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BuddyPress 1.5 compatibility for plugins and themes

  • @karmatosed


    Please let us know here of any compatibility issues or plugins / themes that work already for BuddyPress 1.5 during the pre-release phase. That way we can make sure people know when they can upgrade and update the codex with a list.

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  • @boonebgorges


    Sure thing – thanks @karmatosed.



    Thank you :)




    Hey guys, this is the code you need to paste to the wiki page to get it to work properly … ;)








    Any word on a revised bp-template-pack plugin for 1.5? Just spent half a day trying to shoot from the hip but failed and reverted. The new files under members/single in the bp-default were particularly confusing.



    @archonic bp-template-pack will be updated for 1.5, yes. What about the members/single files was particularly confusing?

    @foxly Thanks for the new links. I’ve made the change.



    @foxly and others – Just wanted to drop a note about a recent commit where I made a minor adjustment to the new load order that should help a lot with plugin backward compatibility. In particular, plugins that are using the (old and incorrect but functional in 1.2.x) method of hooking their global and nav setup routines to ‘wp’ and ‘admin_menu’, which wasn’t working in earlier revs of BP trunk, should now be working. See for more explanation.

    That said, you should do the right thing and update your plugin so that it does it correctly: set up your globals at bp_setup_globals and your nav at bp_setup_nav!



    @boonebgorges ignore me! i thought the only files in “single” before were groups and plugins with none of the folders. not the case.



    @archonic Consider yourself ignored ;)



    I was posting on a StudioPress forum about their efforts to upgrade their Genesis Connect plugin for compatibility with v1.5 and asked about the recommended install process (uninstall/re-install). The answer in part was:

    “There are BP 1.2.9 functions calls in GC 1.0.7 that are not in the BP 1.5 beta-2. If you leave GC 1.0.7 active and upgrade BP, you end up with call to undefined function errors both in the front end and in the admin area of your site.”

    BP 1.5 seems like a major move and, from what I’ve seen as I begin to look at it, a very beneficial move. However, it also seems, from the discussion in this forum, to be a move with big impact in terms of plugins. I’m new here, but on that basis I have a question:

    Would it have been possible or make sense to ease the transition in some cases by providing some adapter functions that would translate old replaced functions with re-directions to their new counterparts? The old functions could then be identified as deprecated and removed at a later date, but in the immediate horizon some plugin modules might continue to work rather than needing to be modified or abandoned? Simply dropping stuff without fair warning seems drastic.

    It might not be possible in all cases, but it might help with the transition. I know a lot of people want to move forward to the new v1.5 and this type of code strategy might help.

    Just a thought.

    BTW – I’m beginning to play with beta 5029 and it looks fantastic! Great job … you guys did a lot of good work!



    I’ve been trying to get a theme BP 1.5 ready for a while now and can’t seem to get it. The template pack worked great for 1.2.9 and I’ve tried the same instructions with some patchwork for 1.5 (such as grabbing the template files from the svn instead of the plugin folder). Things show fine (mostly) but replies, posts and other ajax tasks aren’t completing. Using firebug and posting a group update (what’s new) shows the response from wp-load.php to be totally blank.

    This is it theme working with BP 1.2.9 on staging:

    This is it it not working with BP 1.5 rev 5086 on development:

    You can log in with “student”, “student” on both sites to see what I mean. I’m assuming all issues (can’t post update, can’t post new topic, can’t delete, comment or reply, etc) with 1.5 are due to the same big fumble. Switching to the default theme doesn’t make it work either!



    BuddyPress Registration Options is not working with 1.5. I really need this.



    I’ve got default working now. The WP plugin “Nivo Sider for WordPress” breaks pretty much all interaction just by being activated. I’m guessing it’s 1 or more conflicting .js files. I have the same plugin working fine with BP 1.2.9 but the plugin has a number of issues, definitely don’t mind using a different, more friendly slider plugin.



    For anyone looking, use the most recent github version of bp-template-pack for getting your theme BP 1.5 compatible – Be wary of jquery conflicts and note that you may need to use the old method of editing 13 files instead of the more graceful method mentioned in the instructions.



    Events Manager doesn’t produce any errors with BP.

    yipee, one less thing to fix :)

    also, great look and improvement guys, love the way BP has grown and improved so much since the early beta days



    can’t edit my comment, but meant to say works with BP 1.5



    Thanks to those that updated this it’s still a really important thread. I’ve been out for a little bit but trying to get back into seeing what’s being updated now. I think I’m right in saying @Foxly and the great bpmedia team are firmly on top of the spreadsheets for this.

    Yes, the template pack git page is a great one as that’s where you get the work in progress version – so great to see things happening before even release.

    As 1.5 approaches it’s going to be so tempting to just switch but this list and the links in the codex should hopefully bring a pause for caution to some minds. In most cases as seen you’ll be fine but a pause never causes an issue.




    WangGuard woks fine with BuddyPress 1.5




    Cool thank you for updating us – hopefully we’ll see this list at 100% in the next few days now 1.5 is out in the wild.



    @Pisanojm and everyone what do you suggest for a site that does not want to live without the following plugins “activity bump to top, buddypress like, buddypress follow, profile privacy” but definitely wants to keep up to date and upgrade to 1.5? these are key features of our community and are currently listed as Fail for BP 1.5 …any advice would be appreciated



    BP User Profile Map seems to be working nicely on BP 1.5 / WP 3.2.1. See in action here



    Also, Custom Profile Filters seems to be working fine with BP 1.5 / WP 3.2.1.

    BuddyPress Groups Extra not fully compatible.. testet on debbug mode



    BuddyPress Private Community is in the Fail list here, however the error listed in this table seems to be for another plugin.

    When I install Private Community, it does create a php error, but I found this error is not created by the plugin, but by a BuddyPress bug described here:

    I have made the fixes described for this bug, and Private Community now seems to be working, although I am still testing.



    BP Xtra Signup is in the PASS list on

    Works perfectly in single site setup.


    On a multisite set-up with buddypress root blog on a subdirectory BP Xtra Signup’s settings page does not show up and so it can’t be used.

    Thanks for your great work. Would like to have this confirmed/contradicted if possible.



    So did 1.5 solve any of these across the board issues with plugin compatibility or are we still waiting for all of them to be fixed? Also does anyone know how I could personally fix the Facebook login plguin for buddypress so it works with 1.5?

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