Are there buddypress profile integration plugins where I could make this more readable???

    When I changed the base title to Main, that seemed to break things a little. But it also wasn’t displaying a new field group I’d created. I deleted that thinking it was what broke the layout, but that hasn’t changed unfortunately. I was hoping to find shortcodes I could use to put the desired new field group onto a custom menu page at the very least. But this profile page is ugly!



    Found it in other blog directories though, and cmodded 777.



    That must be in a different place for a multi-site setup. I don’t see an avatar folder in wp-content. Just checked one of my subsite blog.dir folders and it wasn’t in there either.



    So if I am using a theme of my own choosing, and want to remove “all members” content so that only groups/events/friends/other stuff I want posted to the main feed shows only as it relates to a person’s friends, groups, pages, etc that they’ve interacted with, (like how FB does the main feed) I’d insert that css line from @lougrossi ? I want to be sure I am showing all content a user has made themselves party to, or that admin has made public, such as a public group’s activity the member joined, but not see anything from anyone they don’t know or are not in active participation with. (not part of the same public group for example)



    I found a repost plugin, but it didn’t work and was badly out of date. Hoping to find another one as I’m not a php programmer.



    Look up Wbcom Designs – Shortcodes & Elementor Widgets For BuddyPress in the plugin database. I used this to make a main feed with the activity shortcode they offer. But does it as well without any additional plugin.



    I am wanting to find somewhere that lists what is and isn’t shown in the activity stream myself. I want to be sure that private is indeed private. Thought I’d start my search in the forums, will see if anything is said in the documentation too.



    Update, I found a way to change the literal username, but if you’re admin, I don’t recommend it particularly if you are admin of a multi-site setup as I am. I had to change my username back to get to the multi-site administration area. Either way, the change did not hide the login name, it only changed it. Not the solution any of us are after.



    Agreed, this is a hacking invitation otherwise. Surprised to see no one answered you in over a year.



    This is important for me to figure out as well, because my login for my site is “admin”. While I don’t mind if my role says “admin”, I don’t want that showing as my profile name. I need to change this!

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