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  • @tamphet


    if you are using your own theme, you are out of luck!

    There are many, many many. post on this topic.

    When you use your own theme, you will need to copy the register.php to your theme directory.

    If you do so.. you we always get.. the login page.

    If you are not copy the register.php to your theme directory, it will default to wp-signup.php.

    it works fine, however, because it does not use buddypress-language file your site will have mix of English and your mother tounge language.

    The best work around I come up with is… do not copy the register.php.

    Translate the WPMU language into your language.

    I believe, this is logged for bug fix.



    I did a fresh install. Same issue.

    So I decided not to copy the register.php I will use the default wp-signup.php for now.

    Main reason I choose this round because I don’t know how to code. Well, I am learning to read code as I go.

    If you know how to read code, read the code again. I have a feeling something on WP security lead it to the login page.

    When I try “Only logged in users can create new blogs.” option, WP will take me to the login page. I know, this is a completely different option, but could be an indicator.




    Have you figure the register page to work??

    We have this issue, but no solution.

    If you know, please share your it.



    Fresh install could be a fix. But would it be nice to understand the issue.

    I saw many people using custom theme get the same issue, it posted all over the forums. I checked all sites currently running BP. The result is if it does not use BP-theme, the signup page points to wp-signup.php instead of register.

    Could this be a BP’s bug?? or Because the theme used does not design for WPMU?





    here is the link

    If you look click on adminbar, you will see it.

    Thanks for you help.




    I am not so sure about .htacess.

    But apparently this is an issue without solution.

    I saw many post on this forums around this issue, but none of them come to the resolution. May be there is a resolution but they did not come back and post the solution on this forum.

    Will see if someone can provide some answer.



    Any pointers any body?



    Thanks for the info. However, after copy the register.php into my theme, it takes me to the login page.

    In the adress bar it shows

    Thanks for all your help



    I could not find signup.php in buddypress-home. Where else could it be?

    Or where can I download it?




    Thanks for the advice

    I translated 80% done. I uploaded on the web but some lines does not translate at all.

    I triple check, make sure I translated that line.

    What could be a problem?

    Thanks for your help.



    Thanks for the advice

    I translated 80% done. I uploaded on the web but some lines does not translate at all.

    I triple check, make sure I translated that line.

    What could be a problem?

    Thanks for your help.



    Hi all,

    I am using Poedit to translate the BuddyPress file. When I save the file, I always get this error message

    11:23:10: D:wampwww8phetwp-contentmu-pluginsbp-languagesbuddypress-vi.po:844: a format specification for argument 1 doesn’t exist in ‘msgstr’

    11:23:10: D:wampwww8phetwp-contentmu-pluginsbp-languagesbuddypress-vi.po:2566: a format specification for argument 1 doesn’t exist in ‘msgstr’

    11:23:10: msgfmt: found 2 fatal errors

    Some lines work, and some don’t. Can someone help to correct this error?




    how are “the settings…” set??

    I use the Poedit to do the translation. I always get this error message.

    11:23:10: D:wampwww8phetwp-contentmu-pluginsbp-languagesbuddypress-vi.po:844: a format specification for argument 1 doesn’t exist in ‘msgstr’

    11:23:10: D:wampwww8phetwp-contentmu-pluginsbp-languagesbuddypress-vi.po:2566: a format specification for argument 1 doesn’t exist in ‘msgstr’

    11:23:10: msgfmt: found 2 fatal errors.

    I believe that related to Settings…. But I don’t know how to set it.

    Can someone help please.


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