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Buddypress 1.5 using too much resource??

  • echiomega


    Some information on the dedicated server I’m running on:

    Operating system CentOS Linux 5.6
    Kernel and CPU Linux 2.6.18-238.19.1.el5PAE on i686
    Processor information AMD Athlon(tm) II X2 250 Processor, 2 cores
    Real memory 7.93 GB total, 512.88 MB used on average

    Here are some stats of what my site was before activating buddypress plugin.

    My site is running 36 plugin and it’s running wp super cache and wp minify. On average.a cache is generated in 0.7 second and the average RAM used is 512.88 MB. But after activating buddypress, my cache is generated in around 11 seconds and the RAM used is 1.68GB.

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  • echiomega


    [Edit] I forgot to mention that my site has around 80 people online at once. (Can’t edit with the edit topic link for some reason)



    Help ??

    Buddypress is very dynamic and hard to cache. Try turning off wp super cache and wp minify and see if that helps.



    Yes i did tried it before without cache and it’s even slower without cache and minify on. Is it just because i’m using too much plugin or is it because of buddypress?
    In my old theme where i’m not running buddypress everything loads fine without high load on server.

    Just to note, I’m also experiencing buddypress using 1.5 eating memory. My site is terribly slow at the moment.

    When I disable buddypress, my site becomes lightning fast again. Specifically, when I installed I get :

    “The plugin generated 1 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice “headers already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin.”

    Did you have the same message echiomega?



    @kshirtcliffe no i didn’t get any error message when i activated buddypress 1.5, the only problem i’m having is when i activate buddypress my whole site is slowed down even wp admin is slowed down….



    Where are you hosted? Are you on windows server or elsewhere?



    @mercime The site is hosted in and for server i think it’s CentOS Linux 5.6 and if it’s not then i don’t really know.

    I got this same message:

    “The plugin generated 1 characters of unexpected output during activation. If you notice “headers already sent” messages, problems with syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing this plugin.”



    An answer to why this is happening would be great….

    I know this isn’t terribly helpful for this situation, but I have just reverted back to 1.2.10 and the memory problems have gone away. For now, I can live without the upgrade. It might not solve the problem @echioMega, but I suppose it is nice to know there is an alternative to needing and infinite amount of memory for now…

    Is returning to the old version an option for you?



    This is happening for me too. My cpu and load average is through the roof.



    @kshirtcliffe yes i’ve tried buddypress when it was at version 1.2 before and thought it was cause of a bug that it’s slow but even in 1.5 the plugin is still lagging up the whole site.

    @echiomega My site has literally thousands of pages and the first time mine was eating memory it was due to a wordpress bug with the permalinks (various strange sql queries going into infinite loops) – try changing the format of your permalinks.

    I’m not sure it’ll make a difference but worth a go?

    That just prompted me to search my inbox for the problem so this is what I wrote a few months ago when I was having that problem :
    If you’re using pretty permalinks then you have to start it with a numeric identifier like %post_id% or %hour% anything with a number in.

    %postname% on its own is fine for small sites but wordpress has a bug which sends it into database mental town for big sites.

    Just putting %post_id% in and updating all the links has reduced me from 1300queries to 37.

    Maybe even WP3 has solved the problem, to be honest, I’m one of the people who forgets about things the minute they get sorted. :/



    @kshirtcliffe I see thanks because i’m using %postname% for my permalink. I’ll give it a go and see if it works later today.

    @echiomega I’d be really interested in hearing if that works. I remember it causing me a great deal of stress.



    @kshirtcliffe tested it out today and it seem to work but still kinda slow. Have to wait and see when more visitors come to the site.

    Knight Fight


    I was having similar problems, slow to load and lots of resources. The problems seemed to dissapear when I removed a lot of the profile fields.

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