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blogs in buddypress

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  • @synaptic


    most people get this functionality by installing a membership plugin like S2

    there are many more, just do a search for membership plugin wordpress in the official plugin repository or google



    @marathifacebook First of all, I suggest that you change your domain name to exclude facebook unless you have a written permission from the organization. Facebook has previously won trademark lawsuits against the owners of domains that included the “Facebook” name, such as and etc. You wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of a lawsuit, would you?

    As for your query about public and private blog posts, you can already do that using the privacy setting on the metabox in write/edit panel …




    basically I could not find plugin where people can create blog posts

    fregarding facebook,they are welcome,I can negotiate to sell to them




    all plugins I found are groupblog and they were useless for me
    over buddypress cant install S2



    @marathifacebook sorry, they will not try to buy your domain name, they will sue you to get it. or just use online search

    BP members blog from front end



    thats plugin I already checked but it does not have public and private posts



    @marathifacebook and @mercime, just an FYI regarding the “Facebook” issue. If you Google that topic, you will see that “Facebook” is no longer required to “sue” you, they will simply have the domain taken down, similar to the lawsuit won by “Craig’s List” which also won the right to do the same. They will not even give consideration to “purchasing” your domain…they already own it by copyright and trademark law, and just ANY name that includes the actual spelling of “f-a-c-e-b-o-o-k” applies.

    A friend of mine had a similar issue and it takes about 2 weeks after your site hits the search engines for them to find it and you will be notified by the domain registrar that you have infringed on the copyright and the domain will be taken. No lawsuit necessary due a precedence case already having been tried. You will, however, be given the option to “change” the name to something…more suitable…at least in the eyes of “Facebook” and “Craig’s List”. So, “good luck” with that one…

    In reference to your question regarding public and private blog posts, try the Advance Post Privacy Plug-in…however, it has not been tested with v3.5.1, so check it out first, but I have used it before and it works quite nicely allowing you to make certain posts private or not. I don’t know how well it functions with BuddyPress, but I know it is compatible with S2 which is a great membership plugin that works great!



    Advance Post Privacy will work if member able to blog 🙁

    social engine seems far better



    Why not add the “BuddyBlog” plugin and give your members the opportunity to blog! It’s a great “free plugin”…I am going to add it to our own site shortly. We are in the process of creating a brand new site right now and it’s not ready to launch yet, but we are planning on including it in our site.

    Since I have not used the plugin myself, I don’t have a lot to contribute on it’s function, but from what I have heard, the plugin works wonderfully and if that’s true, it should give you everything you need. I’m sure there are lots of members out here that do use the plugin that could give you more information, but from your description, it might give you all the functionality that you need. I was also reading the “BuddyBlog” info last night and in the support blog, there is someone who actually has the code that allows members to blog, but does NOT give them ANY access to the back-end…a great function that would ensure security along with giving members the ability to blog.



    when searched in plugin repositery buddyblog was not present @ldjautobody

    it dont have privacy settings 🙁

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