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  • @westpointer


    Updated plugin available here at my test site! Now, how do I update on WP …



    ‘bn-auto-join-group’ on lines 122 and 88 of the plugin needs to be changed to ‘auto-join-groups’

    Sorry I missed that. The file was suppose to be named bn-auto-join-group.php. I was confused by how the WP repository works. :-(



    Hey Guys – the hook that used to work at activation was no longer doing the job. I have a new file available. Please send me a message with your email addy and I’ll send it for testing.




    Yes, I’d love to team up on this Boone Gorges. That’s the type of functionality I plan to add to the next versions.



    Thanks for the input! I was confused when I posted the version information. I’m away from my main work computer right now so I can’t absolutely verify but I believe the version needs to be AT LEAST BuddyPress 1.1. The version of the plugin I posted does not work with 1.0.3.

    I’ll update the plugin on Monday and confirm version information.



    Yes, it will work with BP 1.1.



    Released today! I appreciate all comments!



    hit or miss proposition

    I find it’s much more of a “miss” proposition. I may have to wipe up a little plugin for this!



    Are you using the vbulletin bridge for WordPress?

    One quick comment – vb is a much more feature rich forum than bbpress. But, tools have been created to nicely integrate bbpress with buddypress groups. So, you’ll need to figure out how to handle the forums. If most of your traffic will be coming from the forums, you may want to look more closely at vb’s social networking tools.



    Sorry, I lost track of this. AFAIK, this is not resolved.



    Andy and Burt,

    Thank you very much! The file you sent me yesterday did fix the problem with my large thread. I’d set pagination to occur at 50 posts. Once I reduced that to 40 posts, the topic started working again (

    One item to note, bp_the_topic_latest_post_excerpt() is still broken for large topics. See at the Obama Chronicles II topic.



    If by “deep integration” you mean loading wordpress at the top of bb-config.php, no, we don’t do that. But, if the tables share the same database, that’s not needed.

    If the xmlrpc method WILL break when retrieving large topics, then I don’t see a choice but to directly query the bb tables. Otherwise, using bbpress for the group topics is fatally flawed.




    yeah, that’s not a very user friendly solution. I’d have to ponder how to even do that!

    Seems like a simpler solution is to just call the data directly. The bbpress tables are integrated into the same database. The same user table is being used. Why not just directly query the bb_ tables instead of xmlrpc?



    LOL … I just found the exact same thing. The 83K really jumped out at me.

    Well, if that does apply, that’s a problem!



    What is the LSMaxSearchCount post you are talking about

    From John’s post earlier in this thread:



    Burt – Mike’s talking about the apostrophe issue with the extra slash before it.

    It appears in the topic you just closed (in the title) –



    The text is posted on the buddypress interface for a topic. The number of replies isn’t important, it’s the amount of characters contained in all replies. From my testing, the limit seems to be around 80,000 characters (with spacing). That sounds like a lot but really isn’t in an active topic.

    For example, here’s a link to the problem –

    Here’s that same “topic” via the bbpress backend –

    To reproduce

    • Have a buddypress install with bbpress integrated
    • From buddypress, go into a group
    • Create a new group topic
    • Copy 80,000 or so characters into the topic

    You’ll eventually get to a point where buddypress returns a message “There are no posts for this topic.”

    Yesterday, I looked at that post about “LSMaxSearchCount” but I don’t see anywhere that’s configured nor where to configure it. Seems like a likely culprit.



    check that the path is changed in wp_1_options and wp_site



    I’ve confirmed that this is an issue related to the size of the data being returned via the xml-rpc call. But I have no idea what to do with that information.

    If you’re groups get a long winded topic going … you’ll see it too!



    @ Nicola – thanks again for your time. I knew I was making a bone-head mistake!



    If that is the actual code you’re using, then you have a typo.

    OMG! How in the HE$$ did I miss that! grrr .. sorry for wasting everyone’s time! Thanks!



    OK, here’s some quick and dirty TESTING code. In a file that is located in mu-plugins, I have:

    function my_hello_world($groupid, $mypostarray) {


    echo ‘Hello World‘;




    add_action( ‘groups_new_form_topic_post’, ‘my_hello_world’, 1, 2 );

    When it runs, I should see the variables listed along with “Hello World”. (The page dies before going back to the forum post listing). But the code inside the function is not executed.

    If instead, I modify bp-groups.php to be:

    do_action( ‘groups_new_forum_topic_post’, $group_obj->id, $forum_post );

    /* Brent mod */

    my_hello_world($group_obj->id, $forum_post);

    the function runs. I see “Hello World” and the arrays printed.



    I tried that but still no luck. (BTW – aren’t the last two parameters optional? Or is it only optional if the number of variables passed is 1?)

    What else could I be missing?? the add_action just doesn’t seem to be getting included in the list of actions to run when the do_action is executed.

    I also tried adding:

    global $group_obj->id, $forum_post;

    as the first line of the function. (grabbing at straws). nothing. But if a directly call my function by adding a line below the do_action line, it works great. :-(



    I don’t see anyway to change the light. Maybe us mere members don’t have the right privileges?



    I posted this as a ticket (it is a bug) here:

    The solution:

    OK, this is a confirmed bug. The post_date reflects the time zone set for the blog which is mountain time. I’m in the eastern time zone so my post was seen by this line of code as 2 hours old as soon as I added the post. We need to off-set for the time zone.


    if ( $recorded_post->date_created >= strtotime( "-30 minutes" ) )


    if ( $recorded_post->date_created >= (current_time('timestamp') - 30) )

    that will fix the problem! (code in bp-blogs.php)

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