John, the posts in bbpress should show in sitewide activity. If they are not then something isn’t working right. I did hook the bbpress topic and post creation and send them over to bp and stuff them in activity. I see such things showing in my sitewide activity. So should you.
Lemme know.
One thing. The new post info and event only gets sent over to bp if the group forum is a ‘public’ group forum. Non group forum activity is ignored as is private and hidden group forums. Sitewide activity doesn’t get updated for the private and hidden stuff in bp.
Can’t send over the ‘open’/’community’ forum posts because the sitewide activity has to be associated with a group.
Yes, it is certainly not working correctly for me then. Crud. Yeah even when I try to post in the group forum through buddy press, it doesn’t work… Hmms… I’m going to need to retrace my steps this evening and see what is amiss…
I understand what you’re saying about non-group forums, and that makes perfect sense. I may eventually migrate all of my forums to be group forums, but we’ll see how things go…
Question. If I edit the group and disable the forum all together, what should happen? Currently, it seems to do nothing. It doesn’t delete the forum, and it doesn’t hide it from the view of bbPress. It just hides it from the BP group forum area.
This may be a silly question to ask at this point in the game but in the bbPress forums area of the site admin where it says “The username for the user (with admin rights) that you created for BuddyPress integration” is it safe to assume that this is the original admin user?
If bp group forums posts aren’t showing then ya gotta take a look at why.
If you just ‘disable’ the forum then all you are doing is hiding the forum interface in the group from group members. No, it doesn’t do anything on the bbpress side either. The forum is still there. I’m not sure what the utility is for having the enable/disable ability.
The buddypress user in Site Admin > bbPress Forums area is talking about the user that you create for bp/bbpress integration. The purpose of that user is to have a valid user on the bbpress side that has ‘forum creation’ rights. So it has to be an administrator role in bbpress.
I’m not sure who the ‘original admin user’ you are talking about is.
I would maybe think a good utility would be to hook into the visibility of the forum in buddypress, and simply hide the forum on disable, and show it on enable. Then again, since that is a core BP function, it wouldn’t really know how to do that without your plugin. Hmm…
About the ‘original admin user,’ when you first install wpmu, the user with the name ‘admin’ is created. Then when you integrate bbPress into it, you typically use that same ‘admin’ as your key master user.
Is there an easy way to follow the path that creating a group forum topic takes? For some reason right now they’re not communicating because even if I create a topic in bbPress, BuddyPress doesn’t load it.
bp isn’t seeing group forum topics created in bbpress? It should. If you can create a topic in a group forum from the bp side it should show in the bbpress side. If you create a topic in that same forum on the bbpress side it should show in the group forum as a new topic on the bp side.
This is just standard bp/bbpress. Has nothing to do with bbGroups plugin. That’s not happening?
No it’s not, and I’m certainly not blaming this plugin because it’s doing exactly what it should. This is definitely just a misalignment on my end. Just need to figure out what. The forum was originally made from BuddyPress, so I wonder what I changed to cause it to stop working. I’ll figure it out today and report back.
Burt, I’m not seeing bbpress post show up in sitewide activity, although everything else seems to be working fine. Could you point me to where you set the hook to stuff topic and post creation into activity so that I could try to run down the problem? Thanks.
anyone ?
Everything is working starting from forum integration. Posting from buddypress or bbpress. All post shows up in the group forum itself.
Just that, new topic, post reply for group forums are not showing in sitewide activity ? How can i do ?
. Please help me.
And one more thing is, group wire supposed to be shown in the side wide activity as well ?
I am using Buddy Press 1.0 , BBpress 1.0 Rc1