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Avatar uploads – Mac – fine, Windows – not fine.

  • Latest WP and BP installed, all working fine.

    User accounts created all on same level (admin).
    Uploading avatars from my mac – all work fine – tried different accounts etc.
    Uploading from a Windows XP machine and the “Please upload only JPG, GIF or PNG photos” error is shown.

    The image used is a jpg and I have managed to upload fine from my machine.

    I have only tried on the 2 machines and am waiting for an external person to try as well but, in the meantime, any ideas why this problem would occur?


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  • @mercime


    == Uploading from a Windows XP machine ==
    Curious what browser/s are you using on Windows XP? Try Firefox/Chrome.

    What type of file are you uploading? What, exactly, is the file name? And any chance you can upload it somewhere so that we can download it and test?

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