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  • @wpmirwin


    Thanks @djpaul for taking a look at this. I appreciate it. If I learn anything new I’ll post an update.



    Well, somehow I missed the “READ THIS FIRST – BuddyPress 2.5 Master List” sticky topic! CRAP! I guess I was too busy searching the forums to browse the first page. πŸ™

    On some sites, emails aren’t sent, or not delivered.
    This issue is under investigation. Some fixes have been made for v2.5.1. β€” 6947

    So, maybe it’s not such a mystery that BP emails are not being delivered and my long winded “story” really wasn’t necessary.

    The quick summary of the above is:

    For any recipient on a remote mail server (google, yahoo, hotmail):

    1. Friend request email is being sent and delivered (html)
    2. PM email is being sent, but not delivered (html)
    3. Mention email is being sent, but not delivered (html)
    4. Other email sent by BP Plugins and by WP is being sent and delivered (plain text)

    For local recipients (Email addresses with site domain – co-located Mail server):

    1. All mail is delivered

    Is there anything different about the 4 email scenarios above?
    Any reason why #1 (html) and #4 (plain text) would work while #2 (html) and #3 (html) don’t?
    Any reason why my co-located mail server would accept all the mail without issue?

    This would be easier to understand if all html email was not being delivered, but this isn’t the case. The Friend Request html email is consistently working fine.

    Any troubleshooting ideas are most welcome.



    Dashboard Activity times are also displaying correctly for me (WP 4.3.2 / BP 1.6.1.) after applying the changes in tishasala’s patch (4573.patch).





    I tried setting my time in WP using UTC also, but it didn’t work for me. Glad you’ve got it all straightened out though (I’m still on BP 1.6.1 – maybe this has something to do with it). For now I’ll need to use this function.





    Thank-you! This is the best solution to the problem so far. I think it’s great. Thanks for sharing!




    Oops… some characters were stripped out above.

    Currently BP emails looks like:

    [Blog name] $title

    What I would like to do is change all subject prefixes to something fixed. eg.

    fixed-string-1-here [fixed-string-2-here]: $title




    Hello Mercime,

    Hopefully you some time to look a this.

    I already have a process that registers new users, sends out the welcome email, etc. So, I don’t really want to install the Welcome Pack plugin. What I really need to change is the prefix of all BP email subjects to look like all the other emails that get sent from WP and elsewhere.

    Currently BP emails looks like:

    [Blog name]

    For example:

    [] New message from user01

    What I would like to do is change all subject prefixes to something fixed. eg.

    fixed-string-1-here [fixed-string-2-here]:

    For example:

    Example [BuddyPress]: New message from user01

    I found the topic below in the BP forums which suggest adding a filter, but it’s almost 2 years old, and doesn’t seem to work. I added the function to my bp-custom.php, but it had no effect.

    Any help would be really appreciated.




    @johnjamesjacoby – Hi John. Really great to see your face/name on a problem that I’d like to see resolved! πŸ˜‰ Thanks for all your great work. It’s really appreciated.




    @mgkoller – Thanks for adding your comments / helping me out.

    Whey you say that you got the times working using the BBpress forum running alongside BuddyPress, do you mean the times in the forum itself, or the times in the BP Activity Stream that reference what was posted in the Forum? i.e. ” posted an update in the ..blah blah… hours ago”?

    For me, the time in the actual forum works fine. i.e If I created a new topic right now it would say ” said 1 second ago”. But if I immediately go to the BP Activity Stream, it says that I started a new topic 5 hours and 1 second ago.

    .. and then of course I have the problem as everyone else in WP Admin Activity where the same activity as above is 5 hours ahead.




    Hmmm.. I didn’t realize that. We’ll I’m glad you mentioned it…. Means I’m going to bed instead! πŸ˜‰




    Forgot to ask.. have you tested this on a vanilla WP BP install? I’m just about to build up another environment, but thought I’d ask you first before burning the midnight oil….. πŸ™





    Thanks for link. I didn’t see that topic.. It’s hard to find things sometimes.

    I’m going to keep looking into it. It’s a crummy bug. I didn’t notice this in testing and I have a live site up where nothing is happening in the activity stream… it’s always 5 + hours in the past! πŸ™‚

    The +5 hours on the records in the WP Admin Activity isn’t very nice, but at lease the end user doesn’t see it.




    @ubernaut .. Hi Ben,

    Thanks for the quick reply. The only Trac ticket I could find that was close is this one.

    It only addresses the issue where in WP Admin, the Activity time is +5 hours ahead of local time. The person who reported the problem may also have been in the EST timezone (-5) which means that the straight up GMT time from the dB would be +5 hours ahead of local time.

    However, the Trac ticket was closed by DJPaul 3 months ago. I’m not sure what the protocol is to have it be considered as a possible bug again.

    .. and my issue has another angle in that the Activity time that the end user sees in BP is -5 hours behind local time!

    So relative to local time, I have buddypress related times that are -5 hours, correct time, and +5 hours off. Yikes! πŸ™‚




    Sorry, Forgot to mention the versions.

    WP: 3.4.2
    BP: 1.6.1




    Hi there… I’ve racked my brain over a very similar issue. I’m wondering if you had any luck finding the answer?

    This is what I’m seeing.

    1). From what I can tell (I used shared hosting), the Centos Linux box that hosts my site has the date/time set correctly.

    I asked them to issue the date command and send the result. What they provided was the result when logging into the box via SSH. i.e. “Sun Jan 27 10:45:24 CST 2013”. The server is hosted somewhere in the CST timezone, and the date/time was correct at the time this info was sent.

    2). I am in the EST time zone. My WP general/settings/timezone is set to Montreal.

    3). When I publish a WP Post (for example) everything is fine. The “published on” date/time is correct (in local / EST / Montreal time). In fact, everything to do with straight WP date/time related handling is fine. BuddyPress is a different story!

    4). BuddyPress: When someone sends a private message, the time on the received email is one hour behind. I assume this can be explained by the CST server time and the EST timezone I’ve chosen in WP Settings/General/timezone. I can live with this – Or could change the timezone to the server timezone (chicago / CST).

    This is where it gets interesting.

    5). BuddyPress: When somebody creates or adds to a topic in BuddyPress Group Forum, the date/time is also correct. i.e. “username said n seconds ago” is 1 second after the update is made. OK.. But, the corresponding Activity entry shows 5 hours and 1 second ago. i.e. 5 hours in the past!

    Looking at the Activity Table record via phpMyAdmin, the date is stored in GMT (i.e. + 5 hours as I am in EST).

    Looking at the Topics Table record via phpyMyAdmin, the date is exactly the same – i.e. stored in GMT.

    So, when the forum topic is displayed, it’s doing a proper conversion from GMT to local time (-5), but the Activity Stream page seems to be doing the conversion twice, and I end up with -10 hours from the stored time in GMT.

    6). BuddyPress: Of course, when somebody just posts something to the activity stream, it always shows up as “username said 5 hours and n seconds ago” also. i.e. a -10 conversion from the stored db time which is in GMT.

    7). BuddyPress: Finally, when looking at the Activity via WP Admin, the date/time on each entry is straight out of the DB – i.e. GMT time – No local time conversion at all!

    So in Summary:

    Server setting for date/time is ok
    Straight WP handling of date/time is ok
    date/time is stored at the DB in GMT in all cases
    date/time is converted properly based on timezone for the BuddyPress Group forum topic itself (-5)
    date/time seems to be converted twice (-10) for the corresponding BuddyPress Activity Stream record as seen by the end user
    date/time is not converted at all when viewed via WP Admin. i.e. it is straight GMT

    If anybody can make sense of what’s going on, I’d really appreciate it! I’ve looked through everything I can find and just cant figure this out.

    Best regards,

    NOTE: Maybe it’s not good that I added to this post? It’s a similar problem, but not exactly the same. I can create a new post if that’s best.




    Sorry. Never mind. I figured it out to the point that it works ok. Probably not quite right, but it’s ok.




    Ok.. I finally realized that all of the css for my “template pack” install of BuddyPress is being driven from the bp-template-pack plugin… crap. bp.css file is right there, and it contains everything I was looking to change. I copied this css into my child theme, turned off the template pack css, and everything is going well.




    Thanks for that. I am able to remove the notifications subnav, but since the General subnav is the default, it behaves a little differently.

    Anyway, the hack to modify the form data on the General subnav page is working well. I think I’m happy with it… and it’s not a big deal to re-apply after a BP upgrade.




    After finally learning how to search forums I found another partial solution that I decided to implement.

    It does not remove the General subnav menu. It’s an edit on the core BP files that removes the form data (actually, I replaced it with a link to another page where Profile mods can be done).

    I would still like to know how to do this without modifying core BP files.

    This is the URL to the forum topic:




    I decided to spend the time and look into this further. Here is a quick overview of the problem and then the solution:

    1). WP to BP User sync uses the ‘user_nicename’ from the users table to create the member in BP
    2). When creating a user in WP directly via WP (i.e. Not DAP) the user_nicename is set to the same value found in username
    3). When creating a user in WP via DAP, the user_nicename is set to “First Last” by default

    This explains the different behaviour, and gets everything out of whack from BP point of view.

    To fix the problem, you need to modify DAP-WP-LiveLinks.php and have DAP set the user_nicename to the value provided for the username. Just do the following:


    $userarray = $user->getFirst_name() . ” ” . $user->getLast_name();


    $userarray = $username;

    .. and that’s it.

    @aprilbeaver… Hope that helps.



    Wow! That was fast. Thank-you VERY much!




    Sorry… I meant to say I’m about to try a standard “BuddyPress” theme…. Jeesh.

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