Forum Replies Created
I found the following thread that pretty solved my problem:,
Yes, I think I saw a is_bp() over there… but if my memory servers, it just tell if BP is installed or something like that. I’m not versed in BP thought (although I’m pretty confident with my knowledge of WP).
Can you please give a clue on how to get the BP components installed in a given installment of BP?
Thanks in advance,
WillI say it\’s better to be good than quick.
I\’ve heard that before… 8D I won\’t tell you who told me that
Sorry… I can\’t help it
A little hint I missed: You must wait for the wildcard DNS to propagate as any other DNS change.
When I set it up for the first time, I forgot this little issue…
My 2c
Ok… I took a look at BP sites were this blog link works… For instance:
The main difference I saw is that its categories looks like:
…while mine looks like:
… so my WP is asumming$ as a category… that\’s why it rendered /blog with archive.php
Given all these… I changed my permalink structure from /%category%/%postname%/ (my favorite!!!) to /cat/%category%/%postname%/ and I set the category base slug to cat
Now, when I try to access I finally see my testing posts… BUT the title still shows Nothing found for Blog
Holy smokes!!!
1) How do I keep my favorite permalink structure?
2) Why it shows \”Nothing Found\” in the title… even when it got 2 posts?
3) If I cannot use /cat/postname permalink structure anymore… which one should be used instead?
Well…I made ANOTHER workaround…
I would really like to know to really solve this issue:
I changed my permalink structure to:
/-/%category%/%postname%/ (I added an ugly dash at the beginning)
And I changed my category base to –
The only remaining problem with this workaround is with the title: It shows “Nothing found” even when it found 2 posts… It should be an error/bug in the bp_page_title() function.
@Hyrxx: Nope…
I deactivate the reqrite title settings and it didn\\\’t work… Next, I deactivate the plugin.. same results so I deactivate ALL my plugins: Still not working.
Edition: A bit of light to this mystery.
When I try to access, the request is being rendered by archive.php instead of single.php, index.php and any other file that makes more sense to me.
The main blog should be rendered by which template file? index.php, single.php, archive.php or… ?
@Hyrxx… THAT makes sense… I’m using Platinum All in One… the next version of the All-in-One…
let me check
@Burtadsit: I updated my installation to the latest trunk… I added the constant definition for BP_ROOT_BLOG in my wp-config.php… and it didn’t work.
@Burtadsit: Not sure what you mean by “running the home theme on a subdomain”.
My WPMU is on a root domain ( I’ve not created any other blog yet… just the default one… and it should be in its usual location (, masked by the BP Theme… making it available (in theory) at
The problem is that returns a “Not Found” blog page…
@Dace: Yes… An unmodified version:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
#uploaded files
RewriteRule ^(.*/)?files/$ index.php [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !.*wp-content/plugins.*
RewriteRule ^(.*/)?files/(.*) wp-content/blogs.php?file=$2 [L]
# add a trailing slash to /wp-admin
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^.*/wp-admin$
RewriteRule ^(.+)$ $1/ [R=301,L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
RewriteRule . – [L]
RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?(wp-.*) $2 [L]
RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?(.*\.php)$ $2 [L]
RewriteRule . index.php [L]
<IfModule mod_security.c>
<Files async-upload.php>
SecFilterEngine Off
SecFilterScanPOST Off
Is anything wrong with it?
Wow… sounds great… I’ll take a look at it tonight.
Thanks for sharing!
Not sure if it will solve my problem… I will update my installation tonight.. I’m not using my home computer right now.
However, I’m running my installation in the root domain, And WPMU is on subdomain mode, if that matters.
Ok, looking forward those changes.
@Renefyrster: I’m not in my home computer where I have access to my codes but I remember that I modify the header.php file…
There’s a part in that file where you will see listed all buttons of the top menu enclosed in LI tags… Those tags are only shown if the functions they are trying to expose to the user do exists in your installation (I mean, if you have not installed Groups module, the Group link won’t be showed and so on).
Well… You need to do something similar with you forum link… I remember I did something like this:
if (function_exists(‘any_bbpress_function_I_cant_remember_any_at_the_momento)) { ?>
<li <?php if (is_page(‘Forums’)) echo ‘class=”selected”‘; ?>>
< a href=”url to your blog”>Forums
<?php { ?>
This code might be wrong because I don’t have the right code here… but that’s the idea…
Hope it helps.
By the way, the blog link is served using the home theme so I think the member theme is out of question regarding this issue (just MH opinion… I only have a few hours playing with BP)
I’m on the latest trunk of every piece of code I use. I mean: WPMU, BP…
Oh! I forgot step 3…
I added a text widget that shows the Invite Friends Page… and it is shown only when the current user is a facebook user:
if (function_exists(‘fbc_facebook_client’)) {
$fbuid = fbc_facebook_client()->get_loggedin_user();
if ($fbuid) {
?><p style=”text-align: right; margin-right: 5px;”>
Not sure if it will help anyone but I’ll post it anyway.
I really wanted to launch my BP site with facebook integration AND Invite facebook Friends as well. And given that Andy said he will probably not be working on the BP Facebook Connect pluggin, well.. I made a rough workaround that did the job.
Hope it helps.
– You need to have BP-Facebook Connect installed.
– You need to have Exec-PHP plugin installed.
– You need to have Exclude Pages plugin installed (optional)
Step 1:
First, I made a new file called invitefriends.php. I put it the root directory of BP.. but you can place it anywhere you want and take care of the paths. This is the code (not sure if it will get throught the parsing functions of this forum… my apologies in advance if it doesn’t):
$root = dirname(__FILE__); // repeat dirname( as many times as folders levels you save this file… For instance: if you save it in wp-content, it should be dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
if (file_exists($root.’/wp-load.php’)) {
// WP 2.6
} else {
// Before 2.6
if (function_exists(‘fbc_facebook_client’)) {
// if the current user is a facebook user, show his/her friends…
$fbuid = fbc_facebook_client()->get_loggedin_user();
if ($fbuid) { ?>
<fb:serverfbml style=”width: 100%;”>
<script type=”text/fbml”>
action=”<?php echo get_option(‘siteurl’); ?>”
type=”<?php echo get_option(‘blogname’); ?>”
content=”<?php echo get_option(‘blogname’).” : “.get_option(‘blogdescription’); ?>
<fb:req-choice url='<?php echo get_option(‘siteurl’); ?>’
label='<?php _e(‘Become a member!’, ‘mt_trans_domain’) ?>’ />”>
actiontext=”<?php _e(‘Select the friends you want to invite.’, ‘mt_trans_domain’) ?>”>
<?php } else {
// If s/he is not a facebook user, tell him/her s/he has to be one in order to invite friends.
echo __( ‘Tienes que haber ingresado como un usuario Facebook para poder invitar amigos.’, ‘mt_trans_domain’ );
$user = wp_get_current_user();
if (!$user->ID) {
// if s/he is not a facebook neighter a site member yet… show the Facebook login button.
echo ‘
<fb:login-button size=”large” background=”dark” length=”long”></fb:login-button>’;
Step 2:
– Create a new page, named it whatever you want (I name it Invite Facebook Friends, in spanish).
– Exclude this page from the front-page (using the Exclude-Page plugin)
The code of my page looks like this:
if (function_exists(‘fbc_facebook_client’)) {
// if the current user is a facebook user, load invitefriends.php into an IFRAME.
$fbuid = fbc_facebook_client()->get_loggedin_user();
if ($fbuid) { ?>
<iframe width=”100%” height=”700″ frameborder=”no” src=”invitefriends.php”></iframe>
<?php } else {
// If s/he is not a facebook user, tell s/him he has to be in order to invite friends.
echo ‘<p>Tienes que haber ingresado como un usuario Facebook para poder invitar amigos.’;
$user = wp_get_current_user();
if (!$user->ID) {
// If s/he is not a facebook nor a member… show her/him the facebook button.
echo ‘
<fb:login-button size=”large” background=”dark” length=”long”></fb:login-button>’;
echo ‘</p>’;
As you can it is a extermelly rough approach… but I’m not a WordPress developer nor a WPMU one… nor a BP one… I’m not familiar with the plugin framework of WordPress so I tried to do my best.
I hope it helps.
A hat? Where should I claim for it???
@Dace: Your best bet is start a new theme out of the buddypress_home and _member theme, rename it and place the custom.css from the FaceBuddy guys…
Take a look at… It worked like a charm (I even manage to adapt Andy’s BP-Facebook Connect plugin with “Invite Friends” capabilities! A very dirty workaround… but it works anyway! still needs some polishment though)
In on the latest trunk… Both functions are located in the file I mentioned.
bp_get_optionsbar in line 677.
bp_get_userbar in line 686.
I concur with Burtadsit’s statement. I wonder why Automattic does not take on SimpleForum and make it the default WP forum… It integrate WP seamlessly, no need to be themed and is rich featured.
Beside, I would like to be able to “Invite Friends” from facebook. Is it possible?
Sociable’s plugin did it… perhaps it could be a good starting point.
Best regards,
Is there any way to show the facebook login button in other places? I would like to show it as a widget and not beside the login/register buttons.
All best,