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  • @tomdebruin


    What’s the error? Most likely the apostrophe is causing the error, try escaping it with a slash

    `bp_member_profile_data( ‘field=Travelling’ s datas’ )`

    the forward slash isn’t showing up in the code, but place it just before the apostrophe.



    Been messing around with adding custom usermeta data at signup and have come up with the following:

    `function bp_custom_user_signup() { ?>


    add_action(‘bp_before_registration_submit_buttons’, ‘bp_custom_user_signup’);

    // Add field_name from sign-up to usermeta on registration
    function bp_user_activate_field( $signup ) {

    update_usermeta( $signup, ‘name_of_field_in_template’, apply_filters( ‘get_name_of_field_in_template_value’, $_POST ) );

    return $signup;
    add_filter( ‘user_register’, ‘bp_user_activate_field’ );
    Note that this data is put into the database at the point of registration, not at user activation as the original example suggested – but I couldn’t get that to work.



    I’ve just experienced this and have come up with a fix:

    function custom_bp_adminbar_login_menu() {
    global $bp;
    if ( is_user_logged_in() )
    return false;
    $redirecturl = $bp->root_domain . '/wp-login.php?redirect_to=' . urlencode( $bp->root_domain ) . esc_url( $_SERVER );
    echo '
    ' . __( 'Log In', 'buddypress' ) . '
    // Show "Sign Up" link if user registrations are allowed
    if ( bp_get_signup_allowed() ) {
    echo '
    ' . __( 'Sign Up', 'buddypress' ) . '
    remove_action( 'bp_adminbar_menus', 'bp_adminbar_login_menu', 2 );
    add_action( 'bp_adminbar_menus', 'custom_bp_adminbar_login_menu', 2 );

    Drop that into your functions.php file.

    It’s the same as the standard function except it appends the $bp->root_domain with $_SERVER.
    I’m not sure if this is a feature or something that’s been overlooked and needs reporting in trac. Also on different servers I’ve had differing results with php $_SERVER based stuff so I’m not sure if it will work everywhere. It works on the server I’m using anyway.



    @Alexander, I spoke to @DJPaul at WordCamp UK who said he’d look into it, and also that I should file a bug report. Which I hadn’t got round to, so thanks for filing it.



    Anyone, Bueller?



    OK thanks. I can get around it by having one theme and altering things based on $blog_id;



    @foxly, even though your solutions require code modification you do say “i’ll develop my own solution” – will these be plugins you release, or perhaps become part of the bp-moderation plugin that is being developed by @francescolaffi?

    I really appreciated your detailed posts on the tools spammers employ. It has given me a much better understanding of the problem. Thank you.



    Upgraded the memory_limit to 96M, then down to 64M. Both work.

    Perhaps the page needs this mentioning?



    OK, a bit more testing. I tried it on another server and it’s working fine there. The difference being that was WP RC1, so I upgraded it to RC3 and it still works.

    So I put RC1 on the original server and the same problem exists.

    Server 1 = PHP Version 5.2.12
    Server 2 = PHP Version 4.4.8

    then tried Server 2 with PHP 5.2.6, still works fine.

    Major differences are memory_limit S1: 48M S2: 99M
    And S1 has suhosin installed (I can’t find any evidence of suhosin being a problem on a quick Google search).

    Could it be down to the memory limit? I just want to make sure it’s not a problem at my end before reporting in trac. Thanks for your replies everyone.



    I’ve just updated this plugin to work in BP 1.2.1 and bbP 1.0.3.

    Available here:

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