Asynaptic replied to the topic Configuring W3 Total Cache with BuddyPress in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 10 years, 12 months ago
Hi Hugo, my bad, should have given the link: https://codex.buddypress.org/getting-started/improving-performance/ at the bottom of page
but I see you, or maybe another mod? has already removed the link to this thread
does anyone know if Fredrick Townes has said anything about adding functionality to W3 total cache for buddypress? all I found was…[Read more]
Asynaptic replied to the topic Configuring W3 Total Cache with BuddyPress in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 11 years ago
this is so strange! the codex leads here but no one has any useful information
Asynaptic replied to the topic 2.1 top features in the forum Ideas 11 years ago
Asynaptic replied to the topic 2.0 top features – ideas in the forum Ideas 11 years ago
@sooskriszta totally agree with you on your 3 (relatively) objective tests – this is why I suggested 2 key features that need to be improved in buddypress *immediately*:
1) spam fighting
2) fragment cachingFirst, 99.9% of buddypress communities have to deal with spam and it is mission critical (who wants a website overrun with spam? users…[Read more]
Asynaptic replied to the topic BuddyPress 2014 Survey in the forum Requests & Feedback 11 years ago
@mercime fantastic! this is a far far better presentation than I could have ever imagined! π
kudos and THANK YOU !!
Asynaptic replied to the topic BuddyPress 2014 Survey in the forum Requests & Feedback 11 years, 1 month ago
pls remove spam comment above and delete spam account @saeed-mahmoood
Asynaptic replied to the topic Need help with Messaging in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 11 years, 1 month ago
Glad you found my suggestions helpful. re mobile, any good theme would give you that functionality so make sure to test them at different sizes and check total kb size (how bulky the theme is) also.
also, check out: https://wordpress.org/plugins/buddymobile/
Asynaptic replied to the topic BuddyPress 2014 Survey in the forum Requests & Feedback 11 years, 1 month ago
@mercime any update on the survey results? 3 weeks ago you mentioned it would be released ‘next week’
Asynaptic replied to the topic Need help with Messaging in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 11 years, 1 month ago
Rick, glad that we’re clearing up some confusion. To confirm, yes, messaging is totally different than posts. Please read the codex links provided. Also, if you really want to take buddypress for a test drive, set up a development site either on a live site or right on your own computer using http://www.instantwp.com/ and then add some “fake”…[Read more]
Asynaptic replied to the topic Need help with Messaging in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 11 years, 1 month ago
oops, looks like I linked to the wrong url for the broadcast message plugin (from admin to all members)
this is the right plugin:
https://wordpress.org/plugins/mass-messaging-in-buddypress/ -
Asynaptic replied to the topic Need help with Messaging in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 11 years, 1 month ago
I’ll add this to clarify further, a person can join your website but with a membership plugin you can have several tiers which would act as a filter to designate what they can and can’t do or see on the site.
So for example, a regular member can read the blog. A ‘premium’ or ‘conference’ member can read the blog, write comments, read the…[Read more]
Asynaptic replied to the topic Need help with Messaging in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 11 years, 1 month ago
ok, let me see if I understand you — if not, correct me π
1) you have a website at: http://www.betterpresenting.com/
2) you have created another separate website at http://www.summitcommunity.org/ where you want to install buddypress and create a community website for a conferenceok I think before we even get to the ‘messaging’ or ‘post’…[Read more]
Asynaptic replied to the topic Need help with Messaging in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 11 years, 1 month ago
Hi Rick, I think you need to clarify exactly what you’re trying to do. What you write is very confusing and may have lead to your and others’ frustration in attempting to help you:
“But our main site has an active blog and I donβt know how to separate posts that are intended to be read by the entire world and shown across the entire site from m…[Read more]
Asynaptic replied to the topic URL Help Please!!! in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 11 years, 1 month ago
@chefbt you can also change the ‘buddypress’ slug to something else, like ‘community’ so that the URL structure is:
this is what this website’s configuration does, like so:
for more, scroll down to slugs part…[Read more]
Asynaptic replied to the topic URL Help Please!!! in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 11 years, 1 month ago
@chefbt my time to shine (even though I’m not a coder!)
to put profiles in the root β http://example.org/username/ add the code snippet below to your wp-content/plugins/bp-custom.php file:
define ( ‘BP_ENABLE_ROOT_PROFILES’, true );
yay! hope that fixes it for you. In the future, google is your friend. So is the codex where this came f…[Read more]
Asynaptic started the topic what happened to buddy design lab? in the forum Miscellaneous 11 years, 2 months ago
Asynaptic replied to the topic The Best Cache'ing solution for BP? in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 11 years, 2 months ago
because of its nature (membership site where content differs depending on being logged in vs. logged out content) the best caching solution for buddypress is partial page caching (aka fragment cache), something that sort of exists and sorta doesn’t.
my suggestion is to take the BP survey and to add your voice for it so the developers know there…[Read more]
Asynaptic replied to the topic Optimize by removing blank lines and comments? in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 11 years, 2 months ago
@henrywright-1 Thanks Henry, I’m familiar with the usual steps you outline. Just curious if removing comments and blank lines would make a significant difference π
Asynaptic replied to the topic Optimize by removing blank lines and comments? in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 11 years, 2 months ago
umm… is this a stupid question?
Asynaptic started the topic Optimize by removing blank lines and comments? in the forum How-to & Troubleshooting 11 years, 3 months ago
Looking at this chart and data:
http://www.ohloh.net/p/buddypress/analyses/latest/languages_summaryI realized that 44% of the code that runs buddypress is either blank lines or comment lines. I do realize that these add value by making the code easier to read, edit, update and improve for humans.
However, once installed and running, would it…[Read more]
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