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  • @wandilly


    Greetings Marian
    Thank you very much for your reply!…
    and I agree with you, I thought it was the only thing I needed to change, nevertheless, it didn’t work for me…
    unless I did something wrong or have to do something else…I just copied and pasted bellow what I see when I browse the wp-options table in
    godaddy via phpMyAdmin:
    MySQL Databases Used: 3 of 25
    Version Database Name Description Status Action
    mar1000812091212 Database for WordPress 2.9.1 on 5.0
    mar1000812200923 Database for WordPress 2.9.1 on
    …Full Texts option_id blog_id option_name option_value autoload
    Edit Delete 1 0 _transient_random_seed 230d0d6d109d56140f929a76212f147b yes
    Edit Delete 2 0 siteurl yes
    Edit Delete 3 0 blogname marinprofessionals blog yes
    Edit Delete 4 0 blogdescription Just another WordPress weblog yes
    Edit Delete 5 0 users_can_register 0 yes



    Hello Ray, I hope you’re around


    ” Making Your Theme BuddyPress Compatible”

    So, I can add support for BuddyPress to the existing “sliding door” WordPress theme that I have selected in….they say it can be a straightforward process by following the setup instructions on the page…bellow is what I got:

    Step One : Move Template Files

    BuddyPress needs some extra template files in order to display its pages correctly. This plugin contains these extra templates, but right now they are in the plugin directory. They need to be inside your active theme directory to work correctly. First of all we can try moving them automatically, please click the button below to attempt to move the templates:

    Step Two : Templates moved successfully!

    The templates moved successfully! This is great news, BuddyPress templates are now in the correct position in your theme which means you can skip step two and move on to step three.

    Step Three : Templates moved successfully!

    Now that the template files are in the correct location, click through your site (you can come back to this page at any point). You should see a BuddyPress admin bar at the top of the page, try visiting some of the links in the “My Account” menu. You should find that BuddyPress pages now work and are displayed.


    I don’t see the words buddypress on the website marinprofessionals… so I was hoping you help me see what I am doing wrong….



    HELLO WORLD!!! Ray agreed to befriend “round and round in circles dizzyone” from!!!

    Thanks Ray, I am on my way to make the changes you advised…

    I’ll keep you posted!(ps: this is just a comment, NOT a threat!! 8~)))!!!



    Greetings Ray

    Thanks for your reply, sorry for writing so much,I appreciated your comments and good advise

    I will try not to write to much, here is what I did before your advise:

    1)installed WPress in Godaddy server for –> selecated sliding door panel and activated,

    added Buddy Press as a Plugin from the dash board of Marinprofessionals and Actived from the dashboard…

    What I wonderstood from your advise is:

    since you don’t see buddypress capability on the site because it is not written anywhere in the site. So, what I have to do is to go to dashboard and add a plugin “BP-Template-pack” and then activated it afterwards and I will see have know BuddyPress capability?


    after adding the plugin “BP-Template-pack”, I should choose ANOTHER template because the “sliding door” template that I used for marinprofessionals does NOT have the BuddyPress capability eventhough it says it has?



    Instead of downloading wordpress to my PC and then uploading to Godaddy(I ran into all kinds of problems that way…)

    On january of 2010 I used godaddy automated script from hosting control center to automatically install wordpress 2.9.1 into my hosting account. My current account detail in godaddy for is as follows:

    Domain :

    Hosting Login : wandilly

    Server IP Address :

    Dedicated Hosting IP :

    On January 2010 I also was able to upload the Current Theme to the hosting account in godaddy is called :

    Sliding Door 1.8.7 by Wayne Connor

    (A unique template featuring sliding images in the header based on phatfusion imagemenu. Look at theme homepage to see the menu in action – the preview does not work on!!!! Sliding images in header link to pages, or can be redirected using the Page Links To plugin. The theme has a comprehensive support forum to help you get started at

    As far as Buddypress, back in October of 2009, I downloaded the version of I downloaded the bpress 1.1.1zip version and uploaded to godaddy and then unzipped there which create a buddypress folder in the html directory of godaddy. Nevertheless, I also see another version of bpress zip (1.0.2) which was uploaded in January 2010…

    My website I was able to change the appearance of the sliling door of marinprofessionals but am not sure if it was done correctly. I would like help adding a directory capability and enable the creation of individuals blogs per each user registration…similar to what’s is avalable for the ”” website … During 2009 I have tried to get help/answers from dirrent forums but was not able to make it work, could you please help??

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