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  • Michael Bryner


    Well, I am not Tagdiv and I just use the theme that I bought from them. I did contact them and they provided CSS to fix for the time being until the fix is done in one of their future updates, but there is still one issue that they have not said anything about and is in groups and loading the page showing group after clicking the link, it shows cover photo and avatar fine but right where the group description is the current user avatar really tiny covers over the description, covering up one of the words, so you can’t read it. It is a clickable avatar but just floats right over the description. I uploaded the image to Tagdiv but got no response on that one.

    Otherwise, I got the tabs back with CSS that Tagdiv gave me to put in my custom code section in themepanel. So I can use the cover photos until they implement the fix.

    Michael Bryner


    I actually should say did expect.

    Michael Bryner


    So basically your not going to do a thing about it? Okay, I will just remove BuddyPress, and thanks for the support I wouldn’t expect. I doubt Tagdiv is going to do a thing about it. Since, I get told that I have to go to theme author to get the styling done for BuddyPress too. I might as well give up on the whole BuddyPress thing. As soon as I am done with this reply, I am removing BuddyPress.

    Michael Bryner


    Sounds to me that you don’t care if the theme works for it or not. Accounting for pretty much all themes is part of the reason to have the plugin in first place. If I can’t use it with all features then I will just not use it. Pointless to bother with something that is broken.

    Michael Bryner


    Is that tagdiv? There is two different Newsmag themes. I am using tagdiv.

    Michael Bryner


    It only shows avatar and cover photo space with no tabs and activity on profile page only. Groups is just about the same. No original tabs just home, forum, members. send invites, manage tabs. As long as this plugin has been out since 2008 its still does not work with all themes? I am so tempted to just give up on it. It looks outdated still and the only thing you add is cover photos and it does not even work right.

    The rest of the other plugins that compare and look a heck of a lot better but to get the features of this plugin you have to pay their outrageous prices for extensions. I might just be better off with no community software for social network and just use bbPress only.

    Michael Bryner


    Newsmag one of the most popular themes and it never did that before v2.4. Of course v2.3.5 did not have cover photos either. Even lost tabs on Groups too. I am keeping it disabled.

    Michael Bryner


    I fixed it. It was the cover photos and I lost the tabs but as soon as I unchecked the cover photos for both members and groups the tabs are there. I don’t what you guys did but I am never going to enable that cover photo feature until it is fixed.

    Michael Bryner


    Uninstalling BuddyPress and reinstalling did nothing at all. Data repair did nothing. I disabled cover photos and it works fine. It is the cover photos enabled and I lose the whole tabs in profile.

    Michael Bryner


    Congrats, but I lost all profile tabs. None no matter what I do and I can’t go back to v2.3.5.

    Michael Bryner


    Just shows activity instead of profile.

    Michael Bryner


    That list looks like it would keep people from sighing up and logging in. Em I wrong?

    Michael Bryner


    This one is old too and still open. To tell me you don’t close new threads is beyond me when I see this still open. I see way shorter threads closed with no resolutions to it at all before these kinds that are given up. This one is resolved too since nothing is happening here anymore either. I gave up on this one.

    Michael Bryner


    This one is six months old and never closed and is resolved.

    Michael Bryner


    Sorry, but I have to disagree there on the closing threads. I have not been here that much at all except for the styling only requesting and I don’t any deeper than half of the first page and that is not old threads and they are closed after just one response from the moderator that says get something done from the theme author. Is that good support? To me that is not even giving hardly any support and just closing it before we even can say another word.

    I am not even in here every day and still that is the way buddypress, wordpress, and bbpress sites support works. It is not old threads getting closed only. You say my threads are not what should be put in the support. All them been pretty much exactly where they should be request and features is where I asked for features and Ideas is an idea given for the features and the only post that is really out of place, which is not really that far out of place was the survey thread but really if you are this way with a business with normal customers. I would of been gone the first response to my thread being closed and never been back ever again.

    Telling someone that something should be done with a 3rd party theme over the plugin implementation is the wrong way to take it, especially when asking the theme author already and they give a rats *** about adding it to the theme. So to me to go somewhere else and get it done will not do a thing but waste out time. Not saying you did that Paul but your moderator does that. He basically tells us to get it done from something that really is not with the plugin at all and theme authors are not just going to add that feature because you won’t.

    I know you said that it will be and would be foolish not to but talk to you moderator about this because he is the one that is acting like there is no reason in this world that this plugin should not have styling at all.

    I feel sorry for this guy that wants to stay basic. I giving up on this forum if closing a thread after first reply is the way it works here. That is terrible support and surprised you think that is the way it should be, especially if someone is having the same question or issue and they search for that, they won’t be able to do a thing because those threads are never resolved and no answers and closed before they even do get them.

    All those renewed threads about the same exact thing all over again because of it, using all the database is pointless to me. I would never do that to my visitors on my own website on bbpress. I am this close to just uninstalling buddypress and only keeping bbpress on my website. Not all people are made out of money to buy or pay extras for things. I guess I will only get the right answer from Paul and I am either going to have buddypress or not by the time that finally updated buddypress with the so called promise that it will be done.

    Not trying to be an jerk here but telling me that old threads are closed and I open a thread that is not even a day old and says the thread is closed to new replies, is not an old thread. This kind of support in a forum is really bad to me and I would never want unlimited amount of the same threads about the same thing all over my website using up space for no reason. I think I am going to just say goodbye and probably never going to come back to this support forum ever again.

    I already never do anything on WordPress support because they just tell you to go somewhere else when it isn’t another company to ask about WordPress issues. I even don’t go to bbpress support anymore either. Now buddypress is going to be not anymore.

    Goodluck with future releases! Maybe I will stick with buddypress and maybe I will just say heck with it and take it off.

    This is not all towards you Paul but your moderator acting like this plugin needs no styling at all and getting it done through someone that has nothing to do with this plugin is really the most annoying thing someone would do. He acts like there is no other person in this world wants anything on this plugin but left the way it is. A person like that sounds just like the people stuck on Windows XP even with the support gone and just complains that there is no reason to even upgrade to get support.

    Sorry, I am pissed about this and now I am debating so hard whether to keep buddypress or not for his bad attitude towards others about this plugin.

    Michael Bryner


    Best request so far on this forum and surprised you reopened this thread. Buddypress, bbPress, and WordPress are so easily close the threads before anything is even discussed and easily just assumes its better to go to a theme author to implement it when it not the theme author that works on this plugin at all. Theme Authors are 3rd party. So it is better for this plugin to do the styling.

    Michael Bryner


    This is the only community plugin on the repository that does not have the grid option. That is how far behind this plugin is.

    Michael Bryner


    Actually I already fixed it by adding a bp-custom.php with

    function bpfr_remove_xprofile_links() {
        remove_filter( 'bp_get_the_profile_field_value', 'xprofile_filter_link_profile_data', 9, 2 );
    add_action('bp_setup_globals', 'bpfr_remove_xprofile_links');

    in it, in the plugins section. So thanks for trying to help.

    Michael Bryner


    Okay, not worried about it anymore, and I just using what ever I was saying I did not want. Sorry, if I jump the gun thinking you were jumping on my shoulder. I just hate having issues. This is pretty much a no more worry thing for me. I have a bug I need to start another topic to see if they will fix in next buddypress update.

    Michael Bryner


    Done with this. I just can’t stand rude people. Turning off the Notify Me.

    Michael Bryner


    [quote]If you want a permanent notice to show without users being able to close it would it not be better to just add a text widget and add your own styling to make it stand out as a permanent reminder?[/quote]

    I rather do just install a widget, then go across google to find ways to do it in a text html styling. If there is a widget of plugin. I rather do that first.

    Thanks danbp, you are the man for showing something better than wasting time trying to code in a text widget.

    This is a widget that came with BuddyPress, and seems to me that with that comment up there, sounds like they rather have me do the work than just take a close button out of there own widget. Not like an adult way, sounds more like I am child and don’t want to do it attitude. Same as WordPress, when you request something. I mean they are developers, and all they want to do is say no for something they already created. Since, getting attitudes are the fondest things on BuddyPress, bbPress, and WordPress forums, then I will just stop asking for things that should be from them. I am not going to develop the software for them.

    For someone like me that rarely asks for anything. I got jumped on pretty fast there.

    Again thanks, danbp for the smarter reply.

    Michael Bryner


    I mean if its a admin notice for all users, it should never be able to close for regular members. It should stick like a sticky thread in a forum. This would probably have members that are tired of spam too, agree with this also. I just had a member sign up on my website, and immediately they just created 7 spam groups for their business. I would like them not able to close warning messages to the whole site of members. I can understand like admin able to close it, but not the rest of the members.

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