I’m advised by Buddyboss support to call the sidebar on this page: /buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/registration/register.php … I am editing the right file?
@style960 No idea why their support is advising you to call the sidebar on the bp-default theme instead of using BP theme compatibility as we have no access to the premium theme. Perhaps you just need to clarify what they really meant by asking them to provide you with an example. Surely, you are not the only on who wants a sidebar in that theme.
@mercime If you visit http://falcon.everygoalmatters.com you can see the sidebar is present on every page. I set the ‘left sidebar’ template for the Register page, but no sidebar displayed. I then contact Buddyboss support who advised of the page template above to edit. Which I’ve also done, but still no sidebar will show. Off the top of my head, is it not the case that the Register page has no call to sidebar? I’ve swapped around with a few themes recently and saw the same issue on each one.
@style960 Based on the markup of your Register page, you’re using a full-width page template. Perhaps if you change it to default page template, the modifications you made will show up. Again, this is only guesswork as I am not familiar with your theme.