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  • @xberserker


    I’m wondering how to do this as well. Found this, which is where the functions are first created. But I’m still at a loss how to create a notification.

    I’ve searched around a LOT for this solution. Seems like most people don’t know or the ones that do don’t want to share, lol.



    Check out this:

    BuddyPress / WordPress Giveaway Plugin | CubePoints Lottery Giveaway / Contest System

    It’s very feature rich and I tested it meticulously as well. I’m very proud of it.

    It’s a plugin that you install, set your settings in the admin and your good to go.

    You can use the shortcode [lottery1] to display it on any page. With support with up to 5 lotteries running at once.

    More info and how to get it here:



    Sorry I can’t edit my post. I get a page not found .. but I have another plugin that’s not working with BuddyPress 1.5 Beta. It’s a fairly simple plugin though. But not sure why it’s not working.

    BuddyPress Activity Stream Bar



    BuddyPress 1.5 Compatibility is now complete for CubePoints Buddypress Integration as of version 1.9.3!

    Big thank you to @foxly and the team at BuddyPress-Media for helping me get this working for BuddyPress 1.5!



    I sent you a email. Change it to this. Now it’s not even showing up in the admin bar. Sorry for being a pain, just want to get this patched up.

    `add_action( ‘bp_setup_nav’, ‘bp_cubepoint_setup_globals’, 2 );
    add_action( ‘bp_setup_admin_bar’, ‘bp_cubepoint_setup_globals’, 2 );`



    @foxly Thank You. I don’t mind at all. I tried changing what you mentioned and this is what I have now.

    Now it’s not even showing up in the buddypress admin bar on the front end but does when looking at the admin area. But it’s still acting the same as before.

    `function bp_cubepoint_setup_globals() {
    global $bp, $wpdb;

    $bp->cubepoint->id = ‘cubepoint’;
    //$bp->cubepoint->table_name = $wpdb->base_prefix . ‘cubepoints’;
    $bp->cubepoint->table_name = $wpdb->prefix . ‘cubepoints’;

    // custom SLUG
    //$bp->cubepoint->slug = ‘cubepoints’;
    $bg_cp_custom_slug = get_option( ‘bp_slug_cp_bp’ );
    $bp->cubepoint->slug = $bg_cp_custom_slug;

    $bp->cubepoint->points_slug = ‘points’;
    $bp->cubepoint->table_slug = ‘table’;
    $bp->cubepoint->earnpoints_slug = ‘earnpoints’;
    $bp->cubepoint->awards_slug = ‘awards’;
    $bp->cubepoint->bp_cubepoint_per_page = get_option(‘bp_points_logs_per_page_cp_bp’);

    // Notifications
    //$bp->cubepoint->format_notification_function = ‘bp_cp_awards_format_notifications’;

    /* Register this in the active components array */
    $bp->active_components[$bp->cubepoint->slug] = $bp->cubepoint->id;

    if ( $bp->current_component == $bp->cubepoint->slug && $bp->cubepoint->table_slug != $bp->current_action ){
    if ( $bp->current_component == $bp->cubepoint->slug && $bp->cubepoint->table_slug == $bp->current_action ){

    * In versions of BuddyPress 1.2.2 and newer you will be able to use:
    * add_action( ‘bp_setup_globals’, ‘bp_cubepoint_setup_globals’ );
    // Pre-BuddyPress 1.5 Beta
    // add_action( ‘wp’, ‘bp_cubepoint_setup_globals’, 2 );
    add_action( ‘bp_setup_nav’, ‘bp_cubepoint_setup_globals’, 2 );
    add_action( ‘admin_menu’, ‘bp_cubepoint_setup_globals’, 2 );`



    Hi, I’m the creator of the CubePoints Buddypress Integration plugin. I updated my test site to WP 3.2.1 and BuddyPress 1.5 Beta 2.

    I moved the admin menu to be under Cubepoints a few versions back so that still works. The items in the BuddyPress Admin menu are still there but when I go to the cubepoints pages on the front end (profile) I get “Page not found”.

    This is what I have for the link

    $cubepoint_link = ($bp->displayed_user->id ? $bp->displayed_user->domain : $bp->loggedin_user->domain) . $bp->cubepoint->slug . ‘/’;

    Based on this I tried this…

    $cubepoint_link = bp_get_root_domain() . ‘/’ . $bp->cubepoint->slug . ‘/’;

    This is the result:

    My Account > Points =

    Which is correct URL wise but still shows “Page not found”

    If I go to

    My Account > Points > My Points (anything in the submenu) =

    What do I need to do? Here is my file so far. What I changed is line 131

    Also on my site site I get redirected to my home page when I tried to navigate to the activity streams for myself or the global one. On how the forums work now. If a group is private/hidden are the forum topics only visible to those in the group?





    @mrwweb Sorry I did, I had this set to yes “Disable global forum directory?:” turning it to no fixed it.

    Under BuddyPress > General Settings



    @tamilbeam I have a similar issue. I reply to a update. Shows it, but when I refresh the reply to the update is gone …



    @odiggy That fixed it thank you so much!



    Ok, just uploaded a new version with the js/css fix. I’ll have to look at the loader stuff another day… thanks for the help guys.

    @bowromir ok, new version is up. Let me know if that fixes the issue.



    @bowromir Thanks, totally spaced that for some reason. I need to finish up some work then I’ll correct that error. Sorry about that.

    @hnla Guess I’ll add a loader file ..



    @hnla Plugin is now live! But on the BuddyPress site how can I get rid of the warning message?

    “Warning: This plugin has not been tested with the latest version of BuddyPress”



    `#bp_activity_bar ul li a {color:#ddd; border:0;}`

    The above did work, always nice to slim down the CSS :) Thanks!



    Ah so like this:
    `#bp_activity_bar ul li link {color:#ddd;}
    #bp_activity_bar ul li a:visited {color:#ddd;}
    #bp_activity_bar ul li a:active {color:#ddd;}
    #bp_activity_bar ul li a:hover {color:#ddd;}
    #bp_activity_bar ul li img {border:0;}`

    That did it! Whew, that’s a big load off my mind, lol. Thank you for being patient with me hnla.



    I have yes, even tried a new fresh browser. Try mousing over one of the links in the activity and it will turn white.



    @hnla Actually on my buddy’s site – the links are still getting the white from my plugin and it shouldn’t be. Same goes for my test site .. mmmm

    The plugin pulls the last 20 buddypress activities and rotates threw them at the bottom of the screen.



    See I knew it was something simple, lol. Thank you SOO much for your speedy assistance. I’ll just need to tidy up some things and then I’ll submit it to the wordpress plugin directory sometime this week.



    I had my friend try it and see how all the text and links are white on the main BuddyPress Activity Stream and should not be? The bar at the bottom is correct though style wise. I’m not a CSS Guru, I’m sure it’s something simple, but I’m just not seeing it.



    @hnla Correct, but it’s not working correctly. It’s also styling the primary activity stream on buddypress.



    Nothing yet :(



    @travel-junkie Can you explain what each of the functions are doing? I’m still not fully understanding this.. sorry :(

    I’ve looked at the skeleton component but it’s so different from what I’m trying to do. I don’t want to give another person a “high five” or accept a agreement.





    @aendrew Did you have any luck with this?

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