[Correction] “our” 260,000 users of course, not “your”
[Update] We also passed on the same to the commercial vendor of the chatand messenger system, as we learned from the “links” problem with 2.2 that changes had been made to BP, which were (apparently) not communicated to developers:
“In 2.2 weβve introduced a bp_is_active() check in the function bp_core_get_directory_page_ids(), i think itβs the reason why this problem has occured with this plugin.”
Hi @scaffies
Thanks for the report. Whilst this won’t resolve the issue, it might be worth mentioning that the BuddyPress team don’t reach out directly to plugin developers before each update. However, developers that choose to integrate their plugin with BuddyPress are urged to check the blog for important updates on upcoming releases. Beta versions and release candidates are made available which allow for some testing time before ‘go live’.
Hope this info helps.
Now, on to the issues at hand. Is it possible to provide a link to the Chat and Messenger plugins? I’ll try to take a look to see what the issue could be.
In the mean time, please try to let these developers know (via their support channels) there’s an issue and hopefully they’ll be able to look into a hotfix if one is needed.
I responded to you at length, with links to the plugin vendor, but the message did not post after hitting SUBMIT (waiting for approval due to the links included?)
and thank you for the response.
Of course we do not know how this all works with the development; but of course one would think since BuddyPress thrives on all the other plug-in developers for it, it would make some kind of an effort to communicate important changes, instead of just doing it, and saying “well if you guys don’t check our blog for changes…”?
This upgrade broke so many things, and so severely that we cannot even load the admin interfaces for both the chat and the messenger in the WP dashboard:
NSFW: http://scaffies.nl/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/flashchat-admin-panel.png
From the Plugin Page:
NSFW: http://scaffies.nl/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/chat-messenger-plugins.png
These are the (Commercial) plugins – meaning we pay for both, several hundred $ per year:
NSFW: http://scaffies.nl/wordpress/wp-admin/plugin-install.php?tab=plugin-information&plugin=wordpress-chat-plugin-by-123-flash-chat&TB_iframe=true&width=600&height=550
NSFW: http://scaffies.nl/wordpress/wp-admin/plugin-install.php?tab=plugin-information&plugin=wordpress-instant-messaging&TB_iframe=true&width=600&height=550
We also informed the vendor in Hongkong about it (by email, since we could not submit a support ticket through the admin interface…):
NSFW: http://scaffies.nl/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/FlashChat-Support-re-BP-2-2.png
We certainly appreciate every bit of help we can get!
(Creator & Admin of Scaffies – in Dallas, Texas)
@scaffies It is advisable if you run a mission critical that you don’t update it directly but first test things on a staging site or site running on your localhost machine this way you’ll trap problems and be able to ask around or pass on info to plugin developers.
With your links could you place a prominent NSFW before and after each one if they lead to any material that people might find offensive, this is a public forum and people may be accessing from work machines ( NSFW = Not Safe For Work) in some countries employees cab be sacked for accessing certain sites on employers machines. π
We did put “NSFW” in front of every link to potentially irritating content, after the very first of our posts (problem with links) was changed today to include the reference.
Post to admin screen shots etc were not tagged with “NSFW” as they only show the admin interface (and the BuddyPress problems)
We have great respect for peopls work lifes π
@hnla added NSFW to them all.
as for staging, I think we learned that lesson today.
We had some issues before with updates, but nothing remotely as bas as the BP 2.2 update.
We run a not-for-profit site, even though one with a significant following, and this puts yet another strain on volunteer admins — but obviously, this cannot be avoided.
I hope you can recover the message previously posted by Stukka (the other Josh), which the system did not publish here in this thread.
Josh (also in Dallas)
thanks @mercime – we will then tag them all NSFW going forward.
being a keymaster, I hope you can recover the message previously posted by Stukka (the other Josh), which the system did not publish here in this thread.
Thank you!
@scaffies Can’t see the reply you mention, what is the username?
And thanks for adding the NSFW.
same username (scaffies) .. all the admins log in with the same name.
Josh / Stukka wrote a long answer before, with links to screenshots and links to the chat vendors’ products, and when submitted it simply did not show.
this was about 1 minute before his post above, which reads “I responded to you at length, with links to the plugin vendor, but the message did not post after hitting SUBMIT (waiting for approval due to the links included?)”
We get frequently similar issues, when a comment / post is held for moderation. Hope this helps. Writing it again would be a pain, plus it may not post again.
@r-a-y AWESOME, thank you for restoring (approving) the post.
Would have been a pain to re-type π
Brandon, London
Both Chat and Messenger now work again – we did not change anything on Scaffies, so assume our vendor for both products fixed the issue on the code they run remotely?
Thanks to everyone who helped!
we just received “official” confirmation from our Chat & Messenger vendor in Hongkong that they completed the adaptation to the new BuddyPress code last night, shortly after we reported the trouble after the BP v2.2 update, breaking both products.
Thanks to them and everyone else who helped resolve these issues!
Brandon, London UK
for the Scaffies Admin Team.
Could you tell us what precisely they had to change?
We did not get any technical details. Quote:
We just fixed the server issue, everything is fine now.
Sorry for the troubles we brings to you, and thanks so much for your understanding!
Here is the screenshot of the email:
NSFW: http://scaffies.nl/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Chat-Support-Ticket-WRS.png
You are most welcome to contact our vendor in Hongkong with the ticket number and ask for technical details (I wouldn’t understand what they mean, anyway, I am afraid).
host [at] 123flashchat.com
(It is called “flash” but in fact we use the HTML5 version)