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Activity Stream Ads

  • @tommyhares


    Hello, is there an easy way of adding google adsens throughout the activity feed? It has to work with the ajax ‘Load More’ button in placing ads every 10th update. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.

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  • @truelux


    I’m looking for a solution to this as well.



    Here’s my solution… Place this into your child-theme’s / BuddyPress activity-loop.php

    <?php $number = 1;
    	while ( bp_activities() ) : bp_the_activity();
    	if ($number == 10){
    		echo 'ADSENSE_CODE_HERE';
    	$number++; ?>

    This makes the content appear after the first 10 activity streams but then it goes by every 20. Works for me though 🙂


    function activity_ads() {
      global $activities_template;
      $item_1 = $activities_template->activities[1];
      $item_11 = $activities_template->activities[11];
      $item_18 = $activities_template->activities[18];
      $item_26 = $activities_template->activities[26];
      $item_36 = $activities_template->activities[36];
      $item_46 = $activities_template->activities[46];
      $item_55 = $activities_template->activities[55];
      $item_65 = $activities_template->activities[65];
      $item_73 = $activities_template->activities[73];
      $item_92 = $activities_template->activities[92];
      $item_102 = $activities_template->activities[102];
      $item_127 = $activities_template->activities[127];
      if ( $item_1->id === $activities_template->activity->id || $item_11->id === $activities_template->activity->id || $item_18->id === $activities_template->activity->id || $item_26->id === $activities_template->activity->id || $item_36->id === $activities_template->activity->id || $item_46->id === $activities_template->activity->id || $item_55->id === $activities_template->activity->id || $item_65->id === $activities_template->activity->id || $item_73->id === $activities_template->activity->id || $item_92->id === $activities_template->activity->id || $item_102->id === $activities_template->activity->id || $item_127->id === $activities_template->activity->id ) { ?>
        <li class="ad">
          <div class="activity-content">
            <!-- Ad code here -->
      <?php }
    add_action( 'bp_before_activity_entry', 'activity_ads' );

    Works if you need exact intervals.




    I tried this but it limited my ability to toggle between activity streams. For example when I went from “all members” to “friends” and the activity feed didn’t load. I have to refresh the page to get it to load. This is fine for a desktop but unworkable on a mobile.

    Any solution?



    Any one how to make @tommyhares code work. it is working but has little problem as @notright mentioned here. i think everyone would like to see that work



    I tried truelux’s code in the Nouveau activity-loop and that seems to work fine even when switching streams, why not use that? The key to it is to make sure you over-write the existing while ( bp_activities() ) : bp_the_activity(); which that code to get it working.



    i tried trulux code but problem still exist For example when I went from “all members” to “friends” and the activity feed didn’t load. I have to refresh the page to get it to load. as mentioned by notright. i cannot use nouveau because my theme donot support it.



    For me it works, both on Legacy and on Nouveau



    ya i know it is working but has some problem as mentioned by @notright



    I can switch between views and it still works



    i couldn’t configure what is the problem,if it is working on your side then may be i have problem with my theme



    the problem started when you ad your ads script code




    I tried this but it limited my ability to toggle between activity streams. For example when I went from “all members” to “friends” and the activity feed didn’t load. I have to refresh the page to get it to load.

    I have found the solution to this problem. Just add this CSS to your styles:

    .buddypress .content div.activity {
        display: block !important;
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