In another post of yours, you said that you have such a problem with the profile tab also.
It seems that your theme is lacking some required buddypress components or some are not working.
copy all the required components from the “plugins/buddypress/bp-themes/bp-default/” to your current theme.
@frenx4u The profile issue has been resolved using the suggested advice:
Just need to sort out my Create a Group link and widget drop-downs now and everything post bp 1.5 will be back online 
@frenx4u Do I just copy the /bp-default/groups/ folder to the corresponding folder in my Custom Community Pro theme? A little worried about messing up the work sorting out the profile which sits in the same Root directory!
Will check back here later or tomorrow.
Is my issue similar to your?
Since 1.5 i’m not able to create groups in buddypress. Have a look at my debug list.Please help me! Thx! Jack
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