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Forum Replies Created

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  • @sundev


    There’s a plugin for this but might need the pro version depend on what you’re trying to achieve.


    If you prefer using codes from discussions, might try the links below

    Creating sub nav

    BuddyPress Custom Nav and Page Template



    You might have to use a premium plugin.
    Creating the name of your own tabs. (Business, Movies & etc)



    Thanks for the reply, apologise for my typos above.

    I guess so too, it will be similar.

    Nevertheless, I follow your step above, the link to new-topic works perfectly but the button did not show up on the forums heaher! I am Still trying to find I trying found



    Oh! gratitude @erich199.

    I clicked Forums nav in member profile, Under Forum Topics Started it displays notification: “You have not created any topics.”

    I would like to put the “Start a topic” button immediately after the notification.

    Please, do know how can I achieve this as well ?



    Thanks for this.

    Please how can I locate “loop-fourms.php” ?



    This did not work for me, though, I’m not a Pro.
    Perhaps, I missed something.

    I appreciate step by step. Thanks



    @joedostie buddypress can achieve that as @ubernaut has said.

    (1) When your users register, they will have their own profile page to put their details by default. You’ll need to create extra fields for bio/phone/etc as many as you want through the admin User->User Profile Field.
    (2) For the animals profile, Wp static page or Category could be use to achieve that.
    (3) For each user to blog independently, you can use these 2 plugins together: and

    see function on site



    @sharmavishal thanks for your reply. I’ve done that several time, I even used another system but no changes. If I could hide the (counting in) members tabs instead I’ll be satisfy…just don’t want to see the counting.




    // I got it working by putting these lines of your code on my existing function

    if ( bp_is_user() && bp_user_has_access() ) {
    $count = bp_notifications_get_unread_notification_count( bp_displayed_user_id() );
    $class = ( 0 === $count ) ? ‘no-count’ : ‘count’;
    $bp->bp_nav[‘notifications’][‘name’] = sprintf( __( ‘Alerts <span class=”%s”>%s</span>’, ‘buddypress’ ), esc_attr( $class ), number_format_i18n( $count ) );

    I really appreciate your gesture. Thank you very much.



    Thanks a lot, I’m just on the last change, please am I missing anything here? It’s giving error and is what I got.

    global $bp; $bp->bp_nav[‘notifications’][‘name’] = sprintf( ‘Alerts<span>%d</span>’, notifications_get_total_notification_count() ) ;



    Any help or suggestion is appreciated.



    To deactivate cache plugin. From admin>plugin>the cache plugin. After deactivation logout, refresh to see if is still giving the same problem



    Try clear your cache and deactivate cache plugins you have logout to test, because I resently discover that some cacache plugin settings conflict.



    The same with me too, wants to hide it and reveals when my members hits a five hundred plus.



    I am not using the default theme and can’t still display the total number of members in the members directory list, only the new registrant are showing, help please? thanks



    @megainfo thanks for the code, I tried it, but makes my page blank. I’m using messocolumn



    @sharmavishal thanks, I found the file you mentioned in the BP default-theme.

    I added the code but is still not calling the old member lists to the new list. Any Idea why is not working pleas?



    I really appreciate you guys for your replies, Though I could not hide and link to as I thought I could, but have successfully removed both nav & sub-nav and I am satisfied. Thanks a lot, God bless you.



    @sharmavishal I really appreciate your reply, I have created the file and put the code in it. Please in what folder should I put the file, I am guessing, theme…>members, am not really sure, I don’t want to mess thing up, please help. Thank a lot



    @djpaul yes, just want the members directory list to display total number of all members. How can I make it include the old members list in order to have correct display number of total users. Thanks in anticipation.



    But only working for friends tab. Incase of notifications I tried change the word friend to notification in the code where applicable but didn’t work, if I change to friend, it works but brought the same countings that is meant for friend. Is there a separate way I should do others? I am changing messages, notifications & friends, am okay with friends tab now. Thanks in anticipation.



    Oops! Thanks, it working now. I added extra ‘s’ instead of friend.



    Hi @modemlooper, thank you so much for the rely. I tried the code but it brought error. “call to undefined function friends_get_total_friends_count()”. Any adjustment please?




    Try test the activation link immediatly, after your new registration test.



    @Shanebp and @Henry thanks for the greate replys and info am giving language file a seriouse consideration after this adventure :).

    thanks, the ‘<spand>%d</spand>’ brings back the bubbles but instead of figures this %d shown inside the bubble shape, any idea please?

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