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Buddymatic theme framework

  • @wpmuguru


    Yesterday I added Buddymatic to the theme repository.

    On a standard WordPress or WordPress MU blog the framework is 100% compatible with Thematic. On a BuddyPress home blog, the framework provides full BuddyPress functionality. On a BuddyPress member blog, the BuddyPress admin bar retains the look and feel of the BuddyPress home blog admin bar.

    This is a framework and you can create BuddyPress child themes for it. Thematic child themes are compatible with this framework. A Thematic child theme may require additional styling for the BuddyPress components.

    The zip archive contains two child themes: Coffee with Friends by Daisy Olsen and a sample child theme that contains the CSS framwork for building your own child theme.

    Requires BP 1.1 or higher.

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  • @johnjamesjacoby


    Saw Ron present this at WordCamp NYC. Totally worth checking out.



    I think this is a great startingpoint for a BuddyPress site.. I really like the Thematic framework, and I will start looking into making a child theme for this.. Thanks for all the hard work you have done with this, and I have a feeling that this could be a big step forward for BP theming-wise!



    We are in process of relaunching If you do release a child theme for download, let us know and we’ll list it.



    Great stuff, thanks! I will definitely be checking it out.



    This looks amazing, thanks!



    How do you make the custom child themes, from work? WordPress MU can’t seem to see them, when I upload them.



    Figured it out.

    To anyone wondering, just change “Template: thematic” to “Template: buddymatic” in the style.css

    I haven’t gotten any of the child themes from here to work properly with buddypress. They all seem to have formatting errors, and sometimes php errors.

    Should they all work fine? Am I doing something wrong?

    Sorry for the triple post.



    You may need to do some extra styling on the child theme to get them to look right with the buddypress elements. But the buddymatic framwork has most of the work done for you.

    Not sure about the php errors – depends on what they are. Ron’s been testing the Early Morning child theme as well.



    Thanks Andrea. I was never aware of the thematic framework before, so this is opening up some awesome new doors for me, in general, since my knowledge of theming is somewhat limited at this point. :-)

    I’ve noticed a bug with IE and the navigation menu in buddymatic. In Firefox and Google Chrome the menu appears as it should but, in IE it does not load properly. Does this happen to anyone else, when testing it on IE7 or 8? I have buddymatic installed on, for you to check.



    You can create a buddypress.css in the child theme folder and it will automatically be included in the theme if BP is detected. In it, you can override any of the BP styling from the parent theme or BP.



    People would need to be logged in to see the admin bar flydown navigation.

    Try adding

    #wp-admin-bar ul li ul ul { margin-top: -32px; }

    to the buddypress.css I mentioned in the previous post



    Thanks for the response Ron.

    I have done what you asked but the problem still persists. It is not a problem with the admin bar / flydown navigation, but with the main navigation bar. It does not change if I am logged in or not.

    Here’s a screenshot of the error in IE.



    Friggin’ IE….

    Ron or I don’t have IE, so if someone manages to fix it before we get to it, GREAT! :D You have our undying love.

    It looks really nice and clean! Thanks.



    I will let you know if I figure anything out for the IE error.

    Here’s some screenshots of the errors i’m having with some of the child themes. Forgive me if this is a noobish question but, are these the typical kind of CSS errors, due to buddypress integration?

    Aether Child:

    Gallery Child:

    Commune Child:



    Sorry I hadn’t checked back sooner. Do the links still work?



    found it. In the buddymatic framework if you open library/extensions/buddypress-extensions.php on line 97 is

    "<a href=...

    add a > after the quote at the beginning

    "><a href=...

    I’ll have that fixed in the next release



    This theme was so easy to install! I have it up and running on a test site, and it works great for the most part. I am having trouble with blog links though. Links to individual posts, comments, categories, archive pages, etc. do not work – the “not found” page displays. Any idea what could be causing this?



    Sorry, I should have investigated a bit before I wrote my previous post. Looks like the 404 error isn’t specific to this theme – I have tried another theme and get the same problem.



    That’s a mod_rewrite issue. Either it’s not installed on your server, or the htaccess file isn’t being read.

    just tell your webhost support that your WP permalinks aren’t working. They should know what to do then. :)



    btw,try to re save the permalink ,and It will be hopefully solved.

    try this


    and just click save.

    Go and check,this should solve your problem.In WordPress Mu 2.8.x I have seen this as a common issue and after re saving the permalink ,the problem went away most of the times.



    Permalinks were set to a custom setting, so I switched to default and now everything is working just fine. Thanks for your help! :) I’ve been using regular WordPress for a while, but MU and Buddypress have me kind of flummoxed.



    The new version is now available at

    Also, if you have a minute, can you give it a rating. Someone gave it a rating of 1.



    Hi Guys,

    Is this intended to be a theme for my main site? meaning.. for my buddypress site… though, i realize the obvious answer is “it could be” – can it be a substitue for my current “bp-default” (buddypress child theme)



    heh.. nevermind.. I gave it a whirl.. pretty cool!

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