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  • @tammy1999


    Thank you. I will try this



    Thank you for your help and its the BuddyPress login that comes with BuddyPress and I was using the widget version for the sidebar. I will use the link above.



    The BuddyPress Login widget that I am using has a Register and Login button. I just need for the widget to show Login and nothing else. I would like the Register button to be hidden.



    That is just the Registration Link and I had already found that on Google. I need the button to be hidden so no one will click on it.



    Thank you!!



    Thank you so much!! It works great!!



    Was wondering if any news @slaffik



    When you seen a message to anyone it always shows the @username. In general I guess. The names would work much better in our case since all the usernames are numbers.






    Everything on the Main site is public. Everything on the Sub Site is private on only for members. I am using a Membership plugin to for the private site.

    I don’t have BuddyPress activated via the Network. If I do that, then everything goes to the Main site, even though I have the root blog set at 2 for the subsite.

    I only have BuddyPress activated on the Subsite and for the most part works great that way except for a couple of redirections to the Main site.



    I have only had BuddyPress on the Subsite and added ( ‘BP_ROOT_BLOG’, $blog_id ) with the id of the subsite to the wp-config.php.

    But when I change to network activation everything goes to the Main site. So, I am really confused about that now. Nothing with BuddyPress can show on the Main site because the subsite is all private.



    @mcUK Worked perfectly!!! Thank you!!!








    Sorry I wasn’t clear.

    I have a multi site with with a main site and secondary site. I have put define ( ‘BP_ROOT_BLOG’, 2 ); in the wp-config.php. I have only activated BuddyPress on the secondary site. And everything is good with the settings.

    Except when it comes to the Groups Pages on the Dashboard of the secondary site. When I make any changes to the pages on any group and hit Save, it will go to the Main Site. It should go to the secondary site. Also any Group Page details shows up in the Group Page area on the Main site. The only reason I know this is because I activated Buddy Press on the Main site and all the groups are there. But I keep all the BuddyPress plugins off on the Main site.

    The Group Pages doesn’t have any group pages listed on the secondary site.

    I thought after making the secondary site the BuddyPress site that everything would show up there.



    What I did was go in and make the subdomain the only site to have BuddyPress via config.php. Works fine. The subdomain is only one with all the BuddyPress plugins activated.

    BUT, when I change anything in a group and save, it will go right back to the main site. Also, my Event Calendar isn’t linking up and showing the events. The calendar is showing fine in the groups but none of the events.

    It still acts like the main site is running BuddyPress.



    Thanks. I think that will work



    Thank you for your help



    I need a developer and was wondering where to speak to someone about doing this work for me. Any suggestions of where to look?



    No I haven’t. I am doing some research first before I decide which plugins to use on a new site. I posted at the bbPress forum, but not getting any responses.

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