ARGH — A ‘horizontal ellipsis’ is preventing display of ‘group description’
The damnedest thing — in my ‘group description’ there are only the first few characters of a group description allowed, then there is a ‘horizontal ellipsis’ that appears there…and prevents the rest of the description from showing. That wouldn’t be such a big deal if I was limited on space and had super long descriptions. Thing is, I’m not limited on space; group descriptions I’m writing are short. And there are only 5 characters allowed before the ‘horizontal ellipsis’ appears.
I don’t ever want to see the horizontal ellipsis appear on my site. Not ever. It’s pointless. It is visual clutter. And seeing as how it only allows 5 characters to show before IT shows, it’s getting in the way of showing a proper group description — which is a bad thing.
How do I disable the ‘horizontal ellipsis’ from appearing there — make sure it is NEVER used in any group description…?
Thanks in advance for any and all assistance. I’m providing a screenshot of a dummy group I’ve created. In that screenshot you’ll notice I’ve created a dummy group to illustrate what I’m referring to.
– The name of the dummy group: ‘group name goes here’
– The description of the same dummy group: ‘group description goes here’As you can see, the group name is present, fully. The group description only allows the first 5 characters (plus a space) before the horizontal ellipsis appears there, and prevents the rest of the group description from showing.
Forgive me for asking for your help on yet another issue, @prashantvatsh but you are truly my hero now, and seem to be the smartest person on this entire site. Any ideas on what I’m struggling with above?
Thanks in advance for any help!!! <3
of course, if anyone else has any idea how to solve this, i’m open to that too!!
oh and P.S.: the screenshot i pasted (above) is from the groups list that a member is part of on the site — this issue is not happening within group pages themselves….only in the directory/total listing of groups that a member is part of.
I have tested the same with one of the default themes twenty-seventeen. Please see:
As you can see I am on the page where all the groups are listed, I am a member of. So it seems the theme you are using is creating that issue.
@prashantvatsh thank you for the response <3
unfortunately i have since changed themes and deactivated plugins and…..still got the same result.
tbh it’s been a bothersome thing since i started using BP but i ignored it….when i make a shorter group description like i did above, it cuts off the majority of the description and adds the ellipsis in the group description when it’s seen in the groups directory.
is there any way to make an equivalent to the CSS ‘!important’ designation in PHP to override this bizarre, annoying ellipsis thing? whatever the source, there HAS to be a way to create a command that overrides the presence of the ellipsis in the site. i never will use it anywhere else….so if i could disable it site-wide i’d be fine with that.
I think you are using nouveau template pack because in the legacy it is not the case.
But with nouveau also they have provided a filter
apply_filters( 'bp_excerpt_length', $length );
which one can use to write their function to change the length of the excerpt.
add_filter( 'bp_excerpt_length', 'ps_change_excerpt_length',10,1 ); function ps_change_excerpt_length($length){ $length = '200'; // One can change to any number return $length; }
Please try the above snippet.
as usual, @prashantvatsh you are the man — a true master of buddypress! <3
got it right! it IS apparently a ‘nouveau’ issue…..perhaps that should be addressed in a future update? i’m likely not the only one puzzled at this.
note: i realized at some point that the last 20 characters — no matter how long the description — would always be cut off. this of course causes great display problems with group descriptions that are short (as was the case in my initial screenshot within the introduction text of this post…).
so i created a new group (actually a few but this is the last one) to make sure i wasn’t imagining things. and yep — no matter how many times i changed the group description length, it would always cut off the last 20 characters. the group description could be 300 characters or 30. always just the last 20 characters were cut off.
this works though! perfectly, i might add.
thank you once again for this solid solution!!
screenshot of how this played out, before and after your solution:
Glad to help you
It’s not an issue. They have already provided a filter to change it to any length you want. So, I do not take it as an issue.
Ok, this works for me, thank you.
But still in single group, in the group header, the group description will be shortened so oddly!
Is there also a way to change that?I´m using bp nouveau and 2015 theme.
Found a solution:
replaced line 61
in /wp-content/plugins/buddypress/bp-templates/bp-nouveau/buddypress/groups/single/cover-image-header.php<?php bp_group_description(); ?>
<?php bp_nouveau_group_description_excerpt(); ?>
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